
Nine is Fine Blogiversary and Giveaway

Sorry...this giveaway is over.

Hey there! Thanks for joining me today on this, my Ninth Blogiversary!

The pawty's just getting started, and propurr attire is a must. The kitties and I were discussing how to celebrate the day, and we all decided it was a good day for a giveaway. The kitties voted for an economy size box of Temptations in the "Catnip Fever" flavor.

And, well, who am I to disagree? After a lengthy discussion with our board of directors,

we decided to give you your choice of prizes. We're getting ready to take off on a vacation, and so how about traveling to the Island of Kauai in Hawaii with this eight fat quarter bundle of Kauai Sunrise Aura by Mister Domestic for Art Gallery Fabrics. See if these will put you in the mood.

And we're not really going to Hawaii, but a cat can dream, right? And the choice is yours! A box of Temptations or a fat quarter bundle. You can let me know if Mr. Random chooses you.

Okay, so here's what you need to do to be a winner.

1. Just leave a comment...any comment will do. If you can't think of anything, then tell me about your summer vacation plans.

2. Since this giveaway is to thank those of you who have followed along over the years, prizes are reserved for followers only...new, old, salty, sweet, bitter, and twisted...just step on up and tell me how you follow. If you want to become a follower, you can find lots of ways to do it there in my left side bar. Also, I will ship internationally, so all residents of Planet Earth are welcome to join in.

3. If you're no reply, be sure to leave an email address. You can't win if I can't contact you.

So good luck, and a big thank you for helping us celebrate the day! I'll leave this giveaway open through Friday, July 19th and announce the winner sometime on Saturday, July 20th.


Pam said...

Congratulations, I love reading your blog.


Nancy said...

Good Morning! I am currently on the road to the Sisters Quilt show. Our plans for the summer is to transport grandkids to all of their activities. We did visit my sister-in-law for a few days in June. I follow in Bloglovin. I also get your email.

Robin said...

Hey Barbara! Love the festive cat pics! I'm a follower because I subscribe to your blog. Pretty sure that's how I'm following. Hmmm... You know I love this blog and I've always been so grateful I found it and you.

Pam said...

Beautiful fabric bundle. I usually read your blog on my blogspot dashboard or on Facebook which ever I see first.


Teri Russell said...

Always look forward to your blog and the adventures of the resident cats at Three Cats Ranch. Have also enjoyed traveling with you. Follow you on facebook. therussells1960@yahoo.com

Quilting Babcia said...

Hehehe, I guess I fit into five of the six categories! Following through my blogger dashboard cause I don't know any other way, the old brain quickly discards any useless information these days. Anyway, happy blogversary and have a wonderful vacation, hope the weather cooperates.

Donna said...

Congrats! I read your blog everyday. I have you bookmarked in my Favourites. Thanks for the great giveaways. I love the fabric, but my little kitty loves the treats as we haven’t seen that flavour in our area. Since I’m posting I vote for the fabric! Enjoy your weekend!

Pattie said...

Well, I'm throwing my hat into the ring. Vacation this summer is to see my brand new grandson born on the 4th of July. And, the added attraction is my other grands, my son and daughter in law have a house full. Thank you for your enjoyable blog, patty9308@att.net

Shonnie said...

Have a great trip! My original summer plans have been derailed, so we won't go very far. Maybe create a few long weekends or take day trips. I follow through Feedly (Google Chrome), and look forward to your blog every day.

Renata S said...

I read with interest your trials with coyotes. Ours generally stay away from the house. But we have to rethink our walks with the big cats, black bears, and the small grizzly bear on the place. Game cams can be comforting or surprise you with what you find. This week was a surprise.

Kathy L said...

Read and enjoy your blog every day. Hope you can let your kitties out soon to enjoy the outdoors. Congratulations on your Anniversary.

Renee G said...

Bloglovin follower. Happy blogiversary. So love your blog.

gpc said...

My goodness, my heart is aflutter at the extravagant prizes. And no wonder, since 9th anniversary (or so I've read) is a celebration of nature and flexibility. I am a follower at heart, which in the case of your blog, has not been a bad thing. I follow via blogger, facebook, lord knows how else.

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

I come to your blog every day. I love seeing what Smitty and Sadie are up to. Have a good trip.

Sher S. said...

Congrats!! on 8 years, love following you all over the place. I've been to Kawai and it's beautiful. Enjoy your lake vacation!! Are the kitties coming along?

Kristin said...

Hey, happy blogiversary! 9 years - wow! Today we are headed down to my hubby's family reunion.

Julierose said...

Happy 9th Blob-a-versary...one "twisted sister" right here on a stay-acation.
Cat-astrophic, right? Actually, happy to be home this year...Beautiful array of fabrics--thanks for the chance...hugs, Julierose

Vicki said...

Oh boy! Coyotes! One evening at dusk we saw a coyote standing at the edge of the woods, 50 yards from our door. That night poor Clem became an indoor cat for good. (He was not pleased.)

I follow through Facebook. I get the biggest kick out of your posts every day. If I had a choice, I'd go for the fabric, since I'm afraid the kitty treats would just show up in unexpected places inside one of Clem's hairballs.

Chris K. said...

I follow your blog with Feedly. Yours is probably my favorite blog, for reasons of cats and sense of humor. Congratulations on nine years!

Terri in BC said...

Congratulations on 9 years! I've been following you for a number of those years - love your ramblings. This would be a lovely bundle to have, as I am visiting Kauai as part of my Hawaii cruise this fall.

Siggy Bee said...

This is the summer of stay-cations....too much going on and not enough energy to pack up the motorhome. I follow your blog and your facebook page. I enjoy reading about your embroidery, quilting, canning, traveling and cats.

Ellen said...

I've been getting your blog for years thru email.....you are a very witty writer! Have a great vacation....

Mary said...

Congratulations to your 9 years, looking forward to many more. I look to read your blog every morning. Working on quilts this summer, to give to my sisters this coming October reunion. Love your blog and your kitties and all your travels. Keep up the good work.
Follow by email.

Betty the quilter said...

Love the look on your cats faces with those hats! Priceless. Love the fabric too. I'll have to look it up in Hershey if I don't win it here.
Have a great vacay!

Shirley said...

Congratulations on your 9th anniversary. I have been reading and enjoying your blog for several years. I follow you on Facebook. If I were to be the lucky winner, I would select the fabric over the cat treats. (Yeah, selfish but . . . .) Hope you have a great vacation. (shirparks@gmail.com)

Beausoleil Quilts said...

Wow. 9 years. Congratulations. I have only been with you for a couple of years and admire how dedicated you are to your blog.
Enjoy your holiday.

Kathy said...

I began reading your blog because of it's name, as I have a cat, follow facebook pages about cats, and also create smaller size patchwork quilts for charity. My cat has just started sitting on my projects, in the spirit of "hey, a change of scenery for my naps." Now that I sew a few hours a day, rather than a week (or month), she can't sit on my lap. I would appreciate the coordinating fabric!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I so enjoy your blog and especially hearing about the kitties. Happy Blogiversary!!!!

Joyce Carter said...

Happy Blogiversary Barbara! I enjoy reading your blog so I hope you continue to be around for a long time.

Joyce Carter said...

I follow you on Bloglovin.

Shelina said...

Happy blogiversary! I follow you on bloglovin!

Linda Schiffer said...

I follow via RSS subscription and my Leaf software. :) Read and enjoy your blog daily.

:) Linda (lindaschiffer at me dot com)

Janarama said...

Smitty and Sadie don't look very happy in their party hats. They might be a little PO'd that you're really planning on offering their kitty treats as a giveaway. ;) I think that they may have been under the influence when they voted.

Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more years of reading about your adventures, your culinary skills, gardening, embroidery, quilting, and last but not least the antics of Sadie and Smitty.

I follow you via Blogger and would prefer the fabric.

mogsinc said...

Happy Blogiversary I really enjoy your blog. Enjoy your holiday and give Smitty and Sadie some catnip from me!. Have been following you for 8 years

crazy quilter said...

Wow Nine Years! I think I have only been following for about 5 or 6 . I follow by email but read everyday. Hope you have fun at the lake, we are leaving on a week long RV vacation to the Texas Hill Country. We are renting an RV and are all very excited for the trip. Credit goes to you for giving me the RV idea. I think the grandkids will really enjoy it. Have a fun and safe travels.

Kathy E. said...

Woohoo on celebrating 9 years of blogging! That's something to meow about! I am a Bloglovin' follower of yours and would prefer the fabric bundle since we have 2 dogs in the house and they don't like cat or their treats! We were just in Hawaii in April...it was the best vacation ever! This summer we're staying home to get things done around the house.

HouseDragon said...

Aloha from Kaua`i! Your blog has been on my favorite list since "forever". As usual, we are headed to NJ to visit DD, DSIL, and 4 grandkiddies for a month of eating RIPE tomatoes, pubs, farmers markets, fabric shopping, enjoying AC, and sitting outside after dinner with the family watching the "Lightning Bug & Bat Show". BTW, Kaua`i now has three fabulous quilt shops.

GranChris said...

Congratulations 9 years is a long time. I don't have any cats anymore. We lost our 22 year old Malcomb awhile ago. I'm sure it's better for my asthma but very sad. Miss him everyday. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

Pamela said...

Congratulations! We aren't going anywhere this summer, just enjoying taking it easy at home, looking forward to our daughter's wedding in August. I follow with Bloglovin.

Judy1522 said...

Wow! Nine years and still going strong with the blogging. So many people have all but stopped. I am glad you are still going as yours is one of my favorites and always entertaining. I am not sure how long I have been following but probably almost nine years. I am now following you on bloglovin but in the beginning it was something else but I can't remember. Congratulations on nine years.

Lee said...

Congratulations on blogging for nine years! I have been a follower for quite a few years and really enjoy reading your blog! I Love your quilty projects, humor. Enjoy the vacation - mine was changed due to some medical issues so we are staying close to home, but still having some fun at our cottage for a few long weekends. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Again congratulations on your nine years of blogging. I always enjoy reading all your blogs over the past couple of years. This year I am following your example and trying to finish MANY unfinished projects. So far so good. I have completed about nine and still sewing. Enjoy your vacation. Looking forward to many more blogs.

KaliaContiki said...

Happy Blog-Birthday! Thank you for being the thing I read every morning before I climb out of bed, inpiring me to quilt, cook and play mom to my fur-kids! You’re the reason I finally took the plunge and finished Wind in the Whiskers! Thank you for all your entertainment each and every day. And to Sadie and Smitty for keeping you on the correct path (treats/nip first - then sewing!)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 9 years! I discovered your wonderful blog just recently and it is already one of my very favorites. Thank you for the give-away opportunity. Wishing you a wonderful vacation in the lush Pacific Northwest - where I grew up. ;-)


Judy H said...

Love following your adventures in sewing and traveling. My plans for a vacation this year is WORK! Saving for a house. But in the meantime, I'm pulling out UFO's and finishing them up. Right now it's a Judy Niemeyer quilt I am paper piecing.

Debbie said...

I've been following you for years now and I receive yours posts in an email. I love traveling the country through your travels. Lol
Your sewing adventures amaze me and make me tired. You are able to do so much and I’m lucky to get one project done in a few months.
Our traveling will take place in the fall but my summer is being spent helping plan granddaughter's wedding.
I hope the coyotes are gone. We are dealing with a fox visiting our yard for the last few months. I first saw one two years ago and we live in a subdivision with a lot of houses. We own a lot to one side of us and a neighbor owns the other lot next to us. Behind us are thick trees and wooded area with no houses. So, it has a lot of places to live.

I'd love to win that beautiful fabric! Happy blogiversary!

That's about it!
Have a fun and safe trip.

Janet S said...

Hi Barbara! I’ve been following for many years and always love your quilting projects and meowing adventures.
My son just got engaged �� in Hawaii and we are thrilled.
Our summer vacation in August is to visit Oregon for the first time.
Looking forward to seeing your state!
Keep on blogging! Janet.

piecefulwendy said...

Congratulations, Barbara! So glad I found your blog and have been following you for at least a few of those years. I keep up with you on Instagram too, as you know! Smitty and Sadie -- you are rockin' those party hats!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Happy Blogaversary. Gosh I love those kitty pictures. I follow in blogger. Vacation? Well, you know we have only taken one vacation in 48 years. We took my grands to Mammoth Cave way back in 2003.
xx, Carol

Carolyn said...

I found your blog When you were traveling throughout the states and now read it everyday. You are so talented and such a busy lady. You have completed some of the patterns I am working on. Bee utiful and Meg Hawkey. Thanks for the blog.


Charlotte M. said...

Well happy nine years. I read you every day. I often wish I could get in the habit of daily blogging, but alas, I don't have the fortitude. Follow you with Bloglovin'. Smitty and Sadie look great in their party hats.

Bonnie58 said...

Thank you, Barbara. I look for your blog every day to check on the kitties (and you ans Mike as well, LOL. ) You bring a ray of sunshine into our lives and it is appreciated. Thanks again and Congratulations on 9 years.

Marilyn said...

HI, Like you I can, love cats and quilt. Raised in Oregon. So really enjoy your Blog and beautiful pics. This summer I am nursing my 13 yr old cat, Lily. She had to have her right front leg amputated due to a tumor. She is the last of 4 cats, sadly. She is an outside cat so being in the house with a cone on has been very hard for her.

Char Nash said...

Hi Barbara, going to the lake is a wish off mine. Don't have a swimsuit body anymore, but who cares? NOT me!
Have fun and go fishing if you like.


Kathy S. said...

Happy bloggiversary! I have been following since about 2012 via blog-loving Blogger. I love your quilty projects! We just nailed down our summer vacation plans TODAY! We are going to take our motorhome (me, my husband, and our now 12 year old son) to Presque Isle. We love to camp there. It's in PA on Lake Erie. This year we are also going to go to the water park. Shhhh. Don't tell our son. We are going to act like we are going to the beach but pull into the water park. IF we tell him any sooner he will ask EVERY hour of EVERY day until the last week in July. Shhhh.

Thanks for the chance to win. Our mama cat had three new kittens this year. They are about 12 or 13 weeks old. They are having all kinds of adventures. She is such a good mama cat. It's fun to watch her raise the little one that doesn't always listen and lags behind... he's just like our kid. LOL.

Marti M said...

Happy anniversary! Have fun on your trip!

Marti M said...

I follow via email 😀

Dawn C said...

Barbara, I love your blog - especially your sense of humor and your cat dialog. This summer, my quilting has taken a back seat to gardening. I’m amazed that you can do both, and still be a great cook! I hope you enjoy your camping trip!


Beth said...

Now, this party is just my speed! I'm typing this with a puppy in my lap--is he invited, too? He loves the cats he lives with. One of the things he hears shouted at him most often is, "Stop kissing those cats!"

I follow you using my wordygirl at earthlink dot net email; I look for you every day in my In Box!

Congratulations on 9 years of blogging! I was just trying to remember how it was that I found your blog, and I have no idea, but I'm so glad I did.

bcarlf said...

I look forward to your email every day. I love reading about your beautiful kitties and their adventures. I am so sorry they have been confined and hope you can soon confirm that the predators have moved on. The story about the trapper is a cautionary tale we all need to keep in mind. He definitely sounds less than advertised! I love following you and would love to win the colorful fabrics!

Laura said...

I do enjoy your quilts and cats and food, Barbara. I particularly enjoy all the photos you take of plants and other beauties of nature. Writing a blog for these years has been a tremendous commitment and I thank you. I don't have any summer vacation plans due to illness (not mine) in the family.

Juanita said...

I follow your blog via email. I enjoy your writing style and enjoy reading about your cooking/canning adventures almost as much as your quilting stories. quiltcarver at yahoo dot com

Quilting gram211 said...

Hi Barbara. I’ve been following your blog for several years with Bloglovin. I really like when Smitty takes over and does some of the writing
I particularly enjoy the posts about the pawtraits you do. I’m trying to work up the courage to tackle one myself. Maybe soon.

Connie Collins said...

I have been following for several years now and love all your adventures; traveling, kitties, quilting & cooking. Happy Blog Anniversary! Connie (conniecollins78 at gmail dot com)

Quilting gram211 said...

Ok, Smitty just looks rather regale but Sadie looks like “ I can’t believe you are making me wear this ridiculous hat!” Lol
That’s a very pretty bundle of fabric. My only vacation this summer are two quilt retreats. I’m very glad I have them as in between I’m caring for my husband who just had hip replacement surgery.

Terry said...

Happy Blog Day. Willy looks over my shoulder and reads your blog when I have it pulled up. He is jealous of the catio. He wants one. All three are drunk on catnip now so I can get some things done.

yorkie mom said...

Love Hawaiian prints. I follow by Facebook and Blogger

Jennie said...

I follow by email and enjoy cats plants and quilting. Have a fun trip.

Jennie said...

I follow by email and enjoy all picture and recipes. Keep up the good work!!

Dixie said...

I have been reading your blog for at least 7 years via Feedly. We took a vote here and the Temptations won 2 to 1.

Jennie said...

I follow by email and enjoy all picture and recipes. Keep up the good work!! jlcruzan@yahoo.com

Lyndsey said...

Hi Barbara, I love reading your blog and finding out whats happening. I've been following you since 2012 via Blogger. I hope the kitties enjoyed the celebrations and Picasso agrees that the catnip would be an amazing prize.He can't imagine why I'd love to win some more fabric. I'm travelling to India with Lucy for our holiday and we are excited but apprehensive.

mangozz said...

Congrats! I look forward to reading your blog each day, even though I get it a day late. You are not the only one that's a day late, but I've changed e-mails and it's still happening. You are always involved in so many different things and I love reading about the kitties.

kellyr78 said...

My cat loves Temptations. I follow by email.


O'Quilts said...

My cat Stitch, is just exactly like your cat...white and grey...exactly...so much so that my granddaughter went to find our Stitch..to be sure he was still here...lol...I travel with you..xoxo

Rita Anne Hope-Haverman said...

Lovely fabrics. Love your blog...never miss reading it. Thank you for this giveaway. ritaanneh at gmail dot com.

beaquilter said...

Cute fabrics. My kitties would love the snacks though! Next weekend we're going to Kitty hawk NC. The weekend after that I'm going to Denmark with my 6yr old.

Julie said...

Congrats on 9 years! I look forward to reading your blog each morning. I follow via email.

Kathy H said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. I always enjoy reading your posts and I follow by email. I hope the kitties will be able to go out soon. And enjoy your trip.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I think the kitties need to win the treats!

Douglas Oliver said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I follow on Bloglovin. Only blog I read daily. I love all of your cats past and present. Have a great summer trip.

Catherine said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary. Love reading your posts and of course cats! I live in the UK on the promenade so I wake up to a sea view every day, no need to go away on a holiday.

Cathy said...

Happy Blogaversay, Barb. I follow you through Feedly (and Alfie and Darla read over my shoulders). They’re really hoping for the Temptations treats, but given their bedtime antics tonight (I heard some hissing), those two are going to be in Time Out for a month.

Auntiepatch said...

Happy anniversary! Love the Cat Board picture!

Spicecat said...

Happy 9th anniversary. I sometimes go to your blog but always read your emails. You write wonderfully and I enjoy all of the canning, quilting, flowers and all your funny little stories. But, most importantly, Smitty and Sadie's input and photos!!

Beth Strand said...

Happy blogiversary! My kitty clan and I live hearing about your quilting and kitty adventures! We follow you on bloglovin. Bethastrand@gmail.com

Julie A Hutcherson said...

Happy nine years! I'd love to be in the drawing. Ahem, I choose the fabric...

Well, this might be an ineligible entry, but I'll give it a shot. I have home internet, but only a tablet. So, I don't "follow" you. I use google, and it allows 50 open tabs. Your blog is one of my open tabs, and I read you faithfully daily. You know, daily, unless I skip and catch up later, because you know, life.

Love reading about the kitties, your travels, your cooking, your CSA shares, wish I could find that where I live, your quilting, your needlework, and even your nap/kitty lap time.

Alas, I have no vacation planned this year, I am using my vacation time as knee replacement surgery recovery time.

Right now, I'm busy kitting up as many easy projects as I can think of so I'll have brainless stuff to grab & sew, if I wish.

Julie Hutcherson

Sandra W said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I follow you and have you bookmarked and on my bookmark bar. You are always just a click away. And I love Art Gallery Fabrics!

Kat said...

Barbara, Cat Patches is the first thing I read every morning! As a long time cat lover,currently a "grandma"to Maze, I can relate. Of course I love your quilting and creativity. Keep on posting,I love it.

Susan said...

Congratulations on your 9th year of blogging. I have been following you via email for about 4 years now. My husband also enjoys the adventures of all your cats and likes to see the beautiful places you travel to.

Your blog is the first one I read every day that you post something. I just enjoy the way you write about everything.

Also wondering what recipe you use for your zucchini bread.

Margaret said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog over the years. I wish I was going camping with you but alas we are in the middle of house renovations. Have a great time.

Stephanie said...

First off Congrats on the Nine Years! Thankfully I stopped to eat my waffles this morning and have a good catch up on your what-doings and lucked out with a giveaway. Keeping the fingers crossed.

Stitches said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!! Nine years is a long time and you post everyday too!! I have a blog but it has been dormant for almost 2 years, I wish I could get up the gumption to start posting again!! I loved the picture of the cats in the board room, you are so clever with the pictures,,,funny, funny!!

ckrut said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! Those are the same cat treats my Ralphie loves. He's even been known to try to open the cabinet drawer so I'll give him more. Missed this post the first time, so just came back from reading about your camping trip. Have fun!

Karen L. said...

Happy 9th anniversary! (Is that in human or cat years?) I suppose blogging like you do is kind of like writing in our diary way back in the stone ages except for being able to include all photos rather than just a Polaroid here and there. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and keep stitching of course. (I am and have been for some time now subscribed to your emails.)

suzanprincess said...

I follow through either email or BlogSpot; thought it was email, but url on this post says BlogSpot. I always enjoy your photos featuring kitties, flowers, food, quilts and man candy, along with your grammatically humorous and witty writing. And can always use more fabric, right? For my fabric petting zoo.... susanprincess at att dot net

Betty said...

Sadie and Smitty seem to have everything under control. They are so cute! Following by Facebook and Blogger. I'm spending the summer trying to finish quilting projects to put in our show in October. I haven't made any travel plans yet this year, maybe up to New England later to visit the kids.

Delaine said...

Congratulations on your 9th blogiversary! I have been following you on Bloglovin for quite a long time and you always make me laugh. Thanks for brightening up my days!

MoeWest said...

Happy Blogaversary! I follow with Bloglovin. I really enjoy reading your blog. It's great to hear about your travels and cat antics. Of course I love to see what you are stitching! I often save a recipe that you blog about too. I would enjoy having an RV with a catio some day but still trying to convince my hubby.

Denise said...

I love reading your blog..I started reading because of the cats! I am a quilter also. I think cats and quilts belong together, but my husband does not like cats. :0(

Brown Family said...

I read your blog and follow you on Facebook! I have been so busy that I am behind again!

Nancy said...

Cats at a board meeting!!! Hysterical!!!

Amanda Best said...

I love finding out what you and the kitties are up to, and I have been a subscriber for years. Your blog is so enjoyable, and the kitties are just too cute.

Snoodles said...

Congrats! I've been following along since the George and Gracie and Krissy days! Your posts come to my inbox; I love your projects, your "every blooming thing" photos, your kitties, and your awesome alliterations! quiltnsrep(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kate said...

Happy Blogiversary! I started my blog the same year you did, but I don't think I was a follower that first year, maybe the second or third year. I used to participate in your photo linky parties and then did your NewFO challenge. Hard to believe it's been 9 years!