
Sew Productive

There was important business to take care of before any sewing could happen yesterday. First, a chill day doesn't get off to a good start unless it begins with hand stitching. I'm about 2/3 of the way finished with the latest Wine Country block.

These blocks were a gift from my friend Marei in a Pay it Forward event. They came with no instructions regarding colors, etc., and so I've been making my own decisions about that. From the beginning, I tried limiting myself to a certain palette of colors that matches the fabrics I have for turning it all into a quilt. It's been a fun project, and there are still four blocks to finish when this one is done. Now I've hooped the last of it, and I'm hoping to have it finished before the Christmas weekend is over.

Also, Smitty had to get out for a walk. When he'd walked all over the park and eaten his share of grass, he took a morning nap on the catio with Sadie. It's good to have a friend.

We made a short trip into town to get some Man Stuff at the hardware store. Mike spent his day repairing the plug for his back-up camera. I rode along to mail some letters and also because lunch was in the bargain. When we got back, I added Florida to the side of the RV. Atlantic states...check!

When we started this trip, folks back home asked me where we were going. I responded by telling them we were heading east. When we reached the Atlantic Ocean, we were turning right. Then, we would head south until we hit the Gulf of Mexico, and then we would turn right again. We're spending the next couple of weeks in Florida, and then we'll make our second right turn of the trip. Gulf States...you're next. From there, we'll head west until we hit the Pacific Ocean, and then make our final right turn of the trip. Pretty simple directions, when you think about it.

So with that very important task taken care of, I could finally get in some sewing time. It was already fairly late in the day...later than I'd hoped...and so I didn't think I'd get much done. As it turns out, my sewing day was fairly productive despite the late start. Of course, any day of sewing is always more productive when the helper cats show up.

Do you think I need to demonstrate the If-I-fits-I-sits Axiom again?

The task for yesterday was to start sewing the embroidered blocks together. They encircle the center nine-patch panel forming a border around it. I started with the top row of blocks.

Then moved to the left side...

and the right side...

and finally, the bottom row. You have to be quick with the camera when the helper cats show up.

Here...allow me purrsition my body to create the maximum pawsible impawdiment to purrogress.

Now that I had the blocks sewn together, the next step was to sew a line of decorative stitching across each seam. If I were hard core like the designer Meg Hawkey, I would have done this by hand. I figure that's why Pfelicity has something like 100 decorative stitches, and so I decided to let her do the work. Looking at my choices, I thought Stitch #76 might be a good place to start. And with a name like "Antique Embroidery," it was almost like I wasn't cheating at all.

Only...when I stitched it out, it was kind of heavy and slow. I decided to try another one.

How about stitch #43..."Antique quilt." That might work.

And that one was kind of boring.

So then I tried stitch #13, "Crosshem stitch." It looked a little like the "fly stitch" that Meg Hawkey used on her quilt.

And I kind of liked the look of that one...plus, it was pretty fast to stitch.

So I took a deep breath and stitched across the first seam. It looked pretty good to me.

Continuing on, I stitched over all the seams. I wanted to do as much of this as possible before sewing the blocks to the center panel since I didn't want the weight of the whole quilt dragging while I sewed the decorative stitch.

When I had the left side blocks sewn on, I laid it down on the floor to get a look at it.

As I was preparing to sew the right side blocks on, Miss Sadie showed up to check on progress.

Oh my...this quilt matches my furs purrfectly! Is it fur me?

With her help, I managed to get all four sides sewn on. When I had all the blocks sewn to the center panel, I finished the decorative stitching for the final four seams. And that was the end of my sewing day. I enlisted the help of the Resident Engineer to hold it up for a picture.

Now the only thing left to do is to sew a border around the outside, and then sew the black jumbo rick rack around the center panel, and I'll have one finished quilt top.

Today we're moving on to Tybee Island, just outside of Savannah, Georgia, and we'll spend the Christmas weekend there. We'll be spending it quietly and I know we'll be missing the kids terribly. We've picked up a prime rib roast, and we'll have a scaled down Christmas dinner on Christmas Day.

I'm expecting to have internet service there, but one never knows. With that in mind, I'll say Merry Christmas to y'all right here and now. You've been so kind following along on this journey, and your comments, advice, personal visits, and helpful information have been very much appreciated. Thank you for being such good traveling companions. May all your Christmas dreams come true.


Frog Quilter said...

Love your posts. The embroideries are looking fabulous. And cats well they speak for themselves.

Merry Christmas. kids are coming today for two days. Then we will have a quiet Christmas Day as hubby will be yucky from his eulasta shot? You know what I'll be doing. Stitching! Hugs. 🐸

Vicki said...

Bless those long-suffering quilt holders.

Anne Kirby said...

Sweetie I thank YOU for taking us on this journey. Things aren't so great at Annie's house and so I eagerly await each day's (or every couple days) update and it takes me away for a moment and lifts me up. Have a Merry Christmas, I know what it's like to miss the kids at the holidays but next year you will have them with you I'm sure so enjoy this adventure and God bless you and Mike and your kitties as you travel.

Charlotte M. said...

Merry Christmas to you both Barbara. I love how your quilt top turned out. I too will be missing my kids and grandkids this year, our first living on the west coast. Thank you for the ride along on your trip. My daughter went to school in Savannah and I have been to Tybee. Enjoy your stay there.

Kristin said...

My folks are in Bradenton FL for the winter. If you'd like some ideas for Western FL, let me know and I can put you two together. Merry Christmas!

Ioleen said...

Merry Christmas to you, Mike, Smitty and Sadie. I’ve enjoyed travelling with you guys and thank you for taking me along.

DeeDee said...

Merry Christmas! I know I can't get any sewing done without my helper cats. They are very important to the creative process. I like the stitch you chose for the block outlines. It looks great. Olive, Henry & Doodlebug would like to wish Sadie and Smitty a Merry Christmas and they say they hope there's some catnip in their stockings!

crazy quilter said...

Merry Christmas to you as well.i really like how this quilt is coming together no doubt because of your excellent helpers. Safe travels

heartsease54 said...

Merry Christmas to all of you in your snug traveling home. Enjoy the weekend with the kitties.

Lana said...

What a journey y’all have been on and still so much more to come. I’m sure it will feel a bit odd without your kids Christmas Day, but I’m sure you and Mike and your “furry” children will enjoy a special day. My daughter comes home today and I will be blessed to have her for a week. Your quilt top is looking darling and I continue to live somewhat vicariously through your blog as you share your adventures. Merry Christmas to you and Mike and the rest of your family.

Dorothy said...

Thank you Barbara for taking all of us along for the ride. I have so enjoyed your trip so far, and have learned many new things that I didn't know I needed to know. It's been a feast for the eyes with all the lovely pictures, a feast for the mind with all the info about the places you've stopped at, and a feast for the "funny bone"---love your sense of humor. Have a very blessed and safe Christmas. Hugs to all of you.

QuiltGranma said...

BE IT KNOWN: The west coast, and inland north west is getting SNOW! We're south of Hermiston and Friday afternoon got the first snow that sticks, and now, Saturday morning at 2:30 (not sleeping) we have a couple inches piled up on top of the fence posts, and it is still coming down. Enjoy your warm southern climate, while you can. Loving your posts, history, kitties, activities! Thank you so much for sharing. Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Ann said...

That quilt top is gorgeous. I love the decorative stitching on the seams.
Enjoy your stay in Savannah. Merry Christmas!

piecefulwendy said...

Your embroidery stitching is so neat and even, it's just lovely! How fun that you can use your own colors in the wine quilt! I'm looking forward to seeing it as you get closer to finishing it! Merry Christmas to you, Mike and the cat kids. I hope you have a lovely, peaceful Christmas, Barbara!

Beth said...

Congratulations on that very Halloweeny quilt top! You're accomplishing a lot for someone on the go.

Merry Christmas to you, Mike, and the furry duo. This will be a holiday to remember, that's for sure.

It's snowy and slushy here in Clatskanie. The dogs are delighted, though--I'd forgotten how much our youngest pup loves the snow, but she had not. While I was judging the meager ground cover, she was racing around, overjoyed. One of us had the right idea, and it wasn't me. As far as Cora is concerned, it's the most wonderful time of the year and keep your snooty opinions to yourself.

xxx Beth

Olka said...

I really like you stitches! They look so professional!
Merry Christmas!

Junebug613 said...

You know I love your helpers, they are so adorable! I really like the embroidery Stitch you picked for the seams. I wish I enjoyed actual embroidery as much as you do I've been working on a tablecloth for my mother that she picked out approximately 8 years ago. I still haven't finished it. LOL. How far into Florida are you coming? I'm wondering if you will get close enough that I could possibly meet up with you? Would love to finally get to meet you in person! Merry Christmas!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You got a lot of sewing done. It is looking great!

Kate said...

You made great progress on getting that quilt together. It's going to be another fun one. We visited Tybee Island when we went to Savannah. Of course, it was late June when we went and the Kiddo was all about spending time on the beach.

quiltzyx said...

All put together the quilt is a treat! I think you picked the perfect over-seam stitch to finish it off too.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas - I spent Christmas Eve at my friend Mary Ann's house with all the family & friends - a complete house FULL! (And some of those were my bosses too!) We had a rollicking good time. As for Christmas day, I had a PJ day. Never got dressed & just relaxed at home. Talked to my sister & BIL on the phone and that's about it.

Happy New Year!