
Sun Baths and Dust Baths

We had a pretty easy-going day yesterday. I nearly gave myself a heart attack when I deleted an entire folder of "Quilt Stuff" from my Dropbox. This sort of thing drives me crazy. In the process of trying to delete one item, somehow the whole folder disappeared. And if you're familiar with Dropbox, then you know thee is no "Recycle Bin" from which to retrieve anything. Enter my hero...Mike...who can always save the day when it comes to computer stuff. But with that bit of excitement, I didn't get any slow-stitching in yesterday morning. I'll have to stitch double today to make up for it. My plan is to continue with the hand-quilting until Sunday, which is the day we move on to our next destination in Pahrump, Nevada. I'll say more about that when the time comes. While I was nearly being done-in with apoplexy, the kitties were enjoying their sunbaths.

The Stars and Stripes quilt had been lying in the sun, and so it was warm when Sadie took her place there. She was toasty warm within a few minutes. Smitty was enjoying time on the catio, where he can be warm on the sunny side and cool on the shady side.

Instead of hand-stitching, we headed out for breakfast of our beloved Egg McMuffin, and then to the grocery store. The kitties had nearly mowed down their wheat grass to nothing, and so we were on the hunt for more. (I'm hoping I can rejuvenate it with some water and sunshine.) None of the grocery stores in town had it. The store known as "Sprouts" had it, but only cut in a plastic container. I was looking for the stuff that still had roots and was growing. We ended up going to Petco to find "Cat Grass." When we came home with it, the kitties were all over it.

Later in the afternoon, I went out for a walk. With each walk, I take a different path, in order to see new blooming things. Here's a pretty pink rose.

This next one is a double daffodil.

How about an upcycled toucan, made from an old tire? At this RV, there was a sign in support of a certain political figure. I won't say who it was, but I decided to walk on quickly before I ended up in an argument with someone.

Walking on, I refreshed my senses with this dianthus. We used to call these "Sweet Williams."

I believe this next one is a type of pyracantha. We have them near our home in Oregon, only ours have orange berries.

I liked this next image for its juxtaposition of the palm trees with the snow on the mountains in the distance. It's a testament to the climate diversity of the state of California.

And then there was this...it's hard to know the function of this set up.

The chicken there is fake, and the gate blocks nothing since it's open on the left side. The little sign at the top says, "It's almost as if someone left the gate open." The green box hanging from the gate says, "Post." It's a mailbox. And then there are mardi gras beads hanging on the latch of the gate. There is a Canadian license plate on the car. There are lots of Canadian snow birds here with us.

Okay, so when I gave up trying to figure that out, I headed back to the RV and took Smitty out for a walk.

He took an excellent dust bath. This was only the beginning. By the time he was finished, all of his white parts were brown with dirt.

I'd planned to take a brush to him before we went back inside, but then a garbage truck showed up to empty the nearby dumpster. It made such a racket, that Smitty was on the edge of panic, and we went back inside, dirt and all. Once I had him cleaned up a little, he was rewarded with Treats of Valor.

And that was the end of our day. We were treated to another pretty sunset. We've seen a beautiful sunset almost every day of our stay here in Hemet.

Today we're meeting up with our friends Debi and Jim at a Temecula winery. We met them at two wineries on our last visit to Hemet. This time we'll see a different one. Aside from that, there's not much on the agenda. I'm hoping to do double duty on my hand-quilting to make up for doing none yesterday.


Katie said...

Smitty is so brave! We had a kitty who was indoors only, but every so often would slip out the front door. He never went far, just the patch if dirt where grass wouldn't grow, to roll around and go from black to brown. He would then let you catch him and haul him back inside, thereby turning you brown as well. But I'm curious about the cat grass. I see it here and there and have always wondered if it would just end up a mess of dirt and scattered plants all over the floor? My current kitties are all young (2 and under) and quite rambunctious, but they are itching for spring...as we all are up here in the midwest! I'm enjoying reading about your travels and seeing all the blooming things while I look out on snow and dead things!

Julierose said...

Oh loving those double daffodils--just gorgeous...I may have to try to scope some out for my front garden this year..daffs are the only plant the deer won't eat...so I have a collection of them...hugs, Julierose

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I tried to delete a recipe that I'd pinned twice from my 'food' board on Pinterest, and it somehow deleted the whole board. No saving that board. Computers can be good, and they can also cause lots of grief.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Thank you for the Daffodils - makes me yearn for mine. No sunshine or warmth here, the furkids have to rely on comfy plushy blankets for napping.

Nancy said...

Kitties look like they are loving life on the road. I am curious how did Mike get the folder back?

Tilly said...

Beautiful pictures of the flowers, it is nearly spring.
What a brave cat is Smitty, can see they love the grass.
Have a nice stay.

piecefulwendy said...

That chicken and gate thing - huh?!? My little brain can't begin to figure that out. Must be an inside joke of some kind. Poor Smitty - can't a fella clean up in peace? And the Dropbox thing - yikes. Glad you had Mike to help!

Kate said...

I'm playing catch up this morning. You've had some fun adventures, wonderful pictures of those. The quilt show shots are fabulous, thank you for sharing. Glad you've been able to get in some good stitching time and the the kitties are getting their regular sun baths and walks. They aren't going to want to go home at this rate. Enjoy your afternoon with friends.

Tammy Hutchinson said...

Loving the trip, and the flower shots. Very warming to see these. And your comment about 'better keep walking before I argue' has been my motto too lately. Safe travels!

SJSM said...

Whew! Glad Mike could find your file. Other than that it appears you had a great day. With certain fans of political figures, I try to keep the communication line open. Once the fall out is over I am hoping to reconnect. I hope "this too shall pass" will hold true in this instance and we all can get some sanity back into communication and connect again as Americans with broader common goals and not niche ones.

Okay, off my soapbox. Enjoy your day.

quiltzyx said...

I remember growing wheatgrass to use as an Easter basket years ago. Checking with our friend Mr. Google, I see that wheatgrass is good for kitties too. And you can get seeds online to grow your own.

Joan Gudorf said...

I love reading your blog about your travels and your stitching! I especially love the photos of flowers and sunsets. It has been dreary and gray here in Ohio for quite awhile, which is not good for the soul. Thank you for posting about your trip to the Primitive Quilt Shop and also the link to the Temecula Quilt Shop. Guessing I am your "unknown" friend, even though I thought I checked the right boxes, but anyway, thank you! I enjoyed seeing what the inside looked like at Temecula. Believe it or not, as a new quilter, I finally made my first trek to a real quilt shop in my area, and oh my goodness! My husband is going to be sorry that I found this shop. It is called Fabric Shack and it is in Waynesville, OH. Let's just say it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen with glorious, glorious fabrics. And the people are super nice. Thank you again for your blog. I have discovered a lot of neat quilting/stitching things because of you!

QuiltGranma said...

I have seen that wheat grass in the Safeway Organics section. Perhaps the chicken and gate thing is to help deter dogs from messing under their overhang?

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I love Dropbox. I'd be interested to know how Mike got your file back. It's cute how RVers decorate there camp lots. I guess it makes it all feel more like home. I'm just now watching flood videos on the news taken in Washington State. geez the weather is crazy across the whole country. You are seeing beautiful blooming flowers on your walks. I love the sunset pictures you are sharing. We can rarely see a sunset here unless we drive to see it. Sad.
xx, Carol