
An Everything Day

 Good morning, my friends. I'm happy to inform you that the basement is finished!!! 

The guy was here yesterday and finished it off. I hope we've seen the last of him. He'll have to come back, however, since he left an unidentifiable tool behind. Mike is pretty tool savvy, but even he didn't know what it was for. I'll take you on a little video tour eventually. I considered it yesterday, but then realized that my unrevealed art quilt is hanging in plain sight. I'll hide it somehow, and then I'll take you on a little video tour.

When the guy showed up, I was busy taking the first stitches on Block 2 for The Story of My Day. 

(Just there I had to pause to get a cup of coffee. I can hardly chat with you while holding an empty coffee cup, now can I?) I'll probably finish this up this morning, although it is a grocery shopping day. It might have to wait until we get home.

It was a dry day with periods of sunshine. It seemed like a good day to get out for a walk. I walked at the top of our hill, since that seemed to be the sunniest location. Once again, I was enchanted by the raindrops glinting in the sunshine.

There's not much to see at this time of year. On my last walk I noticed these leaves. They appear to be birch or aspen. As they're drying, they're becoming translucent, and they shine in the sun like silver coins.

Of course, the alpacas always give me something to smile about. Yesterday, their woofie friend was there too. The woofie tries to act all tough, but his tail is wagging. He's not particularly scary.

You have to admire the haircut and leggings.

It looks like some orthodontia could help.

I was wishing this white-faced one would come out from behind the gate. 

Looking off in the other direction, I could see a hawk. It was some distance away, and so I had to zoom in quite a bit. It's not a great picture, but things like this must be documented.

Back home, I iced my knees and then worked on my quilt binding. I've turned three corners now. I'm hoping to finish this off today.

Now that the basement is finished, I was able to move the wine bottles from my sewing room closet back to the wine racks against the wall. That opened up a large area for storage in the closet. I'll show you when I make the video...probably for tomorrow's post. When I'd moved things around to my satisfaction, I started on a fun little project. I used some paper and these two tools to make a little corner bookmark. Here's the tutorial I was working from. It was published back in 2014 and the link to the pattern no longer works. That was okay, I made it work for myself.

I used the top of the cookie cutter to draw the top of the heart.

The tutorial stressed that the point of the heart must be a right angle for this to work. So I drew the heart, and then lined up a small ruler to make the point at a right angle.

And there it is...one pattern created. I probably could have done this directly onto the fabric, but I was following instructions.

This wasn't a project easily suited to process pictures, and so I didn't take any. Following the tutorial, you'll get how I did this. When it was finished, it looked like this. There's a little pocket on the back.

Then I pulled a "Crazy Quilting" book off my bookshelf to give it a try. It works!

Closing the book...

Okay, so that was kind of fun. I'll give it to a friend who still reads paper books and goes to the library and everything. I had a library card for a while, but we're in an unincorporated area of the city, meaning that our tax dollars do not support the library. For me to have a library card, I have to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 per year. I can read a lot of kindle books before I'll cover that cost. So...anyway...my friend with paper books will be able to mark her place now.

And knowing I was going to be finishing my current stitching project, I went ahead and made up the sixth block for the Domestic Affairs quilt. 

I totally missed having Big Bertha with her knee lift for doing this applique. I was having to manually lift the presser foot whenever I wanted to make a turn. Also, I kept bumping my knee against my sewing table, and so serious injury was an ever-present possibility. And I had to almost teach myself to use Pfelicity Pfaff again. I had a hard time finding the right stitch, testing out about half a dozen before happening on Stitch #39, which identified itself as "pinstitch." Huh? I've never heard it called that before. Okay, so it's finished and ready for stitching now. 

With all that going on, you'd think I'd get some kitty helpers, but no. Sadie was upstairs watching the news with Mike. She likes to stay up on purrent events. She's highly critical of certain pawliticians. As you can see, she was already in a bad mood.

Okay, so grocery shopping. I might be able to put it off just a little longer. Hopefully I'll find eggs. This has been worrying me. Some of you have reported high cost, but no shortage, which makes me hopeful. Ours have been very expensive too, but until our last trip, they were always available. Now, I'm not so sure. Of course, I will report back after I've done my reconnoitering. Stay tuned.


Barbara said...

When a bookmark tumbles out of an old book pristine and unwrinkled, it is like a gasp of breath from another century. ~ Don Borchert

Anonymous said...

Yay, for a long awaited completion to your construction work!! Hopefully, you will never have to deal with anything like that again!
Love that little bookmark….I don’t read many books anymore except on my Nook. And I do read a lot on that front. Reading has always been an important pastime for me, from way back in the dark ages when I was growing up. I am actually on my second Nook, having worn out the first one a couple of years ago.
Egg prices here have skyrocketed, up to approx. three times what they were just a few months ago!!! I had not noticed any change in availability until yesterday afternoon when I went grocery shopping. Thankfully, I didn’t need eggs, but when I passed by the egg aisle, I noticed a significant drop in the amount of cartons available for purchase. I will have to try to keep stocked up. I have used EggBeaters egg substitute occasionally and they are a good substitute, in a pinch, but, of course, no where near as good as the real thing!
We are having a nasty rainy day today, but tomorrow is supposed to be around 60 degrees! We have a little bit of clean up to do outside, so hopefully that prediction for tomorrow is correct!
Sandra B

Angei said...

The plant you showed is known as a money plant in my area. My mother planted some at my house over 35 years ago and I still have them everywhere and ufo mean everywhere. The leaves you showed are filled with seeds and as they dry, the seeds fly all over the place. They are even in the woods across from my home. The dried leaves are very popular in dry flower arrangements. When they bloom in the spring, they produce the prettiest purple flowers.

Mary C said...

Maybe you need to get a few chickens to provide eggs. Then you may need to get an alpaca to guard them. Lol!

Sara said...

I’ve been planning to make some of these bookmarks too ever since seeing some online. I like your process for making the heart shape.

Christine said...

I know those seed heads as Honesty, we have white and purple flowered ones over here but the seed heads are all the same
Love the alpaca photos, they are always so cute looking.
A great big Congratulations on your build g work being finished.... There's hope for me yet!!!

CarolE said...

What a relief it must be to have the basement done! I love the alpacas!

kc said...

Well, yay for job completed! In a very short 2 weeks, we will be at one full year since we stroked a 17k check for cabinets. We are only one cabinet further along than we were 2 months ago. Still have countertops in the living room, no microwave and a dishwasher not completely installed. Not to mention, no pull out drawers, no mixer lift, and no pulls on about half the doors. But, hey, no one shot at us, we didn't have to shovel any snow, and we expect temps in the 70s tomorrow. Whoo hoo. Maybe one day I'll be able to do your happy dance too. We have alpacas about 2 miles from the new house, and they ALL have some raggedy toofies! But they sure are soft and snuggly, maybe not as snuggly as some kitties...

QuiltGranma said...

I recognize that transparent "leaf" as the seed pod for the Money Plant. The seeds are held in place by the two transparent pieces. When "ripe" they open to let the seeds scatter away. If they are not damaged by weather, they can be used in dried flower arrangements, which I prefer to cutting pretty flowers and not letting them seed. With fresh flowers you have to keep track... do they need fresh water, do I need to sort out the ones that are looking sad, is it beginning to smell?

QueenB said...

Glad to see the construction works have been completed. It all looks good. Yikes re the cost of belonging to a library. Over here in Australia it's free to belong to a regional library and we can get audio books to download on mobiles & tablets so I can listen while I sew! Love seeing your photo's of the garden and your furry four footed supurrvisors.

Kate said...

Yeah for being done with the construction work! I'm looking forward to your video tour. Hopefully you found eggs. They are expensive here, but I don't think there has been any problem finding them. Looking forward to seeing what you get back to now that the sewing room is fully functional again.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm so glad your construction work is done, finally! I sure hope you find some eggs - hubs picked some up from Kwik Trip the other day and said there were so few on the shelf. Crazy.

Karen said...

No trouble finding eggs in mid west Michigan. $5.00 a dozen. They were 69¢ a year ago. Must be their time to cry "shortage". ridiculous lots of other spaces in the store as well. We have wax paper ! Been in the 40° here, day after day. Cloudy and dark.
Glad your basement ideal is OVER!! Yea!I
Lots of new quilting projects. We've been without phone, cable, internet since Dec 26. We have a hot spot from the library. Our library taxes are $87 a year. Between the hot spot, (free, for 4 months)the free photo copies, books, etc, I do believe my tax dollars are well spent. I get my money's worthworth

Vicki W said...

Congratulations! Now you need to throw a big basement party!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yay for a happy dance and even more yay the reason for it! I was going to identify the money plant but I see someone else has. We used to grow it and I would bring some in for dried flower arrangements in the fall.
I've seen those book marks but haven't tried them because I wonder if they'll actually stay put in a book. I'll be interested to hear what your friend thinks.

Bridget said...

So glad I live near an egg farm. Eggs are plentiful and running just under $2/doz for jumbo...loved the tour of the sewing room. a couple years ago I had a "sewer pipe" leak and it soaked all my Quilter's Newsletter Magazines. Saddest day of my life when I had to throw them out. My Christmas wish would be all the issues of QNM on a digital media device. Happy Camping!