
Quilts PhD

Piled higher and deeper...that's what they are. Yesterday I finished off sandwiching the remaining three quilts for quilting. First up were the Bag Ladies of the Fat Quarter Club. I had way more backing fabric here than I needed, and so I used my pinking shears to cut off the bottom edge. I'll use that fabric for something else eventually.

While I was smoothing this out, I noticed that some of the button embellishments had come off this lady. Possibly, I got interrupted and never finished her. I'd be surprised if they came off because that's never happened with these hot fix nailheads. They stick fast once they're on. Either way, I'll finish that up when I finish the quilting.

Also, this little lady had no button embellishment on her jacket at all. Some of these were stitched on the road with the understanding that I'd finish them when we got home from our trip. And, again, this can wait until the quilting is finished. I'll give her some buttons then.

Next up was Wine Country, and regrettably, I didn't think to take a picture until it was all neatly folded up for addition to the pile. But you remember Wine Country, right?

Finally, Heart & Home. This is one of my favorites of the group. There's something very pleasing to my eye about this quilt. I really love red, black, and white together. Coincidentally, those were our school colors in high school.

So there we go...11 quilts for quilting in 2019. Missing from the pile is a holdover from my last sandwich-making spree, the Lucky Charm quilt. That one is next on the list to be finished, and then I'll probably do the Going Bananas quilt so that I can get it off to Quilts for Kids.

After that, I took some time to relax and ice my knee. It's been bothering me throughout this process. Too many trips up and down stairs, I think. Eventually, I got back to the Farm block. I brought the fused templates upstairs to cut them out in a comfy chair. Only...there seems to be an obstacle to my progress...

If you could just...

Ummm, excuse me, but...

Is there something I can do for you? Don't you have somewhere else you need to be right now?

Well...that was challenging, but I got them all cut out. The first sunflower has 29 pieces.

For this, I slip the placement diagram under the teflon pressing sheet. I can use just the tip of my iron to stick them to the pressing sheet and hold them in place while I get them all set up.

With so many pieces, eventually I can't see the placement diagram any more...

and so I pull it to the side and eyeball the rest of the pieces.

I can still use it to get the correct orientation.

And there we go...one finished sunflower. This one will be peeled off the pressing sheet and then stored away until the quilt is sewn together sometime in 2063.

There's one more sunflower to cut out. The next one has just 14 pieces, so it should be a little less complicated. After that, I'll get going on the cow.

Today is a cooking day, but I don't think it will take up all my time. We're having a little get-together tomorrow. We got a free turkey at Thanksgiving, and Mike wants to try smoking it in his Traeger grill. We've invited the kids and one of the neighbors over. Since Mike's experiments in smoking have tended to take a lot longer than expected, we'll have a ham available as an emergency back-up plan. So my part is to make a couple of salads, some baked beans, and an apple crisp. I'll do the salads today. Also, I need to go pick-up the ham. If I can get all of that finished with time to spare, I'll get back to my sewing.

So here we go...2018 is very nearly history. Happy New Year, my friends. Please be safe out there today and be back to celebrate the new year with me again next year.


Debbie said...

You have the set up figured out! I like your stack of to be quilt-eds. You should stay busy all year with those! Knowing you, I think you will just fly thru them all in 2019. You really think the sunflowers will wait till 2063? Lol, I love that! Maybe I will still be watching :)

djquilting said...

Obviously Smitty wanted some "ME" time. I think it's a good idea to work on the second MR pattern now so you won't forget all the problems you had previously. Then you can be finished with her patterns and instructions forever. LOL. Doris

Julierose said...

I think Smitty wants you to R E L A X...;)))

hugs for a Happy New Year--julierose

Dorothy said...

A very Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year to you and the whole family. Thank you for all of the smiles, chuckles, laugh out loud laughs, and inspiration in 2018. I hope we all are blessed to find you in our inbox every day in 2019

Brown Family said...

Happy New Year! I finally caught up!

SJSM said...

Wow! Talk about prepping for the New Year! I’m still formulating what to tackle. There is still have one more family to finish wrapping Christmas presents before Christmas can be put away. The niece is coming tomorrow for the next sewing lesson and I thought having Christmas up would be fun for her. I go a little over the top with rafter garlands, vignettes of stuffed animals and elves. Everything is lit and creates a pleasant glow during the holidays. When all comes down the house looks sparse in comparison. In general I don’t like dust catchers and have few hanging around.

Next will be preparing for the sewing retreat. Putting thought into a plan for the year as well as the retreat is in order. Heck, if I just take my WIPs it would probably fill the week. I’d like to prep some t shirts and pants for the retreat, too. I need to sew up a lot of fabric to make room for new purchases. Currently fabric is overflowing out of the storage areas and in tubs on the floor under every available table and creeping into all open floor space. To find things I need to shuffle tubs to reach interfacing and foundation supplies then pile the tubs back up. Yep, a sewing strategy is needed. You inspire me to put one together.

Reading your blog each morning is a great start to the day. With you inspiring each day, sewing is never far from my mind. I wish you much happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Happy 2019!

Paisleysmom said...

Happy new year to you and your family. Your blog is my favorite and even though I don’t comment as I probably should, I want you to know I look forward to reading about your sewing, quilting, and cooking adventures. You are funny, inspirational, and uplifting. Thank you for sharing.

Susan said...

Happy New Year to you and your family.
I think Smitty is trying to tell you to give him as much time as you give the quilts.
The first bag lady you showed has two buttons. Her coat is disrepair. I doubt she would have had a whole set of buttons left on it. The second bag lady's coat is in good condition except for a small are of the left arm coat sleeve that appears to be undone but all of her buttons are missing. I doubt her coat would have very few missing buttons. This of course is if it is anything like "real life" or should I say my life.:-)

Sandra W said...

Oh my--I want to come and eat at your house.You have a knack for putting menus together.
Also is that a regular teflon sheet? I'm surprised you can see through it. Mine is fairly opaque. Or are you using a transparent one that I haven't heard about?
We had a quiet NYE. Good friends for dinner, wine and champagne, and then CNN. They are neighborhood friends so no driving involved.Safe and a good time.
And a Happy New Year to you and Mike.

piecefulwendy said...

Happy 2019 to you and Mike, since I'm reading this a day later! We don't party to much, well, we don't party at all. Just watch a show or two. Oh, I remember that kitty help and it brings a smile to my face. (I may be getting another cat; just waiting for the renov to be done, and then I need to make a decision. Hopefully he won't have been adopted before then.) You have a great stack of quilts to work on, and I like each one. It will be fun to see your progress on them. How did the turkey turn out?

Ioleen said...

Happy New Year to you and Mike. I’m looking forward to reading each and every one of your 2019 posts.

ckrut said...

Just catching up on my blog reading. Like Paisleysmom above, your blog is my favorite. You have such a great sense of humor! 2063 really made me chuckle. I never know whether to comment on posts or not. Don't want the blogger to feel obligated to reply. Wish there was a "like" button. Happy New Year!

Julie A Hutcherson said...

ROFL!!! 2063!

You made me actually LOL.

Love your blog, read it faithfully.

sophie said...

That star quilt was inspiration for this RSC project of mine - https://flic.kr/p/nQCmE9 ... which I plan to quilt this year.

Kate said...

That sunflower is just so cool. Sounds like you had some great plans to ring in the New Year.

QuiltGranma said...

When you first showed us the Heart n Home quilt top flimsy, I thought that the border fabric looked familiar. I HAVE that fabric too! Just how ancient is it I wonder? Need to get it used or donated to hubby for his quilts.