

So, I have this theory about the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Just possibly it's the planet's way of shooting off fireworks in celebration of the finish of Quiltmaker's Garden. It's possible, right? So, here we go...pictures of this most recalcitrant quilt project of all time. Yesterday morning, I rounded the fourth corner...

From there it was a sprint to the finish, and it was done. It's a large quilt at 72 x 94 inches...large enough for a twin size bed. To take pictures of a quilt this large, one needs a quilt holder-upper with a wide enough wing span. My quilt holder-upper has long arms, but not quite long enough. And so, I resorted to this method I've used before, standing on a bar stool and leaning out over the top of the quilt, using the ceiling to balance myself. It's a two-step process: first, stepping onto a little step stool and then up onto the bar stool (made of straw, if you must know). Scary, huh? I had it in my head that it was the quilt's last chance to stick it to me if I were to fall from my perch and break an arm or something. (That's a cat toy hanging from the rungs of the stool.)

It was a foolish risk, but these are the things we do for our art. So here's the cropped version of that image above.

And this being my May OMG, I'll be linking up there as soon as I publish this post.

After that, I headed into the sewing room to make the May block for Tuxedo Tales. But first, I wanted to sew one of my custom labels onto the Santa's Village quilt finished a while ago. I'd almost forgotten about these little labels, so sparse have been my finishes lately. I just stitched around the edge with invisible thread.

It looks okay from the front.

Quiltmaker's Garden will get a label too, but I'll have to make one for that, and I'll have to attach a hanging sleeve. It's going to be entered in this year's Oregon State Fair, and so the label needs more information than my custom labels provide.

But back to Tuxedo's Tales. This is the block I was making. The pattern is from Bonnie Sullivan.

When I had all the fusing finished, it looked like this. The buttons were just lying there, not sewn on yet.

Then I was able to get the top-stitching and machine embroidery done. Sometimes I do hand-embroidery on these blocks, but for this one, I did it all by machine.

The lace below the collar was done with one of my machine's fancy stitches. It doesn't show up on the cat fabric as well as I'd hoped, but it's good enough. Also, as I posted this image, I realized I need to add the button at the collar. I'll do that today.

There are some life tasks to take care of today. This weekend will be our family weekend get-together. If you've been reading along for a while, then you might recall that out family gets together for a weekend each year in lieu of exchanging gifts at Christmas. This year, we'll be staying on a houseboat in Oregon City. Oregon City is essentially a suburb of Portland, but on the east side of town and the other side of the Willamette River. We're all looking forward to that, but it means preparing some food. I'm going to make a lasagna, and so I need to pick up a few things for that along with some other grocery items. There are some other errands to run in town as well.

Also for this weekend, I'm going to bake some breads. I've been keeping my white starter fed and readying it for baking. When I fed it yesterday, it looked like this 20 minutes later. Obviously, it's feeling very robust and antsy to get itself into the bread-rising game.

I was never a good student of chemistry...mostly because I didn't like doing homework...but I find this whole yeast thing endlessly fascinating. Maybe it isn't even chemistry...maybe it's biology. Whatever. The little critters responsible for this bubbling action are like pets, although they will never replace kitties for night time snuggles. The baking I have planned is a three-day process, and so I'll get those started today for baking on Friday. If there's time, I'll get back to the flamingos this afternoon. For now, it's time to get back to slow-stitching on Friendship's Garden.

As a follow-up to this whole Blogger email notification issue, I received this email last night:

Thanks for posting in the Blogger Help Forum!
We're currently tweaking our emailing system, but we expect it to be working again within the next week. Thank you for your patience - we look forward to getting it out soon!
Hope this helps!

And to that I say, thank you, Ricky. Now please get back to work! Until then, I'll continue to leave myself love messages so that I can receive notification of any comments y'all want to leave. And, thank you.


Barbara said...

You're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it...people like you!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on all your finished goals for the month. I wondered if you were entering the 'Garden' quilt into a show - it deserves it. Now I have added your use of the decor stitch as lacing to an edge in the books - that works super. Kitty certainly sparks up when the extra stitching is added.

Dorothy said...

Hanging sleeve & label to go yet--so still not "done"?? It looks very grand and am sure it will bring home a ribbon


I am sooo happy for you in finishing that beautiful quilt--way to go girl!!
and cause of your hard work on it--it has encouraged me to keep going on my hand quilting one for my goal this month tooo--I am happy to say the handquilting is done on it and I did even get the binding on this morning--so now to sew the binding down on the back side--and with a day and half left-well I just might make it too!!!
Love those Tuxedo cats too--cute--
enjoy, di
ps very glad to hear that our comment section will be back to normal real soon!! thanks for the good news

Vicki W said...

Congratulations! That's a major victory!

Linda said...

Your quilt is just gorgeous! Congratulations on the finish.
Love the Santa's Village quilt. It really is astonishing considering all those pieces to a very clearly defined village.
Your family get-together is such a great idea! I'm going to mention it to my husband and daughter and see what they think about it.

Shirley said...

Quiltmaker's Garden is just beautiful!!! So glad you are entering it in the State Fair. Expecting it to take a few ribbons. Santa's Village is very pretty and it is hard to believe how it all comes together to have such a pretty wall hanging. Love seeing your projects evolve.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on the Quiltmaker's Garden! So glad you were able to get it completed this month.

Have a great time in Oregon City.

Ray and Jeanne said...

Congrats on the gorgeous finish! ~Jeanne

Cathy said...

Congratulations on meeting your OMG for May! It's a beautiful quilt and certainly took a lot of time and effort.

Sandra W said...

Wow! Congratulations on your QUILT(s). Truly beautiful. Well done.
I would not stand on a bar stool, however. Very dangerous. Bad Barbara!!!!

Brown Family said...

Tuxedo's Tales is so cute! Labels are so important!

quiltzyx said...

Down to just the label now on the Rebellious Quilt - nice job!

All the blocks in the Tuxedo Tales are so fun!

Looking forward to virtually smelling & tasting the bread to come. Have a wonderful time with the family this weekend!!


Cathy said...

Congrats on your fabulous finish, Stuart Smalley, LOL. Now, a pop quiz: do you know who Toonces is/was? And what was he terrible at?

Patty said...

So pretty! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Shirley said...

Love your finished quilt, I’m glad I’m not the only one taking risks while trying to get a good shot of the quilt. My DH nearly got a heart attack when he saw me hanging over the railing taking a shot of the quilt lying on the grass beneath the balcony, my love handles were holding on to the railing, my boobs snugly tugged away in my pants to prevent me from tipping over.

Kathy H said...

I am so happy to see your beautiful finished garden quilt. Not as happy as you are I bet! I remember seeing that pattern and thinking beautiful quilt but a lot of work. And it was. So enjoyed watching your progress.

QuiltGranma said...

I'm sure we all have a rebellious quilt in progress, and so glad yours is nearly done (will be done when label and hanging sleeve are added). It is so trying with these difficult/rebellious quilts nagging at us, isn't it? Soon you can say, YOU are not going to bother me any more!

Key Elements said...

I am so happy for you. You worked so hard on that quilt and it is beautiful!! CongrCats!!!

Kate said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish! It has to feel good to get that fussy project off the UFO list. Yeast is a fascinating organism and bread baking is pretty interesting too. The thing that the SIT is finding out is that you need physics to do chemistry and chemistry to do biology. That's what makes those stem programs so hard, you don't just get to take one science, you have to take a bit of each (well to be honest, I always thought it was the math that made the science so hard).

Have a fun weekend with the family.

Quilter said...

Can you hear the applause? Hope so you did a wonderful job on the Quiltmaker's Garden - the piecing is beyond me and that quilting should
earn you several ribbons - it is so pretty... So enjoyed all the different
quilting you used throughout the whole quilt... Enjoy your blog and kittens
and life as it goes... You certainly stuck with it for all these years...
Another round of applause is being done just for you.. the Finisher!!!

So enjoy your blog and have learned a lot from you..
Thank you..

beaquilter said...

This is awesome and great shot!