
Taking a Quilting Breather

Well, it seems I've gone and done it...quilted beyond my physical limits. When I went to bed last night, my hands and wrists were hurting so much I could barely move them. I slept with splints on both wrists. This morning, my right hand feels pretty much back to normal, but the left is still too painful to use. Clearly, I'm going to have to take a break from quilting today, and maybe from sewing altogether. I'll give a try to sewing with the splint on, but wearing it is awkward. As with so many things, it will be an experiment.

I took a walk outside yesterday morning. We had to set a squirrel trap in the greenhouse. The squirrels have been in there again, and they ate three of the six cucumber plants I had in there. They also ate every single one of my sunflowers, which was disappointing. When I checked the trap yesterday morning, I found this guy:

He's been relocated to a different zip code now, and the trap is reset. Possibly, he's the only intruder, but we'll keep the trap set up just in case.

I checked on the cruel peony yesterday. These next pictures are three different buds.

I told myself I thought they'd progressed further toward opening than in previous years.

They're still not looking very promising.

Then, in my Facebook memories this morning, this collage popped up from last year.

It looks just the same to me. I don't think it's going to bloom this year either. And that will be the end of it. I'm not moving it and trying again somewhere else. I'm replacing it. I might start shopping for a new one right after I finish here. 

After that, I got busy on my quilting. The first of yesterday's blocks was done with dot-to-dot quilting.

To its right, the bird house was mostly stippled, but I did some more dot-to-dot quilting in the corner triangles, and made some shape lines on the flower petals.

I quilted some meandering bird feet on the sides of the bird house. Birds defy gravity all the time. Why not have them walking on the sides of structures?

I treated the last two blocks as one, with some loopy meandering in the background, veins in the leaves, and more shape lines in the other flowers and in the pumpkin.

With that, I've completed four of five rows. I'd dearly love to get back to it again today and finish off all the quilt blocks, but really, if I'm being smart, I'll take a day off and give my wrists a rest. 

In the sewing room, Smitty was Johnny-on-the-spot to assist me with my quilt block sewing.

I'm having a hard time coming up with enough contrast in my off-white fabrics for these blocks. I resorted to using the wrong side of one of the fabrics in the pinwheel below. I'll probably do that with some of the blocks I make today.

I needed another variation on a 9-patch. 

And I needed a bow tie.

I started sewing the blocks together at that point, but then realized I still needed one more nine-patch.

And then I had them all. I sewed the entirety of Section 7 together.

Before I can do any tracing of the embroidery motif, I'll need to make Section 8. There aren't so many blocks for this one.

When I have it finished and sewn to Section 7, I'll be finished with the background, and I'll be ready to trace the embroidery design. It was tempting to keep going, but I was getting tired of sewing, and my left wrist was starting to scream.

In other non-quilting news, a guy from the construction company came by for a few minutes yesterday. Sometimes I think these little check-in visits are mainly to appease us. He explained the carpet situation, which is that he took a sample of our carpet that will be analyzed for quality, and that will give us our cost allowance when we choose the new stuff. He recommended renting a POD for moving all our furniture into during the installation process. Apparently this is covered by insurance. And then he took some measurements and left. Now, we're waiting for the carpet analysis, but otherwise, nothing is scheduled. I sincerely hope it isn't another week before someone does something. This process has been slow as molasses from the get-go. It would be nice to have things put back in order...soon. But I think we're past any possibility of "soon" at this point.

From here, I'll start working on my slow-stitching. It might be all slow, all the time for me today. I believe I can hold my embroidery hoop, but I haven't actually tried. It's a bummer having my hands hurt like this, and I know the only thing that will help is rest. So off I go to rest my wrist. Stitching will be optional, and as tolerated.


Barbara said...

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. ~ Buddhist Proverb

Katie said...

I'm sorry to hear your hands and wrists are keeping you from quilting. Those problems never seem to happen at convenient times... I'm sitting here scratching my head at "carpet analysis." Is there really such a thing? I mean, yeah carpets vary in price, but I guess I just (foolishly) assumed there was a replacement cost allotted and it would be done. Are insurance companies that hard pressed that they have to haggle over carpet quality? Pardon me while I pick my eyeballs back up off the floor, having fallen out my head from all the rolling they've been doing... I guess the focus should be on forward progress, though, right? As for the peony...maybe gift it to the insurance company as a thank you?!

Anonymous said...

Barbara, so sorry about your pain! I hope the pain eases, or better yet, goes away soon!! I love how you are quilting this project!
I hope you can get back to your quilting soon…
That cruel peony better shape up and bloom!
Feel better!
Sandra B

Julierose said...

I know what you mean about and/wrist problems--mine took me a lot of resting time--total rest from the same motions I was doing!! It is so frustrating though. I still have to be careful and I do splint my left thumb wrist area if i do a lot of handwork...makes me feel clumsy!!

It took my poppy three whole years before it bloomed after I re-planted it here after our house move..it is still not what I would call a great bloomer, but this year I got 3 blooms...I guess that poppies can be difficult...
Hope you feel better soon...hugs, Julierose

Susan said...

I feel your pain in both the wrists and in the slowness of the deconstructions/construction. Glad you caught one of the vermin.

kc said...

Ugh, I feel your pain! Sorry you are hurting so badly, know that you are not alone. A couple of weeks ago, I took a tumble of my bike (standing still in a steep hill!) and broke me crown. Well, not really my crown, but my femoral neck. Badly, from what I've been told. Week in the hospital, week in rehab, and I'm home now, but cannot sit or stand, so quilting of all sorts is out of the question for a while, as is dancing and camping! In other matters, no word on when my mismeasured new cabinets are shipping, either....project was submitted back in Feb. About 2/3 of the cabinets are in, as are their associated counters, the sink, the stove and the dishwasher, and the dishes and silverware have been returned to their rightful spots, in the kitchen! Sooo, no more doing dishes by hand in the laundry room, we can cook and don't have to rummage through the mountain of stuff in the living room to find a clean dish! But it's still all a PITA. On the other hand, no one is shooting at me or bombing my beautiful piece of paradise, so it's all good. Stay well, good luck hunting down a new peony, one of my very favorite flowers.

Pam said...

You have probably thought of this but have you checked into standing embroidery hoops? i have one and it is great. You can even flip it over to the backside. I also have a desk hoop holder. Is your pain from your motorized bike accident? I am 75-2 knee replacements, a hip replacements, needing shoulder replacements and have a crooked arthritic spine which pinches leg nerves. I don't mind-it is all part of getting older and I am a happy person. The hardest part is the ebbing energy. When I first retired about 12 years ago, i could work 5 hours a day on my fabric work. Now, on a good day it is only 3. It is frustrating as I am, like you, filled with plans and ideas and know for the first time in my life that they won't happen. Hang in there-the bad days go away. Don't be hard on yourself.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm sorry about your wrists, and you were making such good progress, too. How sad about the peony; I was hoping it would come around this year! I've often wondered if those short visits were the same thing. I'm glad we do most of our work ourselves (know you do too) - I wouldn't have the patience to put up with that too often!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm so sorry about your hands - mine are giving me increasing grief so I guess we both have to learn to be careful how much we do.
I agree - I think it's time that peony went to the great plant graveyard. It's definitely not right somehow.
As for using the backside of fabrics, I do it all the time. Sometimes that bit of variation in shading is just what's needed.