
Change of Plans

Our day didn't go exactly as planned yesterday, although our plans were never cast in stone. For one thing, it was one of those spring days where the weather did a little of everything. If we're going to drive down to Salem to see the peony gardens, I want some sunshine and warmer temperatures. So, we bagged the idea of picking up wine and seeing the peonies. Instead, we decided to do our grocery shopping and try to get our banking business taken care of. Grocery shopping was fine, but we only managed to get half the banking business done. We'll try again on another day.

Before leaving home, I took my daily walk around the garden. I doubt much will change until some warmer weather returns, but I noticed the clematis planted last year is nearly opened.

As the day progressed, it opened only slightly more. When I looked out the window this morning, it had made no further progress. Again, I think it's waiting for some sunshine before it unfurls its petals completely.

Also, I noticed a LOT of cherries on the cherry trees. Really hoping the critters will share the fruit again this year. 

Back inside, I stitched to a near finish on An Irish Blessing. After I took that picture, I realized I'd never finished the top line. I doubt I'll finish this today, but maybe by tomorrow, the embroidery will be complete.

There was some time for sewing in the afternoon. Sadie was my helper cat yesterday.

We got most of the top-stitching done on the next Dancing Chickens block. The tree and the jar are all finished. After I took that picture, I stitched the blue cup, and then stopped.

When I left it, I was just setting up to stitch the blue spoon.

This morning, I funneled the now-finished strawberry-infused vodka back into its bottle. Pretty, huh?

I'm thinking the end of the day will bring a Strawberry Lemon Drop cocktail. Mike is helping Matthew move some large items into his new house this evening, but he claims he'll be home for dinner. We'll see about that. Those kinds of things tend to take longer than expected. I've been checking in with Matthew about how the move is going, and his responses have been...shall we say...less than joyful. I'm going to make a skillet cookie to send along with Mike. That should brighten his day, at least a little bit. With Mike helping Matthew this evening, I'm expecting a mostly-free day for myself. I should be able to get plenty of sewing done. It would be nice to get a good start on my challenge piece.

Before I go, I want to address the email subscription issue once again. A few have written to say you're not receiving the email. More than a few are no-reply, and so I can't respond to you personally. Here's the thing: I have no control over the emailing beyond putting up the subscription gadget at the top of my left side bar. If you think you're signed up and you're not receiving the email, I suggest three remedies:

1. Check your spam folder to see if the email is there. If you find it there, you'll have to identify it as "not spam" in order to have it delivered to your inbox.

2. If you don't find it in your spam folder, then I suggest trying to sign up again using the gadget at the top of my left side bar. Be sure to confirm your subscription in the follow-up email you'll receive.

3. If all of that fails, try going to the Follow.it website and entering the URL directly. Copy and paste:


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Okay, and if you've left a comment on this blog and not received a reply from me, then you are set at no-reply. If you have more questions, you'll need to change your reply settings, or else email me directly

Aside from sewing, we'll be doing a little packing for our beach trip this weekend. It's a short trip, and so there won't be much packing. There's plenty to keep me busy today, and so I'll just get to it.


Barbara said...

Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each. ~ Christopher Rice

MissPat said...

I've been getting the emails daily (from Follow.it) so it is working.

Christine said...

I'm full of a head cold ..teach me to run out to put the chooks under cover...but still able to enjoy your posts through bloglovin.
Looking forward to your beach trip

piecefulwendy said...

Enjoy your beach weekend! We are having lots of rain here, and the other night we literally had tornadoes all around us. Our phones were squawking repeatedly, but all we had was rain. It was really strange. Anyway, your flowers are looking good, and I hope your sunshine returns soon!

Susan said...

I am getting the emails from Follow.it. To read the whole blog installment, I have to click on a link at the bottom that says read more, which is not a problem.

There is one more option that I set up on my desktop: a link to your blog.

Dorothy Finley said...

I so love your quote today.