
Stitching of All Kinds

We made an unexpected trip into town yesterday. Mike decided he needed to have the fluids in one of the radiators exchanged. Since he needed to leave the car, I needed to follow him into town and drive him back home. As long as we were in town, we ran a few errands. And then, of course, we had to go back to town to retrieve the car when it was all done. Oh well. There was still plenty of time to sew.

Before we left, I stitched up what remained in the hoop for Friendship's Garden.

It's about 3/4 finished now, and I've moved the hoop to the extreme left. It doesn't quite fit into the hoop for the finish, but it's very close.

From there I got ready to go into town. When I came back downstairs...uh-oh. This is never a good sign.

They'd brought in a little shrew. And let me tell you...those things are lightning fast. On the other side of the china cabinet, Smitty was lying in wait.

We haven't seen it since, and so we assume the kitties disposed of it while we were gone. There is no evidence of any kind to be seen anywhere, and the kitties have gone back to their usual business of bothering the quilter.

When I was able to get back to the quilt, I finished off the house and small tree section and added some clouds. I still need to add some clouds in the upper left, but I'll get at those when I get back across to that side.

From there, I moved back to the right side of the quilt above the daisies from the day before and started working on the large dogwood tree and blossoms.

By the time I'd had enough, the whole of the right side was quilted.

Now I've rotated the quilt so the bulk of it is rolled up on the table under the machine, and I'll be stitching upside down across the top. Since I'm just top-stitching it really makes no difference which way I go. This way, the bulk of the quilt isn't dragging across my lap, pulling off applique pieces as I go. If any fall off now, they'll be captured in the folds of the quilt. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything stays put.

I was kind of tired of working on it, and so I went down to the basement sewing room and started top-stitching the November Tuxedo's Tales block. It's a lot more trouble to do it on Pfelicity, but we kept after it until I had it this far. I've machine embroidered the stems of the wheat stalks, and I've marked where I'll make some lazy daisy stitches by hand to finish off their tops. I stitched a little up in the right hand corner where the leaves and stems are there, but didn't take a picture when I quit for the day.

Today will be pretty much a repeat of what I did yesterday. I'm hoping to finish the Tuxedo block today. Probably I won't get Wind in the Whiskers finished today, but I'll get pretty close. It looks like November's OMG will get finished this month.

So that's where it stands here at the Three Cats Ranch. We're expecting another sunny and cold day, but we're expecting the rain to return by tomorrow.


Kate said...

You managed to get lots done on the stitching front. It was sunny and cold here today after the snow yesterday. I'm ready for winter to go back into hibernation.

Quilting Babcia said...

That first photo is a winner, all those pretty flowers. We awoke to a winter wonderland today, and it's snowing again tonight, hopefully not too much more. A couple inches is more than enough!

piecefulwendy said...

You are amazingly calm about the shrew in the house. Our cats would chase a mouse and then get tired of it, rarely catching it. Love that Tuxedo Tales block! It makes me chuckle.

Nancy said...

Hi Barbara. Love your work. Just a quick question, from the photos it looks like you just glue down your cut pieces then run a single stitch around the edge. Does this keep them down or do you never wash your quilts and have the edges role? I noticed that when you do The Tuxedo cats that you use a stitch that seals the edges in. I am new to doing cut edge applique so am just wondering. I have only done the fold under and hand stitch method. Again love your blogg and have been following it for many years. Keep it up.

Brown Family said...

You made good progress on the quilt!

quiltzyx said...

You are zooming along on Wind in the Whiskers! I'm figuring it's quilted all the way by now, but I refuse to peek ahead!!

The Tuxedo Tales make me smile. :D
Today I received the new "aqua" Olfa cutting mat I bought as a Deal of the Day from Missouri Star. I have my new readers...feeling closer to my sewing mojo at last!