
Cooking Quilt Blocks

It was a pretty low-key day yesterday. The weather was gray and wet, as expected. It's the same this morning, and it probably will be for the rest of the day. But (here, she bursts into song) the sun will come out tomorrow! If the forecast is accurate, we should be seeing some nice summer weather, and we are so ready for it! Watch out, weeds!

Ahem...okay, well back to the gray day stuff. I spent a little extra time on my embroidery and filled in my hoop.

Now all that's left is what you see here, although there are a few little bits I couldn't fit in the hoop. I'll start at the bottom, and then slide the hoop up a little bit. It aggravates my OCD parts when there are little bits outside the hoop.

For a day or two, I've been dragging my feet about the quilt block I made yesterday. The blocks for the New Mexico Kitchen quilt are challenging for several reasons. Fabrics were already selected, which is part of the challenge.

The first step is to make the background, which involves templates, and curved seams. And, honestly, I don't know why I was looking forward with such trepidation about this. It isn't hard, and I didn't even have to clip the curve to make it lie flat. 

The next step was to put on the name of the dish I was making. This took a bit of trial and error. The letters needed to be 3/4 of an inch away from all the edges, which meant several adjustments to fit them all in.

The rest went pretty easily.

Now, all the fusing is finished. It still needs top-stitching, and then I'll do a combination of machine and hand embroidery to fill in all the details. I'm hoping to have that part finished by this afternoon. I'll have to add fringe to the tablecloth, which is a bit tedious. I'm thankful I wrote on a previous post how I did it last time, so I won't have to reinvent the wheel. This time, I think I'll cut the fringe bits a little longer and then trim them off when I'm finished.

Yesterday's sewing was all accomplished under the watchful eye of Sadie, my snoopervisor.

She was settling in for a nap, and so she was kind of surprised when we finished up earlier than expected. 

It turned out okay since someone flashed the bat signal later in the evening. Both kitties thought this might mean an open door policy, but no. Catham City will have to do without the Batcat for today. Catrona virus, you know.

We were up early this morning because it's a grocery shopping day. I'm trying to get all my little morning things done before it's time to go. Our list is long for this trip. With Mike along to tend the cart, we can get it done pretty fast, and then the rest of our day is our own. I'll get back to the New Mexico Kitchen block later this afternoon. This morning, I'll do a little slow stitching. It helps me to steel myself for the grocery shopping trip ahead.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I did the grocery run this morning too - not fun. Jack can't come and push the cart because they're still only allowing one family member into the store and he's also in the 'danger' zone so wouldn't be allowed anyway. In my wisdom I managed to pick up 2 bags of grapefruit instead of oranges (we can't eat grapefruit)...oops. I love that wonderful background fabric you used for the enchiladas!

Debbiegsp said...

Hi, Barbara! I enjoy your blog so much. It’s the perfect balance of garden, kitties, and quilting. I know you want to have lots of apples from your little tree. If you leave all the small apples in each cluster, you will only have small, inedible apples in the fall. Apples have to be thinned to get large juicy ones by the end of the season. You can go on YouTube to find info on how to thin. Each cluster has a “king” apple. It’s really interesting info, and very helpful. Best wishes!

Lyndsey said...

I managed to get a grocery delivery slot this last weekend but not as much fun as older daughter and her partner delivering it. They will deliver this coming weekend so I'm hoping it is sunny and they can sit in the garden (socially distanced of course) and we can chat. Hand stitching in the morning with either Scamp or Picasso on my lap is good. I hope we don't return to face to face teaching for a few more months as I'm enjoying catching up some of my embroidery projects before I start work for the day.

Dorothy said...

And all this time I thought the background was one piece of curvy striped fabric. Now you're saying you sewed all of those little curvy stripes?? I bow in admiration to you :-) I think the only thing that saves you and me with "killing" people in the grocery store is the fact that we all have to wear masks now. Who can give a description ? I hate shopping :-)

piecefulwendy said...

Well, I know you had a successful grocery run. Still giggling over your FB post. I made it through the grocery store too, but came home cranky. If only I didn't have to buy veggies, I could drag out going a bit longer. So Sadie is a superhero - somehow I'm not surprised! She does covert well - LOL. Hope you have a lovely day today!