
Yard Art and Blooming Cacti

It was a nice day yesterday, and I made good on my threat to get out for a walk in the next door neighborhood. There isn't a lot to see at this time of year. Almost nothing is blooming except possibly some of the cacti. The first bit of yard art I saw were these birdhouses attached to someone's mailbox post.

And isn't there always one in every neighborhood? People who don't keep up with their general home maintenance projects. Or possibly this is the neighborhood frat house. What do you think?

Walking on, there was a pencil cholla. I put my finger there for scale. Its branches aren't much bigger in diameter than a pencil...about the diameter of a #1 pencil.

Here's one of the larger chollas. Its branches are closer to the diameter of my wrist.

Walking on, I noticed these chickens and briefly considered them as a subject for my next art quilt.

The only flowers I saw were the blooming rosemary plants. These were alive with bees. With so little blooming right now, it isn't surprising the bees would congregate here.

Okay...and here's a message for you. Woofies, pay attention!

This next one is for my pig-loving friend, Sue.

And I'm really hoping we'll see some of these little burros when we visit the Burro Range in a couple of weeks. I doubt any of them will be hitched to carts, however.

Walking back to the RV park, I noticed an army of vintage Thunderbirds parked in a row in the parking lot. It was lunch time, and so I'm guessing this is a club get-together.

Back at the RV, I had some lunch, and then went digging through my stash of embroidery floss to find this metallic blue floss from another project.

I had in mind to stitch a snowflake in that one spot where the piecing error was. The space is only one-inch square, and so there wasn't much room to get very fancy. I free-hand stitched this little snowflake into that space. When I get home, I'll add some tiny hot fix crystals or else some beads to this spot to give it even a little more sparkle.

The piecing error is still fairly obvious, but I like this fix.

Smitty has his opinion about it too, but he wisely kept quiet.

I'm still waiting for the morning's inchy to be posted. We've already had our Sunday morning blueberry pancakes. We need to make a quick trip to the grocery store today to pick up some last-minute items before we head into that grocery store desert known as Death Valley National Park. I'm trying to remember what the situation is there at Death Valley, but it isn't coming to me with any certainty. If memory serves, we had internet access, but such poor signal quality that I wasn't able to upload pictures. And if memory serves even further, I think I posted each day with a time traveling link to a previous visit. Pictures were already uploaded, and so the link would take you to something about Death Valley that might keep you entertained until we're back in business.

So all of that to say I might not post next week. Or, I might post something old. Or, I might post just as usual. It's impossible to say. For sure and certain, I will not be posting tomorrow since it's a get-out-of-town-and-drive-to-the-next-destination day. And whatever happens, I'll see you on the other side.


Barbara said...

A caveman took a shell, and maybe it had a hole in it, or maybe he put a hole in it, and he put it on a piece of a tail of a donkey or a dinosaur or something and gave it to the cavewoman. She put it around her neck - the first jewel. ~ Kenneth Jay Lane

Julierose said...

Love your little sewn "fix" snowflake; and I think beads/crystals will surely make it sparkle...
[FYI: I found a way to make (4) 1.5" half sq triangles at one go: Take two 2.5" sqs and sew around all four sides and then cross cut twice--
I really like this method...]

We are still having cold weather here...at 11 a.m. it is only 24 degrees. At least the snow has gone..

I was able to sew 30 minutes and finish the final little circles on the last 5 curling blocks..
Time for tea and blog reading now...hugs, Julierose

Quilting Babcia said...

Love those chickens! Definitely art quilt inspiration there. I must say it took me forever to find the 'mistake' in your snowflake - creative license might be a better term. The fix is cute. Enjoy your time in the Valley, hoping you have good weather for the duration.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a fun project and I love your "fix"... very creative!

Betty said...

I had to look really hard for that cute little "fix". I love the Thunderbirds. I have owned a few of them before.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love those birdhouses, and beautiful cacti! I had a 1978 Thunderbird but it was a lemon. Was the first time they had an electronic ignition and everything electrical in it went out at least 3 times before we got rid of it. It was a beautiful car though! Happy travels and stitching!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

It looks wonderful there - so bright and sunny! I enjoyed sharing your walk. It's fun to see what people do to adorn their gardens :)

piecefulwendy said...

So much to see (or not) in your neighborhood. I think that is definitely a frat house - haha! I'm glad you figured out a fix for that snafu in the snowflake mini - a little sparkle will do the trick!

Darlene S said...

Fun yard art and cactus. And what beautiful thread for embroidery on your snowflake quilt. I'm happy your travel plans allow you to go back and visit the burros. I would love to see them and have added them to my bucket list, inspired from your travels. Have fun in Death Valley and I'll be here when you have time and internet/cell access to provide an update. Always fun to hear about your adventures.

Sherrill said...

Yeah, when we were there a couple of years ago (staying at The Ranch in the park), the cell service was very bad and I gave up pretty quickly. Just took pix the couple of days we were there and took care of them after. Hope you have better luck than I did.

Sara said...

The little embroidery “fix” is cute. Great idea.

I made a grocery store run today too, but mostly because we are expecting a winter storm moving in tomorrow. We need the moisture, so I won’t complain about the snow. But it was 54 degrees and sunny at noon, and by 2:30 when my husband went out for a walk it was only 40 degrees and windy. The wind chill by tomorrow is supposed to be below zero. Brrrrrr!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh yes, that birdhouse is definitely a frat house (love that!).
I must admit I had to search for the piecing 'error' and I don't think it's an error at all. After all, only God makes things perfectly. Great solution anyway!

Susan said...

Pretty embellishment for your snowflake.

Jenny said...

The yard art you found is fun, gorgeous colourful chickens, and I have to say, I'm a pig lover too. Enjoy your trip into Death Valley, goodness, that does sound scary. But I know you have been there before, and lived to tell the tale!

Kate said...

The snowflake fix works pretty well. Love all the yard art!