
A Peaceful Afternoon of Slow Stitching

Working for Peanuts is finished! Yahoo! There was just a little bit left to do on the quilting yesterday morning to finish off the feathered border.

Here's a little snip of the feathered border. This would have been more effective on a less busy fabric, but I'm practicing, and this seemed like a good place to start.

It was forecast to be a hot day, and so I wanted to get outside, do some watering, and take a walk around. The hot weather has been good for the greenhouse tomatoes, and I saw quite a few turning red. Can salsa be far behind? It seems early for these, but I'm not complaining.

Also, I got a fair picture of the echinacea this time out. There are more and other colors coming, but so far these are the only ones blooming.

Also, another sunflower has bloomed. This one is called "Ring of Fire." It always gives me an ear worm.

When I went back inside, I squared up the quilt and sewed the binding on.

By lunch time, I'd turned two corners.

By around 4:00, it was finished. It ends up at 29 x 32 inches.

Here are a few final pictures. I'm pretty happy with the feathers on the bird.

Here's a longer stretch of the border.

Here's a peek at the back, and Smitty would like you to notice the pawdicure he gave himself.

Give me some treats, and you can have your quilt back.

Maybe the linky party has already started, and now I'm ready to link up.

This morning, I'm getting out for a walk with Sue. We've missed our last three weeks because (week 1) I weenied out, (week 2) we were at the lake, and (week 3) my near brush with death from tetanus, diptheria, and/or whooping cough (take your pick). Today I'm feeling fit as a fiddle, and it'll be good to get back to walking with my friend. Also today, I need to make a quick trip to the grocery store. We're having some dinner guests on Sunday, and I need a few last-minute items.

On the sewing front, I'd like to sew a hanging sleeve onto Working for Peanuts so that we can hang it on a large wall in our bedroom. Also, I need to add a hanging sleeve and label to the Quiltmaker's Garden quilt. It's entered in the Oregon State Fair, and I need to deliver it around mid-August. That's next on the list. I'd rather not be doing it at the last minute.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Amazing quilt! I love your quilting, great choice, feathers are just the right design for it! Beautiful bird, and cat too ;)

Angie in SoCal said...

Wow, what a life-like bird. Your quilting is wonderful. Those tomatoes look yummy. Congrats on your finish.

Cathy said...

Congrats on another beautiful finish, Barb!

Sandra W said...

Your bird turned out beautifully. Well done. It's interesting how the fabric choices--which could seem risky--really bring it to life. It would have been easier to make them safe and bland but the fabric really makes it unique. I don't know if I could have been as bold--a lesson learned.


You did a wonderful job on your Blue Jay--in making him look real and then in all the fancy stitching--and just think --he is all done!! so enjoy--
now you have more time to play with the kitties--at least that is what they 'told' me!!!
enjoy, di

Lady Jane said...

Great looking quilt. Nice feeling to finish a project, especially when it comes out looking so nice. hugs, lj

Lyndsey said...

I love the quilt, it looks fabulous. A great finish.

quiltzyx said...

Yes, I think the feathers on the Jay are my favorite part of Working For Peanuts. Your fancy feathers in the border are very cool too. :) And yes, Smitty's pawdicure looks fabulous!!

Wow! Great flowers! Hope you had a lovely walk with Sue today.

Nicole Painchaud said...

Your cat is a lot like mine, he has to make sure all your quilts are in softness order. Beautiful work.

crazy quilter said...

Spectacular finish on working for Peanuts! Your quilting is on the professional level. I am hoping you win a few more ribbons at the fair as well.

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful quilt and love the quilting.


Patty said...

Spectacular! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

piecefulwendy said...

So fun to see all your garden beauties. I do think tomatoes will be keeping you busy soon! Glad you can get out to walk with Sue too! I now have that ear worm too, thanks. Haha. Enjoy your weekend!

Kate said...

Those sunflowers are beautiful. Ours have gone to seed, which has My Guy overjoyed. The birds love them, so he's been sitting on the back porch in the evenings with his long lens snapping away. Working for Peanuts turned out beautifully!

Quilter Kathy said...

No excuses for that walk today... you even have your UFO of the month done...enjoy!
Love that feathery quilting you did!

Brown Family said...

Another great finish. I've got two I need to post!

Karen's Korner said...

I think that Smitty is more taken with what is on the front! Beautiful bird.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great quilt. I think Smitty wishes it was a live bird, so he could chase it. Not as much fun when it doesn't try to fly off.