
A Day of Frustration

If you'll recall a few days ago, I wrote that our furnace wasn't working properly. For whatever reason, the fan would come on, but the propane wouldn't ignite. The fan would come on for about a minute, and then it would shut off, having produced not one iota of heat. Mike knew the problem because he'd fixed it before. There's something called a "sail switch" that gets gunked up with...oh, I don't know...cat fuzz, maybe? And so I was suffering through with the cold until Mike got up. He fired up the furnace and it worked perfectly. I swear I have an electronics black thumb. 

But this gives me a perfect opportunity to discuss what I call "Mike's Maxim." Mike's Maxim says this: If a problem magically fixes itself, it will be back again.

All right, so fast forward to yesterday, and yes...the same thing happened. So Mike spent the entire day taking everything apart and fixing the sail switch, and sure enough, the furnace worked just fine. Except for one thing. Now, it fired up, but wouldn't turn off again. And this caused Mike no end of consternation. Bad words were spoken. Finally, he decided it was the "control board," (technical engineering terms...try to keep up). So, he got on Amazon and ordered another one, which should be at our next destination in Pahrump...today. (I đź’“Amazon.) Okay, so problem solved. Except this morning, the furnace is working perfectly again. I believe we'll be experiencing Mike's Maxim again before the week is out.

Okay, so on the sewing front, things weren't looking much better. It was the day I'd decided to sew together the Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs quilt. So, I went to work sewing the blocks together.

Everything looks good, right? What you can't see is that I made pretty much every mistake I possibly could on this. I had the first two rows sewn together. When I added the third row, I sewed it on upside-down. (Doh!) Okay...well, better luck next time. So I took out that seam, only to realize I'd taken out the seam between the first and second row...where it was sewn together correctly. So, then I had to resew that, and then I took out the third row and sewed it on correctly. Sheesh. I'm sure I ran out of bobbin thread somewhere along the way. In my defense, I was offering support and reassurance to Mike, who was swearing at my side. And when I ripped out the wrong row, I did my own share of swearing. We had to put ear plugs in the kitties' ears. I wouldn't want them picking up bad habits from us, you know.

Okay, so then it was time to sew on the borders. I measured and cut and sewed. Everything went fine with the side borders. But then...and this was a mistake in the pattern...the top and bottom borders were too short. Drat! I needed to add a full nine inches to each one, which meant two seams in each of the top and bottom borders. Oh well. All's well that ends well. 

I'm sorry I can't give you a better picture. My ironing surface in the RV is smaller than my 18 x 24 cutting mat. It's about 15 x 20, and so it's hard to iron something this large. Anyway...it's finished except for quilting and binding. When it's all done, I'll still hand sew a row of cross-stitches all around the outside edge. It'll be cute, but quilting and binding will be months out. This is my project for February's

so I'll be linking up there at month's end.

And you might think that was the end of our frustration, but I'm sad to say there was furrustration all around. When I went to pack up my sewing machine, I pulled out its carrying case, and Smitty tried the "If I fits, I sits" Proverb. And there was something wrong with this because he couldn't find a good "fits," which made it difficult to "sits."

Well. At least I was able to finish the 6th Blackwork Basket. I'm excited to finish these because I know already how I'm going to set these blocks. It's going to be very pretty...just you wait and see.

Here are the six I have so far.

Now the 7th one is made up. I'll probably start on that today or tomorrow.

Yesterday's inchy included the dreaded bullion stitch. Bullion stitch is much easier for me than cast-on stitch, and so this had all the markings of frustration, but without the frustration. Cute, huh?

Today's is easy, but I haven't started it yet. I've noticed she gives us an easy day to follow the harder stitches.

As I mentioned yesterday, we're moving north to Pahrump today. The weather is forecast to be considerably warmer, and so we're looking forward to it. The kitties like Purr-ump. There are more birds there...and cactus...and our space will back up against the desert, so there might be more opportunity for walking. And they're so happy about our move they even agreed to share our tandem laps this morning.

We're not in a big rush to get out of here this morning. I'm not sure when check-in is at the next place, but we'll hang out here until check-out time and try not to arrive too early. 

First, breakfast, and then I'll stitch the day's inchy. It has to be a better day, right? But here's the thing: nobody died yesterday, and so really, it was a good day.


Barbara said...

Laughter heals all wounds, and that's one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you're going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing. ~ Kevin Hart

Betty said...

I call days like that "Murphy's Law" days. If it can go wrong, it will go wrong! But "nevertheless, she persisted" and it all came out well in the end!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear that you had a frustrating time of stitching that quilt top together. It is SEW darling!!

Darlene S said...

I hope you have a safe drive today to Purr-ump. Local news in So. Cal. reported possible wind gusts of 50 mph today. Hopefully you will have calm winds for your journey. I'm glad Mike was able to order the part for your heater via Amazon. I'm curious if you travel with a small portable electrical heater, as a backup and/or space heater? Your quilt looks beautiful to me. You've made great progress. Enjoy your new location.

Quilter Kathy said...

I sure enjoyed reading about your day of frustration! I hope the kiddie kats don't pick up any bad swear words! LOLOL
In spite of all your challenges with this quilt top construction... it is fabulous!

Mary C said...

I've been wondering how Mike spends his time while you sew. I guess I know now :-)

Dorothy said...

Glad you have ear plugs for the kitties.
I remember the start of Dancing Chickens & Flying Pigs. Good to see it now at it's pre-quilting stage.

loulee said...

Oh dear, I'm sure we all have sewing days like that. I know I do.
Your blackwork and inchies look great.
Poor Smitty.

Sara said...

You have a cozy fireplace in your RV? Nearly all the comforts of home.

I agree with Mike's Maxim - problems that magically solve themselves, probably really didn't.

Joan G said...

Oh my! You and Mike are not the only ones who had a frustrating day. Mine centered around the dreaded grocery store run which unfortunately was at a store full of nearly every rude person in the neighborhood. Wowza! I have no idea what was going on but let’s just say I was highly irritated by the time we got out of there. It didn’t help that I ate breakfast at 6:09 a.m. and didn’t get to eat lunch until 1:00. Yep, I am one of those people who get a wolf in their belly after a certain time frame. Anyway, thank you so much for the laugh - “if I fits I sits”. I laughed out loud at that and am still chuckling. So, thank you for turning my day around and nope, no one died here either, so a good day after all.

MissPat said...

I once sewed a pieced border to the long side of a quilt going the wrong way. Definitely turned the air a little blue that day. Made a Costco run today and endured listening to an employer loudly yelling "Samples here" over and over. Plus it was busy. Was I glad to get out of there. Hope the relocation went smoothly and the heat works tomorrow (if it's needed).

SJSM said...

We had that happen to the heater in our home. After several service calls with cleaning out the little vent then replacing parts over several years we said uncle. The controller board needed replacement and that part was no longer made. After 22 years we felt the furnace was trying to tell us it was time to put it out of its misery. We now own a new furnace. Your RV being essentially brand spanking new shouldn’t have this issue. The resident engineer will set everything right. Keep warm and toasty.

Love the Flying Pigs. We have all been there on sewing something together wrong Then when taking it out finding your same dilemma. Glad the blue air didn’t last the whole day.

piecefulwendy said...

it's all good when things work they way they should, right? Mike's Maxim fits here as well, from time to time. It's definitely a thing. Bummer about the border issues for Flying Pigs, but it looks nice all finished and ready for the next step! Hope you travel safely to the next stop!

Joanne in Massachusetts said...

I feel your quilt error frustration... I've done exactly the same ... I've also had a pattern error but I didn't realize it until it was too late to fix (a color placement on a game board quilt).
It's a good thing we have so much fun sewing and quilting.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sounds like you had a day that my mother would have deemed one that you 'should have stood in bed' (in reference to the fact that you would have gotten more done if you hadn't gotten up in the first place). I've discovered after many years of attempting to fit square pegs into round holes that if the day is going sideways, best to give up on it and do something else.

Susan said...

All is well that ends well as my mom used to say. It's nice you have a resident engineer. Poor Smitty, it seems he didn't fit in your sewing machine case.