
Needing some Normal

It would have been great to stay home and relax yesterday, but I foolishly made an appointment for my monthly pedicure. The pedicure was nice, but staying home and relaxing would have been nicer. I'll get that today. As for the pedicure, I hurried through my morning stitching so that I could get on my way for the 11:00 appointment. This is as far as I got.

And I stitched past the time I needed to stop, so then flew around the house trying to get ready to leave. I was running late and getting even later when I discovered the main drag I wanted to drive closed to all traffic. There was an easy enough detour, but about 14,000 cars waiting to pass through a 4-way stop sign. Then...lots of red lights. I was sitting at a red light considering the wisdom of texting to let her know I was on my way. I walked through the door of the salon at 11:00 straight up. She was sitting doing someone else's nails when she said, "I had you down for noon." Checking my calendar, she was right. Doh!

Oh my gosh...there is nothing I hate more than wasting time, and I had an hour to waste before it was my time. It was close enough to lunch, and so I went in search of a bagel shop about ten minutes away, only to find the bagel shop has vanished at some point, replaced by Taekwondo. No thanks. That sounded awful. What kind of food is that, anyway? (Kidding, of course.) So I ended up at the Starbucks in the same parking lot and one last muffin before (whip cracks) getting back and serious about our never-ending diet.

And then...toes...icy blues this time around...

 And then...home. The traffic was awful. I'm assuming the road was still closed. I went a different way, and it was stop and go for miles. I left home at about 10:15 and didn't get back home again until 2:00. Kitties were tapping their feet. Where are our treats? (I didn't actually take their pictures for this, but here are a couple of random pictures of them anyway.)

Finally, I could get to my sewing. My project for the day was to make the last block for It's Raining Cats and Dogs. First, I needed to make the background.

I got this far with the applique when I needed to stop for the day.

Today I'll add four more pieces and then get to work on the top-stitching. Possibly, I'll start sewing the blocks together today. This will be a fast finish because the blocks are simply sewn together side by side by side...no sashings, no settings, no nothing except for two borders. This is one of two quilts started way back in 2013, and so it'll be good to have it to flimsy stage.

 And because I don't have much to tell you today beyond being a dolt about accurately checking my calendar, I'm recycling an old image from one year ago when we visited the Madagascar exhibit at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida. Squee!

Finally, all six blossoms are open on the amaryllis now. It's been so much fun watching to grow and bloom.

All that's left now is to watch it die. Sad, huh?

Okay, well on a more positive note, I'm staying home today. Nothing But Sewing for me...oh, and maybe a little housework. Mostly NBS. It's going to be a good day.


Lyndsey said...

Look on the bright side, if you had read your calendar correctly you would have left later and the traffic could have been even worse than it was and then you'd have been too late for your appointment.That would have meant you feet didn't get their monthly pamper and you wouldn't have cute blue toe nails. All in all I reckon misreading your calendar was for the best. Love the Amaryllis. Enjoy your NBS day.

Julierose said...

Beautiful amaryllis--
Even though I write down my appointments in two places (monthly spread and weekly day inmy planner) I manage to not read the calendars (!)and am usually in a rush to get to them...Totally get it!!
Hope your day home for sewing goes well...
hugs, Julierose

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Yes, if you had the right time and then got delayed due to the traffic - I think the day would have been more trying. Love the blue nails! A day at home sounds good after all that.

Sally Trude said...

It was crazy on our side of town yesterday too--although not "downed power lines, close main road" crazy. Everyone, like me, thought it was time to come out of hiding.

Linda in Arkansas said...

It's been a long time since I've come here, and I so enjoyed your post today. Sorry for you troubles, but to hear you tell it was just so funny. Cute color for your toes - oh my gosh, what a trying time. But I love the way you made the best of it, muffin at Starbucks. You are really coming along with your raining cats and dogs quilt. Good job. As for the flower at least it takes a while for them to fade away - so you'll get to enjoy it.

Sandra W said...

I've learned over the years that whenever I leave the house it's always a minimum of two hours!
And the traffic where I live (Toronto Canada) is terrible most of the day. Sometimes it's not too bad between 11 and 1 but I can't count on it. If I take the subway I have to return home after 3 (subway rush hour) in order to catch a bus that runs every 20 minutes. Before three it's more than a half-hour. So that's my tale of woe.
Smitty is so regal. Sadie continues to look content.
You can put your amazing plant in a dark closet for the winter and it will bloom again if you're lucky.

QuiltE said...

Beautiful Amaryllis ... I think I have its twin!!
Looks like the same colour. Though mine had two stalks, with a total of 7 blood. I "borrowed" some small quilt hanging rods to help keep the stalks upright. And yes .... now all we have to do is watch them diiiiiiiiie :( So enjoyable, that if I can find another, I am going to start all over again.

Happy New Year ... and enjoy today as your quiet-at-home-day!

Kate said...

Oh, I hate days like that! When the flow of traffic controls when you get where (I' so glad to not be doing the commute in Houston traffic any more). Hope you got in lots of restorative stitching time today.

WoolenSails said...

I don't think I ever painted my nails, never mind have someone do it, lol. Nice to be pampered once in a while.
Wonderful projects to work on, I do enjoy having the time to be inside more, so I can get going on my projects.


Huck said...

Same color on my toes! Great minds think alike 😋

piecefulwendy said...

Well, that certainly was a bunch of unfortunate events! At least you got cute toes! Enjoy your NBS day today. I have a friend coming for coffee soon, and then it's all sewing from here. Unless I decide to go get the cat (I'm planning to pick him up tomorrow, but might not be able to wait!)

Natureluvr57 said...

Back when I was very young I came home from work and my Mom asked why I was home so early. Yes, I'm sure I gave her the look like "whatcha talking about" and then I realized I left work an hour early. I had to call and tell them what I did. My one and only time doing that! I guess it's better than you being an hour late and not getting your pedicure done. I always tell Mom to make her doctor appointments on any day but Monday because that's what I do since they charge you for not calling the day before to cancel. At least there's a work day to call and cancel but if something comes up on the weekend. If they're predicting lots of snow for that day we re-schedule because it's silly to get out on bad roads when it's not an emergency. I'm a bit anal about things like and yes, I fill my gas tank when it's half full/low.

QuiltGranma said...

Lemur love! Squeee! is right!

Brown Family said...

Raining Cats and Dogs is cute!