It's been a busy month here. I worked like a maniac finishing up the Psycatdelic can see it down below. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but I made a good dent.
Here's what was on my list in November:
Here's what was on my list in November:
Quilting and Flimsies
1. Well, I think I have to do the quilting on the Gardener's Journal now, don't I? In Progress. I have a lot of ideas for this quilt. I'm doing sort of a quilting sampler. Here's just one of the little motifs I've done.
2. I'm wanting to get the Oh, Christmas Tree wall-hanging to the flimsy stage so that I can quilt it next month. Complete!
3. If I'm feeling really energetic about flimsies, then I'm hoping to get the Hello Moon blocks
sewn together. I know how I want to set them...I just need to do it. No Progress, but finishing Psycatdelic was worth putting this one off for another month.
sewn together. I know how I want to set them...I just need to do it. No Progress, but finishing Psycatdelic was worth putting this one off for another month.
Monthly Challenges
4. I've selected my next project for the "Let's Book It" Challenge from this book:
Totally Complete! Quilting and Everything!
6. And, of course, I'm planning to start something new for the November NewFO Challenge, but I'm not sure yet what it will be.
I started and finished this little mug rug in a single weekend at the beginning of the month. It's a pay-it-forward gift for one of my Facebook friends from high school. This is a free pattern from Jenny of Elefantz.
I started and finished this little mug rug in a single weekend at the beginning of the month. It's a pay-it-forward gift for one of my Facebook friends from high school. This is a free pattern from Jenny of Elefantz.
And this one...another pay it forward for my good friend Sher. I was inspired to make this mug rug by the idea that T'onna Peters came up with on her USS Craftsy blog. It's another mug rug that I call "Mickey's Mug".
That'll go on the list to be quilted, probably sometime in January or February.
Bonus Points
So I imagine the Folk Art Cats will keep me busy for the month, but I can never resist stretching my goals to just a few beyond reach. If I can get all of that finished, I'm going to finish and quilt my "Never Underestimate" stitchery. In progress.
I was absolutely right about the cats. Cats...always causing problems and holding things up. Can't live with 'em. Can't live without 'em. But I did take this to the sandwiched and ready-for-quilting stage.
Nevertheless, I do get bonus points for quilting the Peppermint Star table topper. My plan was to work on that in December, but I got antsy once Thanksgiving was over. So, not a bad showing for November.
Let's see what's on my list for December. It seems to me that December is going to be practically all quilting, all the time. Here's what I have planned.
Quilting and Flimsies
1. My first priority is to finish up my the Oh Christmas Tree wallhanging. It's sandwiched and ready for quilting. It's a small quilt, and shouldn't take too long. You can see it pictured up above.
2. Also, I want to finish quilting and binding a Gardener's Journal quilt...and you can see that up above too.
3. Finally, my absolute top priority after those three that come before it is to sew the Hello Moon blocks into a flimsy. And you can see those up above too.
Continually referencing images from "up above" just serves to reinforce how much I have not finished, even though those items remain my "top priority". This time, I'm blaming the United States Congress.
Monthly Challenges
It almost seems silly to assume I'm going to have more time once I have those first four items checked off, but here goes anyway. I'm nothing if not an eternal optimist and slave driver when it comes to sewing.
4. I want to finish up two more blocks for the
I was absolutely right about the cats. Cats...always causing problems and holding things up. Can't live with 'em. Can't live without 'em. But I did take this to the sandwiched and ready-for-quilting stage.
Nevertheless, I do get bonus points for quilting the Peppermint Star table topper. My plan was to work on that in December, but I got antsy once Thanksgiving was over. So, not a bad showing for November.
Let's see what's on my list for December. It seems to me that December is going to be practically all quilting, all the time. Here's what I have planned.
Quilting and Flimsies
1. My first priority is to finish up my the Oh Christmas Tree wallhanging. It's sandwiched and ready for quilting. It's a small quilt, and shouldn't take too long. You can see it pictured up above.
2. Also, I want to finish quilting and binding a Gardener's Journal quilt...and you can see that up above too.
3. Finally, my absolute top priority after those three that come before it is to sew the Hello Moon blocks into a flimsy. And you can see those up above too.
Continually referencing images from "up above" just serves to reinforce how much I have not finished, even though those items remain my "top priority". This time, I'm blaming the United States Congress.
Monthly Challenges
It almost seems silly to assume I'm going to have more time once I have those first four items checked off, but here goes anyway. I'm nothing if not an eternal optimist and slave driver when it comes to sewing.
4. I want to finish up two more blocks for the
I'm making this Dream Machines quilt, and these are the blocks I have so far:
I'd dearly love to finish the last two blocks in December. November's color was baby blue. Traditionally, there is no new color chosen in December, and so I'll choose something on my own. Just looking at what's here, I'm thinking "lavender" would be a good choice.
5. I have selected a project for the Let's Book It Challenge.
I'd like to get a start on this project called "Quilter's Helper":
Guess what color my cat will be. It's from this book that I've had absolutely forEVER! And just as I've posted this, I realize that it's the cover project.
6. And I simply must make something for:
This will be the last NewFO Challenge, and in addition to the usual lapel pin, I'm giving away a nice bundle of fat quarters. I'll say more about that when the time comes, but this is your last chance to participate in the NewFO Challenge. After December, it'll be gone for good...or at least until I get my unfinished projects caught up some. You never know, I might bring it back someday. Don't know what the NewFO Challenge is? Click on that image above and read all about it. No finishes required!
I've already selected my next project, which was on my list for earlier in the year. I'd sworn off baby quilts until...well, you know. I've stopped talking about it at this point. But this one isn't for me or anyone in my family. This one is for two friends from high school who are expecting their first grandchild sometime next year.
I've already selected my next project, which was on my list for earlier in the year. I'd sworn off baby quilts until...well, you know. I've stopped talking about it at this point. But this one isn't for me or anyone in my family. This one is for two friends from high school who are expecting their first grandchild sometime next year.
I have some great fabrics for this, including this fabric for the back:
And while the baby isn't due for a while yet, it seems like a good time to get started.
7. Of course I always have good intentions about making the monthly block for:
Bonus Points
9. As crazy as it might seem to the casual observer (that would be you), I'm going to try to finish quilting the Never Underestimate quilt. It's sandwiched and ready for quilting, and I want to see it hanging in my quilting room right there next to Eliza. You can see it pictured above.
Okay, now I'm tired. Your turn. What's on your list for December?
Wow, lots going and lots finished, I'm looking forward to watching your progress with the FO cat quilt, it's so cute.
All lofty & ambitious goals, for sure. and really pretty quilting! See, that's just one reason this wanna-be quilter keeps coming back - just to see what productivity can look like.
My goals for December...well, let's see. I'm thinking keeping the plants alive & the house relatively clean while chair-bound is a good start. Sewing will certainly be minimal. I was able to start and complete a twin-sized crocheted blanket during the hospital stay & first few days out - now that it's done, I'm needing another hand project to keep me busy, so I have leftover yarn, I guess I'll make a lap sized one to go with.
I still have a couple of tea towels that are embroidered and need fabric trimming, and a couple more towels that are just in the "need to start" stage. I have them selected, and their accompanying designs, but no embroidery & no fabric trim picked out. And, yes, of course, they're all supposed to be Christmas (this year!) presents, and yes, one set needs to be mailed across country. Perhaps I should begin them, instead of sitting here drinking tea & reading blogs? Hugs to you & pets to fur-people!!!
Wonderful wrap up of November to create a well laid December.
There's never a dull moment at the Three Cats Ranch. Projects are looking purrfect.
Sew on.
Points, bonus points and crazy quilter points!
Amazing what you have accomplished this month!
What's on "my" list? I'd be embarrassed to post it after reading what you've got planned! Let's just say I plan to do some sewing and quilting and leave it at that. :)
You got a whole lot done in November and plenty planned for December too!
I AM going to get my sister's braid quilt to the flimsy stage. Lucky for me one of her neighbors has a long-arm and has offered to quilt it for her! Yay! And I am also going to start SOMETHING so I can go for the final NewFO. I am, I am, I am!
I am so looking forward to keeping tabs on your progress for December. Love the cat mini quilt. Don't you love how quickly things get quilted with your new "toy"!
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs
That's an ambitious list, but if anyone can get all that done, you can. You did great with your November list!
Well you have made me remember a few cat quilt projects waiting to do(`Kitty Capers` is one of my BOMs) that are looking like next years projects!
Looking forward to those. Love your quilting.
So sorry to see NewFO end, but I certainly understand :) I think I've taken part in every one of them since you started it - it's been fun and I know there are quilts I have today that would never have come to be without that extra push to "start" something for the NewFO Challenge. Thanks for all the fun Barbara!
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