
Day-After-Halloween Horror

My day went off the rails yesterday. It was only partly my fault. I should have left the house earlier for my blood draw, but you know...I was talking to you guys, and I had a hard time tearing myself away. When I reached my doctor's lab, there were about ten people ahead of me waiting to meet their own bloodsucking fate. When my name was finally called, the lab tech told me she was "in training," and that there would be someone else in the room with us. Hm, I thought to myself. I hope she's in training on the computer, and not the needle-sticking part. Well...you can probably see where this is going. 

So, yeah, she missed the vein. I won't go into the (mercifully painless) horror of it all. But if you've ever had them try to find a vein after the stick, then you know what I'm talking about. As my anxiety grew, I started to get light-headed, and I was about to call a halt when she gave up. Together they looked at the other arm, and the "experienced person" asked the training person, "Do you want to do it, or do you want me to do it?" Nobody asked me, but I piped up anyway and told the experienced person I wanted her to do it. 

Things went better after that, but so much time had passed, I barely had time for my Egg McMuffin. Heading up the road, I passed by the first McDonald's in favor of one farther up the road and closer to my hairdresser. I thought I'd have a better idea how much time I'd have. Only...when I reached my final choice of a McDonald's I found the doors locked. People were inside. Some were even eating. It seems their "system" had gone down, and they were dead in the water insofar as food service and payment were concerned. 

By then, I was down to stopping at a convenience store. A Rice Krispies treat was the first thing I saw. That and a bottle of orange juice made up my breakfast. So, I got my hair cut, but then I still wanted my Egg McMuffin. McDonald's supposedly serves breakfast all day now, but the next one I chose cut off breakfast at 10:30 a.m. I was there at 11:00 a.m. So I got back in the car, muttering some bad words to myself, and drove home. I didn't even get my White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks. No coffee at all! Oh well. These are first world problems, and nobody died.

When I got home, I grabbed up my medicinal cat and had a good long stitching session.

It helped to calm my frazzled nerves. And those bees cheered me up.

And then, I took a long nap. It was a wasted day. Today has to be better, right? Except for the grocery shopping. We have to do that. But then, I'll be home free to do whatever I feel like doing. And what I feel like doing right now is getting to work quilting this "Snowflakes" quilt.

As it turns out, the workers are supposed to be back tomorrow to put back the baseboards, closet shelving, and hang the doors to rooms and closets. After that, it'll be a matter of moving the furniture back in. It seems like more than can be accomplished in a single day, but time will tell. In any case, it's probably next week before I get back into my sewing room. It will take at least a couple of days to get reorganized. So, I'll just continue on with my quilting, and I'm excited to be quilting this pretty quilt. Already I have some ideas about it.

Since it's time to choose November's 

quilting and binding the Snowflakes quilt is what I'm aiming for. I'll head over and link up to the party next.

As for today, those groceries aren't going to buy themselves. It's time to eat breakfast and get on our way. 


Barbara said...

I like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable. ~ Demetri Martin

CarolE said...

Oh my, what a day you had. I had a day like you had just a couple of weeks ago. Nothing went as planned and I just had to move on! What pattern did you use for your snowflake quilt? It is very pretty!

Julierose said...

When I saw your title I thought: "Oh no, workmen didn't come again????"
But that needle sticking story is a horror!! Ouch for sure...
Glad you were able to rest and stitch....hugs, Julierose

Sara said...

Oh yes - I've had similar experiences with needles. A few times as I was donating blood, and had to switch arms and people doing the stick. Glad you have that medicinal kitty to go home to.

Bridget said...

Well, when I needed a blood draw the most experienced person in the office (and a nurse to boot) had to stick me seven times...because I am finally experienced enough to tell them to use a butterfly AND if they don't get it they cannot jab around but need to start over...I will take another poke before I have another bruise from elbow to wrist. On the quilt conversation. Love the snowflake! I watch you making the embroidered flakes and have waited to see the complete project. Glad it is moving to the front!

Jenny said...

What a start to the day, and t got worse, no Egg Macmuffin or coffee!

Karen said...

Apparently I am vein free... I just tell them to go for the back of my hand. Those veins you can see. !! They don't like those veins (no challenge, I guess). At least I don't get stabbed more than once. Sorry you didn't get you beloved micky D's.
Thank you Sadie, for helping your Mom.

Katie said...

From the point of view of that poor person learning to draw blood, her day was probably worse than yours...you had to endure it once, she probably had 8 hours of it. I've been there. I hated every minute of it. Thankfully I had only one day required of me, but it stands out as the worst day of my 6-week stint in the hospital. I'm glad you made it through the day, though it does sound quite terrible. I'm pretty sure McDonalds all-day breakfast is a marketing scam, though, because I have yet to hear of one that does it... Here's to tomorrow being much better. (At least for you...I have what my friend likes to call the "annual flash-and-smash", but I'll be done early enough and the hospital is right next door to McDonald's, so maybe I'll have an egg McMuffin in your honor when I'm done?!)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I feel your pain. I thought my life could get normal again but it appears I have too many days like you described in this post. I hope the rest of the week gets better. No fun!

dgs said...

Your day makes me wonder if you still have any hair on your head? I think I would have manually pulled all of mine out dealing with such stress. My DH and I have come to terms when we donate blood or have a blood test we insist on getting the most experienced person to do the draw. No, we are not willing to be live specimens for training. Have done it too many times, too painful, too stressful. And, as we get older we bruise more easily. The last "trainee" I had a bruise on my arm for several weeks, which made me look like I was a drug addict. Nope, no more training on my arms. I refuse.

Kate said...

What a miserable day! Hopefully today is much better as you'll spend it quilting.

Twin Violet said...

What a morning you had! Sorry to tell a this , McD stopped selling all st BreAk fast when civic hit. It's not coming back.

piecefulwendy said...

Holey moley - what a day! I'm glad you had a therapy cat available when you got home, along with some stitching!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Ouch - that needle sticking can't have been fun. I once had a person attempt to insert an IV line into my arm and before she was done trying I had 'holes' in both wrists and the insides of both elbows and she STILL couldn't get it. She finally resorted to calling another nurse and she got it first try. My black and blue arms certainly wished she'd called for help a whole lot sooner! Your experience was worse though because it made you miss your breakfast treat. I would have been upset too!

Sandra W said...

I get a needle for all of my CT scans. Once it took them (2 nurses) 10 jabs to get the needle in. And that on 2 arms!