
A Good Day

When I looked up from writing yesterday's post, I found these two relaxing at the back end of the RV. 

They're loving the warm weather we've found here in Escondido. They're sleeping better and bothering us less now that they can be outside on their catio at night. Up until now, it's been a little too chilly for venturing out after dark.

I remembered we have bird feeders to hang on the RV. We only use these when we're staying in a place for a week or more. I forgot about them while we were at Lake Skinner, but Mike hung them up first thing yesterday. We left around noon, and so I don't know yet if any birds have discovered them.

Smitty held still for me to put his harness on, and so he was able to get out for about a 10 minute walk yesterday. He's feeling less fearful here since there are low shrubs all around our site he can get under if he wants to. Here, he sniffed that fresh California air. He told me he wants to use this as his Facebook profile photo...if he had a Facebook page...which he does not.

Also...and this was a big bonus...he spied his favorite wide blades of grass right away, and spent a good five minutes of his walk munching on them. Grass, man. It's his favorite. And California is a legal state, so it's all good.

Back inside, Smitty's treats of valor were dispensed. Sadie gets treats of condolence. She was more interested in getting a drink of water. It's important to stay hydrated, you know.

And after so much excitement, Smitty decided to take a nap on his catio. 


And, could things be any better for kitties? The morning sun is shining in on their hammocks. Sadie took her morning nap right there. She laid there until we were sure she would burst into flames, and then she got down. She got too hot and took her napping to a shadier spot.

We left around noon to meet up with our group of friends at a local BBQ joint. We've eaten at Enzo's before, and it's really good food. They also have a huge outdoor patio...always appreciated in these COVID times. When we were ready to leave, our server took this picture of us. 

On the right are our friends Tom and Deb. In front are Rick and Danni. Behind them are Debi and Jim...and I don't know who those party crashers are on the left. They always bring their unruly shadow selves with them, and then things get rowdy. After lunch we headed over to Debi and Jim's house, which was just a short distance away and had a regular old gabfest. We are all graduates of Vista High School, although different years. Except for Mike and Jim, we were all in the band together, and our band experience made us life-long friends. Say what you will about Facebook, but it allowed me to reconnect with these wonderful people.

Today Debi is picking me up for a FART. And if you're unfamiliar with that particular quilter's acronym, it means Fabric Acquisition Road Trip. We're heading up to a shop in Fallbook where I've visited before. The store is under new ownership and recently reopened. Then, we'll visit a shop in Escondido in which Debi is a part owner. I'm very excited to see her shop. And let me just say my debit card practically jumped out of my purse this morning. It's very excited to be heading out on a fabric shopping spree. Of course, I'll tell you all about it in tomorrow's post.


Barbara said...

Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Mary C said...

So glad to hear about all the fun! Enjoy shopping.

Vicki W said...

We have a friend who's dog loves to eat grass but she only eats a very specific grass. This dog also eats deer poo so I don't know whey she cares so much about her brand of grass. It looks like you are having a great time!

Marianne said...

My best friend and former next door neighbor moved from Vermont to the Vista area a few years ago, and her son is a star football player for Vista HS! It's a small world, somehow.

Sara said...

How wonderful to be able to enjoy those friendships over all of these years. I've found a few old friends on Facebook too. Your kitties are living a good life on the road. Lucky kitties!! Enjoy the FART! I'm hoping to stop at one quilt shop tomorrow on our way to Omaha to our niece's house.

Kathy said...

How great it must have been to reconnect with friends for a happy reason (just cuz).
FART is an acronym i had not heard before, but I will be using it in the future a lot! Looking forward to photos.

MissPat said...

I hope your FART is more successful than mine. A friend and I were set to go to a shop 35 minutes away which is having a closing sale. And I have a gift certificate that needs to be used. Unfortunately they sent out an email tonight announcing that they will be closed for at least a week due to Covid exposure. They were set to close permanently at the end of the month, so I'm hoping she will extend the sale a week or so. This is the third local shop to close in the last three years.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

How nice to re-connect with old friends - great photo. Look forward to seeing what you purchase.

SJSM said...

Next week my Rancho Bernardo friend and SIL will do a Fabric Acquisition Road Trip to Santa Cruz and San Juan Bautista and places in between. It our annual Sewing retreat so one must stock up! For me, garment fabrics, for them quilting fabrics. It’s a win/win.

After a years wait our back yard drainage project has begun. It will be 6 weeks of digging up the yard, laying gravel, drain pipes, sump pumps etc. We never noticed until yesterday when the trench was dug around the house that the soil was higher in the yard than the house! No wonder we are having water problems. Now our back part of the lot needs to be graded properly so water doesn’t flow into the crawl space. Geez. I wish we had noticed while we were buying the house 30 years ago.

Do enjoy your shopping trip. It is always more fun with friends.

piecefulwendy said...

Such fun to see everyone, kitties and all, enjoying time together. Have fun at the shops - I'll be waiting to hear all about it.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Oh, hilarious, haven't heard that particular quilting term before!! Thanks for the laugh this morning.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh how I wish I could go on a FART - that is so not happening right now here. Although.....there's two pots of bean soup simmering on the stove right now....

Lyndsey said...

I really need a spending spree in a quilt shop but I just don't need anymore fabric at the moment.