
A Near Finish

Yes, those are trumpets you hear announcing the near-finish of It's Raining Cats and Dogs. I'm not sure but...[checks notes]...yes, actually this is the quilt I've been working on for the longest period of time from start to finish. It was started on December 12, 2013, and it still has about another week to go before it will be finished. It'll be bumping Wind in the Whiskers from its longest-running-from-start-to-finish perch.

Of course, it still needs binding. Here's how it looks from the back.

Yesterday I had just the borders left to quilt. I had in mind to do a series of stylized cats. This is from an image I found on Pinterest. The afternoon before, I'd drawn it out roughly before my pen stopped writing. It isn't particularly neat, but I was trying to see if I had even a snowball's chance of drawing it at all.

And I was pretty sure I could. But then I lay awake that night trying to envision it in the outer border of the quilt. It's a directional motif, and so how would it look on the quilt sides? And would I quilt it going the same direction in the top and bottom borders? Or would one border have the cat upside down? And when my brain started smoking at all that thinking, I bagged the whole idea and did something more symmetrical with this heart-shaped feather for the outer border.

It wasn't the more daring choice, but it was the smarter one. The inner border was finished up in the "paper clip" motif started the afternoon before.

Still, I wanted some cats, and so I quilted this line drawing of a cat in each of the four cornerstones.

And when it was all finished, I took it downstairs for the quilt inspectors to have their say. And geez. the bureaucatic red tape one has to wade through to get a couple of quilt inspectors to look at your quilt. Sadie was busy with the hummingbirds outside the window.

Smitty was staging a full blown mewtiny.

I disapurrove of any quilt that expurressly states "no dogs," and then includes dogs. It's nothing short of an abomination! It's completely purrposterous!

Yeah, I see what you mean, Smitty. That is purrculiar, for sure.

But doesn't this catnip dispensary make you want to shout out loud? I'm giving a big HUZZAH! for that part of the quilt!

And it gets an A+ for snuggleability. It makes me want to snoozle up and take a nap.

Okay, so mixed reviews from the quilt inspectors. I think Smitty will come around. He was just using the "no dogs" thing to take the afternoon off.

After dinner last night, I spent a little time on Tree #11 for Twelve Trees for Christmas. The trunk of this tree is stitched in "woven fill stitch," which was new to me. It sounded easy enough though, and so I stitched it up. Only, I did it all wrong, and the woven effect was lost. Then I went back and read the instructions for the stitch again. You can see how it's done on Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread right here. My mistake was making the vertical stitches too close together. Mine were done more like a satin stitch, and it was nearly impossible to "weave" the horizontal stitches across. So I took it out and did it over again. When I was finished, it looked like this.

The sides are also stitched around in stem stitch.

So there's much more to do on this tree. For this one, I'll be doing a "griffin stitch," which doesn't look too scary.

Also, I'll be doing a "buttonhole scalloped chain stitch," which looks decidedly scary. I'll say more about both stitches as I do them. Fingers crossed they don't give me too much trouble.

Next on the agenda is to sew the binding on It's Raining Cats and Dogs. I'll be using that same aqua colored fabric used for the inner border. The strips are cut, but I still need to sew them together and then sew them to the quilt. Oh yes, and let's not forget that delightful step of squaring it up. 

There might not be much time for sewing today. Our pest control service is coming around to do an application. (Not sure I need to be here for that since they only need to be outside.) Also, I need to make a run into town to go to the post office, and I have a short list for the grocery store. I'll do my major grocery shopping next week in preparation for Thanksgiving. (Teeth chattering in anticipation of that horror show.) I'm doing the cooking this year. And, honestly, I simply must do some housework today. (See, "I'm doing the cooking this year," above. Visitors will be here.) And thanks to all of you who raised your fist in procrastination solidarity. I knew I'd find a sisterhood in Blogland. So, I'm wishing for sewing today, but only time will tell. As my dear father-in-law used to say, "Wish in one hand and sh*t in the other, and see which hand fills up first."


Julierose said...

Your heart/feather quilting is just beautiful--good choice...you have some really
tough quilt ins-purr-tors there!!
Meanwhile here at House on the Hill,
I am resting my newly dilated eyes from my eye appt this morning...
and drinking hot tea...not much else going on...hugs, Julierose

Sally Trude said...

Dearest Sadie,

I realize things are different in Portland, Wisconsin but that is a hummingbird FEEDER that you are looking at and hummingbirds fly, not crawl on the ground. And tell Smitty that I prefer to drink my mewtiny right before dinner. Plus I was just wondering, what is this thing called "housework" that your staff talks about?


Molly Kitten the Neglected

Unknown said...

Best. Quote. Ever.

Quilting Babcia said...

I think your dear father-in-law and I would get along famously. Your Cats and Dogs quilt takes on a completely different aura when the borders are visible in tHe photo, makes it appear like a clearing sky at sunset after a day of rain. I really like that hand drawn kitty you quilted into the cornerstones, might just have to steal that one!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you told us what pattern you're using for your trees but I missed it. I wonder if you could tell us again. I think they are really neat.
I have two cats and can relate to all your stories about yours. One of my cats sits on top of my sewing machine as I'm stitching. He watches every stitch. Thanks!!

quiltzyx said...

I like the cat you quilted into the cornerstones! Yay!

At least Sadie is giving it a good review & ignoring the woofies on the quilt. Smitty is just being stubborn!

Your woven fill stitch trunk if very cool looking!

I didn't read about any grocery store murders in Oregon today, so that's good on you! :) I know I'm going to have to force myself to go to the grocery store next week. Need some ingredients for the nibblies I'm taking to T'giving. Oy.

bcarlf said...

That is truly one amazingly beautiful and interesting quilt. I can not even imagine how many hours must have gone into making it. I am sure it will go into a quilt show soon?

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I think Sadie hurried to give her inspection and now Smitty is in a snit. Isn't that just like a guy, lol. There is a lot of work in that quilt...years so to speak. Thanks for showing how the quilting looks on the back. Your tree truck is great. It's so cool that you are learning new stitches as you go too. I learned a lot when I was doing Crazy Quilt and Mary is such a great instructor. I have a few other sites I like as well.
Happy Thanksgiving.
xx, Carol

piecefulwendy said...

Well, being a day behind on your posts, I know you got the little tree done. I could read ahead, but then I'd have nothing to read tomorrow. :-) I have to clean today, but I may procrastinate (fist pumping) another day and just sew instead. The dust bunnies deserve another day, right??

SJSM said...

Well, I never knew my dad gave me the PG version. We were always told "Wish in one hand and SPIT in the other and see which hand fills up the fastest." The visual illusion is much different. It takes a lot of spit to fill a hand..........not so much on the other

I’m loving the quilt. Our day is being spent at the Stanford/Cal game. Kiddlet and hubby bought tickets in the alumni section along with the departments tailgate before the game. I had to hunt for a red shirt.

QuiltGranma said...

pumping fist in air! NOOoooooo! I DON'T WANT to do house work! (but I did finally fold last week's second basket of laundry.)

Kate said...

Housework? I'm not planning any till mid December, which by then, the house really will be a disaster. Love the quilting on Raining Cats and Dogs. Hopefully, you've got all your cleaning done and your battle plan for Thursday all worked out.