
A Little Slower, Please

Life continues at a hectic pace in July. My new glasses are ready to be picked up, and not a moment too soon. On Tuesday, I took a header on our deck outside and banged myself up pretty good. I was running to get the phone when I caught my toe on a step and fell pretty much flat on my face. It broke my glasses, which Mike was able to fix, skinned up my hands, bruised my nose and eyebrow, and possibly cracked a rib. Oy. Well...I'm still alive and kicking, and how bad can it be? It could actually have been much worse. But, I digress. My glasses are ready to be picked up, and I'm getting my hair cut, so there's plenty on today's agenda. Tomorrow I'm walking with Sue. Possibly things will slow down a little over the weekend.

But let's back way up to Tuesday afternoon, post glasses repair, while I was still nursing my wounded pride. When all this happened, I had Sweet Cherry Chutney boiling away in my water bath canner. (The recipe for this is right here.)

While I was at it, Mike came inside to tell me about some mischief going on outside. If you've been reading for a while, then you might remember we have a bat house hanging near the top of the roof on our garage. (If you're curious about that quilt block, you can read all about it right here. You could even have one of your very own!)

So, the bats. We hung the bat house nearly 15 years ago, and it took quite a few years before bats started inhabiting it. Now, we see their little "droppings" on the ground below. But Mike wanted to show me this:

Hmmmmm...Methinks the raccoons are not the only ones eating our cherries.

After the sweet cherry chutney came out of the canner, I had a couple of salads to make, and then I had some time in the sewing room to finish up the June and July Tuxedo Tales blocks. I was working on the top-stitching when I head something from behind. Turning around, I saw this. Now how did that little bag of buttons end up on the floor. I wonder....Oh! And there's my little 3-1/2-inch square ruler too. I wondered where that went.

So, I figured the buttons might as well lie there where they were at zero potential energy. (That's a physics term...I asked the Resident Engineer. Yeah, I'm real smart.) And I went back to my sewing. And then, I heard a scuffling...what the? Apparently, someone wasn't happy. Things weren't going his way, and there was to be no sewing until his treat dish received some attention.

So, I took care of that, and then I could finish the blocks in peace. I added top-stitching and red buttons to the cat, and then a hot fix nailhead for the eye of the bird, and June's block was finished.

And then there were top-stitching and buttons to be added to July's block as well. And, duh, it took me until then to figure out those were blueberries growing out of the watermelon. Presumably, those are cherries in June's block. He really needs a raccoon sitting on his head.

It was late in the day by then, and so I took a little walk out in the garden before starting dinner. The hydrangeas are ready to take their place as the stars of the garden. These next two are growing from the same plant.

The echinacea is getting close to blooming.

But the real stars of the garden right now are the daylilies.

They're very prolific this year.

And, no doubt about it now...zucchini are coming along.

So that brings us to the Fourth of July. My tasks in the morning were to make some taco dip and bake some cookies. Mmmmmm...once you've baked this cookie, no other cookie will do. These are Chocolate-Chunk Oatmeal Cookies with Pecans and Dried Cherries. I've linked to the recipe there, although at that link, I substituted dried cranberries for the dried cherries because it was Christmas. You can also use white chocolate if you like.

When we had everything packed up, it was time to head off for the river. We were set up on the east bank. It was a nice day...overcast, which kept it from getting too hot. There were a few sprinkles during the day, but we had our pop-up canopies, so it didn't bother us. When it seemed the rain was a thing of the past, Mike and I walked across the Tilikum Crossing Bridge. I've written about the why's and the wherefore's of this bridge in a post from two years ago. You can read about it right here. We watched it being built for a couple of Fourth of July celebrations, and it's always a treat to walk across "the people's bridge."

When I walk under these steel cables, I always think it would make an interesting subject for a modern quilt.

Despite the overcast skies, Mt. Hood was glowing across the horizon.

We could see where we were set up from there.

Of course, I took pictures of every blooming thing.

These were growing on the river bank right in front of us.

When we got back from our walk, Erik fired up the barbecue, and we had some burgers and brats.

Erik is an excellent cook, having spent his college years working at a restaurant in Corvallis. Here, he was making what he called a "Death Burger." It had cream cheese mixed with onions, topped with teriyaki mushrooms, topped with bacon, and then topped with a slice of cheese. Yes, death by burger was the goal.

After dinner, we were treated to an unusual sight. Usually and sundown, all we see is the bright sun glaring through the buildings on the Portland waterfront. With clouds in the sky, it was like a beach sunset.

In the water on the left, you can see the barge where they shoot off fireworks after nightfall.

And here we go! They put on a great show this year with some new ones we hadn't seen before.

And that was the end of our day. This morning, these two still have their noses out of joint from having their outside time cut short yesterday. They're just waiting for the doors to open this morning.

But there's always time for some morning snuggles.

And today is another day...lots to do as always, so it's time to get going.



Sounds like a lovely time with family--and sorry about that fall--I know it was all the 'steps' fault for being there!!
I had a cat that would love to take 'each' pin out of my pin cushions and drop them on the floor--I had to be soooo careful to keep the cushions in a drawer when I wasn't using them--so afraid he might swallow one!!
and I got to watch a beautiful display of real fireworks from the 3rd floor bedroom window--!!
enjoy, di

Quilting Tangent said...

Sounds like a pretty good day. Hope you are felling better since the fall. Interesting cat blocks.

Quilting Babcia said...

That sounds like a nasty fall, I hope you're not too sore now. Took a similar spill back in Oregon while I was still working, in addition to breaking glasses broke a tooth and cut up my lip pretty badly. Your 4th celebration sounds very lovely. We began the day with a tremendous thunderstorm, flash floods all over the area, including our creek which rose enough to cover nearly a third of the back lawn, leaving an ugly, muddy (quicksand type) of mess, and moved all the rock pathways made next to the creek. But we left for my step-daughter's place, and were gifted a tiny bib! Yep, another grandie on the way, her other two are 14 and 17!!!

WoolenSails said...

That doesn't sound fun, must be a bad glass week, I broke mine today. Luckily it was one side so I tapped it for now and only wear for crafting, so time to get an appointment and get some new ones. Love the kitty blocks, those are really fun.


Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Tuesday must have been a day for falls. I was chasing after something and my knee gave out and down I went (on pavement). But luckily my face broke my fall. Glasses didn’t break but I now have 2 black eyes, a really messed up little toe and bruised ribs an scraped hands. Maybe we should start a club😁😁😁😁😁. Hope you heal quickly.

SJSM said...

Ugh! Falls. After one last year it slowly dawned on me my balance needs to be improved. Sure enough after a bit of testing it was determined I am going down a bad path. A path that could subject me to a nasty fall at an older age where I could break a bone such as a hip. Currently I am working to get my balance better which means small exercises as well as larger ones to get back my core muscles and flexibility. Funny, I could balance on one foot okay but put any other variable with a one foot balance and I was a wobbly mess. So I am working on that so I can be more active as I age.

I hope your boo-boos heal quickly. I’m loving how the Tuxedo Tails are coming out. Regarding cats and gravity, once in a great while one of my cats does like to line up items on my cutting table and send them over the edge. I think it is boredom and my not paying the right attention to her needs. I.e. lots of petting and loving is needed.

I’m glad you had a 4th of July with the family. It makes a holiday complete.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your fall, especially the possibility of a cracked rib. Hope you mend quickly. The look Smitty is giving you made me chuckle. He's pretty serious about his kitty crack. Haha. Those death burgers look and sound really good, maybe once a year! I may have to tell my hub about them, but maybe not! I just printed off the cookie recipe; we're heading to a cabin next week, and these will be fun to take along. Take care, Barbara. Thanks for the fun post!

Sally Trude said...

Bats are delicious even without a cherry glaze. And Smitty ol' chump, you need to put away your toys. Everyone knows that spools of thread belong under the bed with the rest of the cat toys.



quiltzyx said...

Hope you're feeling better after your battle with gravity the other day. Ouch! Glad your new glasses were ready & waiting for you. I finally have my cataract surgery date - August 31st! Yippee!

Can hardly wait to see Tuxedo Tails when it's all together! And here I thought the buttons were flowers! Berries make more sense.

Looks like you had another fabulous Fourth! I was invited to my friend's house, but decided to just stay home. Such a luxury when I pretty much have somewhere to go EVERY day. Did manage to demolish Mt. Towel Laundry too. Not as much fun as you, but it worked for me.

Judy1522 said...

So sorry to read that you fell and I hope things are less painful today. Your Sweet Cherry Chutney looks so pretty in the jars. There is just something so satisfying about canning. I hated helping my mom with it when I was growing up but that was probably because it was always being done in the heat of summer with no air conditioning. Erik's death burger looks delicious and it looks like all of you were having a good time.

Brown Family said...

It is usually spools of thread mine knock off the table! I hope you are doing better after the fall, THat was a beautiful sunset

Kate said...

Toes are such useful things, till they get caught on something. Sounds like a nasty fall. Hope you aren't too bruised up and sore. Your 4th of July celebration looks like it was a lot of fun. Hope the weekend provides you with some good slow down time.

Olka said...

Haha! My cats are the same! They love to drop things off the table! Sometimes they're staring during making a mess :D I have no idea about the reason, but I can;t even be mad at them!
Your sewed cat pictures are cute! :) I really love to watch your DIY, you're very talented! I would like to be able to sew as nice as you do! I can only make amazing crochet things ;) I like to make DIY and try new things, but I'm just not the best at sewing. Sometimes I'm making some cat toys for the charity organisation I'm working in, but they're simple, silly square cats made with minky and colorful jersey fabrics. They're great for kids I think :)

Michele said...

I'm glad you weren't hurt more seriously. The blocks are looking great and I'll glad you enjoyed the holiday.

Angie said...

This is my first visit to your blog, and I will be back. Your quilting is so beautiful - I like embroidery and cross-stitch, and dabble in knitting, but your work is top shelf!!! Sorry about your accident and hope you are healing well. Unfortunately, it rarely pays to hurry! We have two cats, and I always know to blame Josie when things are out of place. In our new home, we have a touch surface for the oven, and sometimes when we get up in the morning, the oven light is on (Josie walked over the surface!!!) Enjoy your upcoming weekend!

Tammie Lee said...

So sorry to hear about your fall. I have decided to never run for a ringing phone.... I can always call back. Your flowers are lovely and fabric art is super fun.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Eek! Glad you are all right and your new glasses are ready. The colour of the Cherry Chutney is gorgeous. What a smart kitty! I am glad he had his treats. Beautiful photos and the new cat stitchery looks wonderful.

Thanks so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


Kim said...

Oh my goodness, a cracked rib is no fun! I hope you are on the road to recovery. Your two kitties are sweet and the quilt with the sweet cat applique is delightful. Love the expression on the kitty's face. Your blossoms are doing a happy summer dance and those jars of cherry chutney bring a smile to my dial; such glorious and rich colour glistening in those jars.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

I hope you are recovering well from your fall. I enjoyed seeing all your photos and hearing about your adventures. I love your quilt blocks and your Fourth of July looks like it was a wonderful day out :)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Hope you're feeling better today. That was a mighty awful fall, the kind that would happen to me. Special people, we are. :-) Your post was a delight to read. Blueberries coming out of a watermelon works for me. I like the lines of the bridge too.