
Little Green Sprouts

There were just a few sun breaks yesterday. Most of the day was spent inside. I did some housework, and then sewed the binding onto Hearts A-Plenty. And that's a finish!

It finished up at 24 x 34 inches. I haven't decided whether to keep it as a table runner or whether to hang it on the wall in my sewing room. If I decide to hang it, I'll need to add a hanging sleeve. That's the direction I'm leaning. Here's how it looks from the back.

The heart embroidery patterns were created by Nancy Buck Huggins of Basket Case Needlework. You can find her Etsy shop right here. The patterns are available individually in her shop, or you can check out the used patterns at my Yard Sale in my right side bar. Arlene, I received your comment about the patterns, but you are set at no-reply. I have no way to contact you. You will need to email me if you are still interested.

Aside from housework, that was pretty much all I accomplished during the day. Matthew did the cooking last night, so I was free to slug around at will. Mike was busy outside planting the new clematis. He drove into town to get a trellis and had to go to four different stores to find one. Now it's up on the wall and the clematis is planted. As I said before, it's a scrawny little thing. They generally grow pretty fast, and so I expect it will fill the trellis in a year or two if all goes well.

The other plants at the nursery had already bloomed, but this one still has buds. We should be able to enjoy the flowers within the next week or so.

I checked the vegetable garden and found some more activity there. Some of the beans have sprouted. This is a good thing because I've been avoiding weeding those areas until I can tell bean from weed.

They come up as tiny little shoots, and so I'm being very careful with my hoe.

Also, the replanted zucchini is above ground now. You might recall the deer trampled one of the three that I planted earlier.

Also, some of the giant sunflowers are coming up. 

I don't know what it is about the sunflowers, but I've planted dozens of seeds. They come up, they're doing fine, and then something either eats them, or steps on them, or digs them up. It's been very frustrating. For all the seeds I've planted, I'm hoping to get a good crop of sunflowers, but nothing seems certain about these. The medicated body powder seems to help, but with so much rain, it has to be reapplied frequently. It needs to be reapplied right now, but with rain in the forecast, that seems a waste of effort and body powder.

Oh yes, and we haven't caught any squirrels for several days, and the bait has been undisturbed. We may have caught the real offenders. Mike is going to cover up the tunnel they dug into the greenhouse and we'll look for any new signs of digging. If there is none, we can probably safely assume the problem of squirrels in the greenhouse is solved...for now. Oh yes, and we can't forget the invaluable contribution of the brave and powerful Smitty, who caught three squirrels and three gophers on his own. He's a keeper, for sure.

Today I need to make a quick trip into town. I need to stop at the post office. We're out of eggs, and so I'll make a short trip to the grocery store. Also, I'm going to get going on the week's laundry. In the sewing room, I'll get back to work on my challenge piece. It's ready for top-stitching/quilting. Yesterday I laid out some threads and circled it a few times. I think I know where it's going next. 

It's the first day of a new week. Let's hope for less division in the world than we saw last week.


Quilting Babcia said...

Sweet little finish. I'd be inclined to use it as a wall hanging, table runners have to be sturdy and dark around here, just sayin'. If Smitty wants a road trip and many delicious chipmunk morsels, please send him our way, we're inundated with the critters!

Julierose said...

The Hearts piece is beautiful--lovely finish on this--tomorrow is my grocery day--will be up late stitching butterflies...;000
Hugs from afar Julierose

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on your finish!

Dorothy said...

Not only is Smitty a fearless hunter, he is the most handsome stud kitty, Love your hearts

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on finishing your Hearts A-Plenty wall hanging, Barbara! Enjoy!

piecefulwendy said...

You are doing really well with your finishes. Frustrating about the sunflowers; I have no good advice to give, but I will empathize with you. What did Matthew make for the meal? Well, if you circled it three times, you might need to circle in reverse three times today. That would be my approach. Can't be too hasty.

SJSM said...

It is satisfying seeing your hard work in the garden get results. Seeing the promises of beans and zucchini would have me planning. What recipes do I want to try? Which support structure would be good for this plant? And how will I keep the critters from decimating the harvest? White flies are having a party on my rosemary bush. That’s my current issue. Also a tree that was taken out still sends shoots across my yard insisting it doesn’t want to leave. The tree was taken out as it got into the sewer line then used the drainpipe in the bath room and climbed up the vent pipe to the roof. Long story and more $ spent than wanted we have a new section of sewer line and a tree root that refuses to be controlled. Eruptions of the tree come up 10-15 feet away from the main root. I’m hoping it’s been killed at this point. I will check again to see if all signs of life are gone today.

Natureluvr57 said...

Love the quilt. I would love to grow zucchini but the year before I got the dreaded squash bug invasion so bad I dug the entire thing up, put it in a bag with Sevin dust and closed/trashed it. Last year I only saw a few and killed them. While I had a lovely plant I only got about 12 fruits because I gave up pollinating by hand. We had bees but they didn't seem to want to go on the zucchini plant. I pruned it so they could see the flowers better. Ugggh. I gave up. Everywhere I plant seeds and plants I have to cover them up with wire, old broken plastic cage, etc or our feral cat thinks I made him another litter box. I let him have the one garden spot and I know to clean it daily. I don't have deer or rabbit issues yet. So far the squirrels eat the seeds I put out for them.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

My vote is for wall hanging too - would be a shame to have anything get spilled on all your beautiful embroidery. Of course there's always the issue of finding wall space! Your garden is sprouting beautifully - as for the demise of the sunflowers perhaps those pesky squirrels (or chipmunks?) are at fault. Could you try putting down some sort of fine mesh over them until they get established well? Maybe then the critters would leave them alone.

QuiltGranma said...

Earlier this year I scattered seeds on the ground where I would be able to observe the girds, then rain came, and some of the seeds have grown leaves. Out here in the desert, I think I'll have to water them to keep them going. Hoping for some sunflowers here too.