
It's Cinco de My O'Birthday Giveaway

My trip to Ireland is less than a month away, and so for today, I'm feeling both Mexican and Irish!  Their flags are remarkably similar, don't you think?



How could I resist having a giveaway to celebrate Cinco de My O'Birthday (translation:  it's my birthday and I feel O'ld).  Anyone care to guess how O'ld I'm feeling today?  

I'll give you a hint:  It starts with "cinco" and ends in "ocho".  Or, if you prefer the Irish translation, it starts with "cuig" and ends in "ochd".

Now, this is nacho ordinary giveaway.  There's a hot and spicy prize lined up for you.

I was going to post an image of me in my bikini, but I didn't want you to burn your eyes.  (You're welcome.)

But before we get to the prize, let's party on!  George and Gracie are fired up and ready to rumble!

Speaking of spicy:

And hot:

Let's party like there's no tomorrow!  Because at my age, you just never know.

Time to bust open the pinata and see what's inside.

Today's hot and spicy prize is a 10 fat quarter bundle of Misty Impressions by Ty Pennington.

To win, leave a comment telling me what you order from your favorite Mexican restaurant menu.  Me?  Chile rellenos all the way . . . right after my margarita.  Followers, seasoned or new, can gain an extra chance by leaving a second comment telling me so.  Blog about this giveaway for a third chance to win.  Just leave another comment with a link to your post.

So let's party on!  I'll leave the comments open for one week from today, and announce the winner next Saturday, May 12th.


Anonymous said...

let's party. I mean let's celebrate.
I am right behind you celebrating a birthday - mine is next Saturday! Yep.
I'll have the margarita(s) and those chilly peppers are looking hot.
Happy Birthday and many happy returns of day

Anonymous said...

additional entry for being the first?
Well I am a follower

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Any meal on the menu that claims to have shrimp in it. Yummy, love shrimp. Shrimp burritos have been very good a time or two; I had a shrimp quesadilla once that nearly made me weep it was so good. If the special contains shrimp then I will often be brave and go for that.

Their orange soda is as good as Crush.

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Following joyfully.

waving at Catswhiskers

Anonymous said...

Sent more invitations to your Birthday on my blog.

Samantha said...

Happy Cinco de Your Birthday.. just doesn't work as well does it?

I LOVE chile rellenos so I get that on the side and also enchilladas de mole which I didn't know I would like until I tried it. Chocolate on an enchilla..?? ;) That the jumbo margarita to share with the hubby and life is good!

Samantha said...

I'm a follower.. and correct my other comment.....

That AND the jumbo margarita..

Sadly, I've not been drinking, I'd likely be MORE coherent if I had. ;)

Gill said...

What a great birthday celebration!
I've never been to a Mexican restaurant (Well I do live in a tiny village in rural UK !!) but I have had a margarita!!

karamino said...

Great birthday party!I've never been to a Mexican restaurant) but will have chance in one month - at hotel where we are going to holiday there is Mexican restauran!

karamino said...

I'm a follower!

Sequana said...

After the margaritas, I hardly even mind what I get to eat. :) But if I think about it, some kind of enchillada is my choice.

Happy O'Bday, btw.

Sequana said...

I'm a follower thru my bloglovin reader......and glad of it.

Wilma Lee said...

I usually get, like you, first a marguerite , then I like what is called Mexico City tacos at our favorite restaurant called Papa's and Beer. It is 3 tacos, one chick, one beef, and one pork. YUM!!

Wilma Lee said...

I'm a follower!!

Wilma Lee said...

Got so excited about those fabrics, I forgot the most important thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Linda said...

I'm a follower :)

JoyceLM said...

Last month we went to a small family-style Mexican restaurant in Diana, TX, while I was visiting my Dad (I'm in NC). I ordered a dish with beef strips, peppers & onions. Don't remember the name, but it was delicious. But the best was the guacamole that also came on the plate. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great trip. Thanks for the giveaway.

Linda said...

The Mexican restuarant I go has fishbowl margaritas! Deadly!! I love hot chicken burritos.

Mhairi said...

Being allergic to tomatoes and alcohol, Mexican isn't really my favourite food but a number of years ago I did give my beloved great aunt a card for her birthday that said - "you are so old that if you were cheese you would be ..... mouldy! Not nice but she kept it and got me back the following year with an equally funny card.
Happy Birthday!!

Teresa F. said...

I've never been to a Mexican restaurant. There aren't any where I live. It doesn't matter. the most important is you Happy Birthday Barbara!!!

Teresa F. said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance.

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Happy O'birthday! I didn't realize today was Cinco de Mayo til you mentioned it. As for my fav Mexican dish ... ummm ... I never really order it :o*(

Goood luck to all the participants!

Celtic Thistle said...

Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day!

It is a long time since I have been in a Mexican restaurant, but if my memory serves me right (and at my age that is not always the case!) my favourite dish was chicken enchilladas.

Celtic Thistle said...

I am a follower too.

Love those fabrics, you are very generous to give them away!

We are off to Dublin later this month for a family wedding, and really looking forward to our trip to Ireland like you.

Teresa in Music City said...

You cracked me up with your post today Barbara! =^..^= Loved the pictures of Gracie and George - I'd party with them any day!!! Hope you are having a wonderful birthday week!

I always order the chicken fajitas because I love to see them still cooking in that little pan and then build them up just the way I like :*)

Teresa in Music City said...

And of course I'm a follower!

~Kelie~ said...

Hope you are having a WONDERFUL b-day!!!!
My fav thing to order is the beef enchilladas and soft tacos and cheese dip!!! I love Mexican food!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Lisa Cox said...

I'm kinda strange when it comes to ordering from my favorite Mexican restaurant. I usually order beef fajita nachos, but I hate it when the chips are all soggy. So, I order the nachos with no chips, no onions, and no green peppers, ick.
That way I can use the chips with salsa they bring to the table and my chips are always crisp.

Lisa Cox said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Hope you have a great one.
I am a faithful follower of course

Dana Gaffney said...

Happy Birthday to you.... I'm looking at that same number this year. If it's a new to me restaurant I want some kind of combo, so I can try a little of everything, keeps me from stealing off of other's plates. If we go to the only good Mexican restaurant in town, I have fajitas. I hope you have an amazing day.

yorkie mom said...

I'm a follower.

yorkie mom said...

Happy 50!!! Life is just getting good now. Always order hot wings and chicken nacho grande. yum! Thanks for a chance.

Kate said...

Happy Birthday! It depends on which Mexican place we go to as to what I order. There's a place in the town where My Guy got went to college that we always order a burrito enchindla style split on two plates. Yummy!

Gene Black said...

Happy Birthday, Happy Cinco de Mayo, happy happy!
My favorite dish to order at ONE of my favorite Mexican restaurants is a Shrimp (camarone) Chimichanga.
At the other favorite, it is "Camarones Veracruzanas."
I also love Tacos de Carne Asada. MMmmmmmm now I am hungry.

Gene Black said...

I am a follower....and I wish I could follow you to Ireland - the land of some of my ancestors. Drink a Guiness for me!

KatieQ said...

Happy Birthday! I only remember I'm old when I look in the mirror or even worse, I see a picture of myself. Cameras have become enemy. They make me look old because they can't capture the twinkle in my eye, the spring in my step, or the radiant glow of my personality. They do a pretty good job capturing the wrinkles on my face.

Diane Wild said...

You are way too funny. You should have a talk show. Happy Birthday. Favorite Mexican dish? Okay, that cheesy stuff wrapped up in a tortilla with sour cream and lotsa Margaritas..Yup, I'm into the culture.

Diane Wild said...

Here kitty, kitty. I'm a follower.

KatieQ said...

My favorite item at a Mexican restaurant is a hard choice. As long as I have a Margarita first, I'll eat anything but shrimp (my favorite food, but I am deathly allergic). I am partial to tortilla soup. I love all of the tasty goodies floating around. I also like fajitas, burritos, soft tacos, and a heap of guacamole.

Michele T said...

Happy birthday - great way to celebrate!!! My favorite dish to order is Nachos!! Thanks for the chance.

Michele T said...

I am a faithful follower - thanks for a second chance!

B Greene said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for including us in your celebration! I would probably start with a delicious frozen concoction followed by queso dip and chicken enchiladas. Enjoy!!!!

laurawilson25 said...

Well happy birthday!
I love chili con queso and beef tacos at Mexican or Tex-Mex restaurants. Fortunately there's one on every corner here in the south!

laurawilson25 said...

And I'm a follower!

Denise :) said...

♪♫ Happy birthday ♪ to YOU! ♫♪
♫♪ Happy ♪ birthday to YOU! ♪♫
♪♫ Happy birthday dear ♪ Barbara!!!! ♫♪
♫♪ Happy ♪ birthday ♪ to ♪ YOU!!! ♪♫
♪♫ And many more . . . !!!! :)

%* is not old. Yes. I used code. LOL!

When we go out to eat Mexican I don't care what I get for an entree as long as there is tortilla chips, salsa and cheese dip! I could eat a whole meal of just those three things!!

Denise :) said...

Oh, and of course I'm a very loyal follower, too!! :)

Denise :) said...

Oh, and of course I'm a very loyal follower, too!! :)

Martha said...

Happy Birthday! You are one hot birthday girl! In your honor I would order beef quesadillas and a good cold mojito! With an order of Tums on the side...but hey you only live once, right! So glad you are going to get to go to Ireland....I am jealous. Thanks for being so generous.

Irina said...

Breithlá sona Barbara!
I love my guacamole, salsa, quesadillas and ceviche... mmm...
I hope you have a great birthday!

Martha said...

I am definitely one of your followers...and I love every post. Give George and Gracie a treat for me! Love their party gear. Have a great Birthday.

Irina said...

I'm your follower too

NancyA said...

Happy Birthday--you are just a spring chicken. My favorite item on a Mexican menu is enchiladas, but I usually order a taco salad (without the shell) because I am always on a diet!!

Kim said...

I love carnitas. They are simple but oh so yummy.
Happy Birthday!!! Have a SUPER day :-)

sao said...


I blogged about your giveaway!

sao in Midlothian, VA

sao said...

Happy Birthday - I am a follower and am happy to see that someone besides MOI celebrates Cinco de Mayo!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Sheila said...

Since we have no Mexican restaurants in our area I have no idea what I would order ,maybe a taco :-) Happy Birthday , have a wonderful celebration , it looks like you know how to party :-)

Sheila said...

I am a follower , thanks again for the chance to win.

sao said...

I am going to eat Mexican food today - and I am GUESSING it will be a chile relleno....my favorite.....and a margarita.....hm....is it lunch time yet!

LOVED YOUR BLOG POST - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - and remember OLD is just a word! Age is a NUMBER and really age is largely a matter of attitude......are you feeling younger? :):):) I just wish my YOUNG ATTITUDE could get a better body to live in. LOL

sao in Midlothian, VA

Sallie said...

Feliz Cumpleaños! I usually order chicken flautas or taco salad. I love guacamole! Thanks for the giveaway!

Brita said...

Woohoo, happy, happy! My b'day is this month, too, but it seems I'm about ten years more mature (which may not be saying much ;-) And oh yeah, love those chili rellenos, mmmmmm. And a margarita just goes with Mexican food, especially in the summertime :-D

Needled Mom said...

Happy birthday. It sounds like it will be a great party too.

I never thought about how similar the flags are. We did Ireland last year and loved it.

I am a chili relleno type too - with a good margarita!!!

Brita said...

And I do follow -- I love your sense of humor -- and those great cats! Happy birthday :-)

Margaret said...

Party time! I always order nacho grande.

Margaret said...

I am a follower. Love to read your blog.

Sallie said...

I blogged about your birthday/giveaway at http://salliessampler.blogspot.com/2012/05/help-barbara-celebrate-her-birthday.html

Teresa in Music City said...

I also sent some love your way by posting on my blog :*)

bets said...

I love chicken enchiladas...but don't eat Mexican much! It is a treat when I do!

bets said...

And...I m a follower too! Happy birthday!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think, the world is celebrating with you! Love the hats on cats.

My FAVORITE dish is at El Agave, a little place in Pacific, MO. I never would have tried this except a friend ordered it and gave me a bite. It's a Baja roll filled with . . . here's the strange part . . . grilled chicken, Feta cheese, Spinach and black beans and some type of spicy sauce. I get the white cheese dip and pour over it along with some pico de gallo. It sounded more Greek to me but this is one of the best things I ever ate. And I'm picky at restaurants.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

And I'm a follower!

Jocelyn said...

Happy Birthday Barbara!!
My family loves Mexican food. We even love to make Mexican at home. Our easy fav is Taco Salad, but we have also made quesadillas and enchiladas. And don't forget the guacamole.

Jocelyn said...

I am a long time follower :-)

Cecilia said...

Happy Birthday! I love to order chicken fajitas! They are our favorite.

Cecilia said...

I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

robin said...

Happy birthday! Our local Mexican restaurant makes a great sample plate that I love, the best part being the chicken enchilada. :)

robin said...

I blogged about your giveaway: http://quiltyascharged.blogspot.ca/2012/05/giveaway-at-cat-patches.html

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Don't have TOO much fun!

Sandra said...

Always order the Enchilada plate. 3 enchilada's 1 beef and 2 chicken. Always have enough for lunch/dinner the next day.

Heartsdesire said...

A Margarita first, followed by two chicken enchiladas with sour cream and guacamole. Love, love Mexican food. Hope you enjoy a very happy birthday.

Kathleen said...

I love chicken enchiladas...and a marguerita without the salt...Have a Wonderful BD....

Heartsdesire said...

I'm a follower.

Kathleen said...

I am a faithful follower....love your blog...

Quiltingranny said...

Vegetarian Fajitas with homemade corn tortillas and a frozen Strawberry Marguerita! New to your blog via Quilty as Charged.

Charlene S said...

I love taco salads and haven't had a bad one yet especially with a margarita on the side!

Angie in SoCal said...

I order Carne Asada tacos (soft) con arroz y frijoles al lado. Feliz cumpleaños, Barbara.

Angie in SoCal said...

Tenjo el gusto a ser uno de sus "followers".
Feliz cumpleaños otra vez.

LethargicLass said...

I am generally a boring fajitas girl :)

Judith said...

Happy Birthday! Carne asada with lots of onions and cilantro.

LethargicLass said...

Happy Birthday!! Same day as my childhood nanny :) I am a follower, but since it is a party, I'm following in the conga line :)

Judith said...

I am follower.

Kathleen said...

I just posted about your giveaway and BD on my blog..


Debbie said...

just stopping by to wish you a happy birthday.....before we go out fir our favorite Mexican dish of enchiladas. So happiest of birthdays to you.

Erik said...

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you soo much! Hey I didn't know Gracie and George were Mexican...

arlette said...

Feliz Cumpleaños!!! (Happy Birthday!!!), it's my birthday month as well, as you said 5 de mayo, I'll say the big numbers to you 5 cinco and 8 ocho :), hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

Judy1522 said...

Happy Birthday! I try to order something different every time I go out for mexican food but I do love enchiladas so they are probably may favorite.

arlette said...

Sorry, I forgot to tell you what I like about mexican restaurants..., it's quesadillas and nachos (I adore specially food with melted cheese, hmmmmmmmmmmmm) and Margaritas... of course ;). I'm your follower from a little while now

LeAnne said...

Happy birthday> I almost always order Pollo a la Crema. Anything with a cream sauce finds its way onto my plate (and my hips).

Lyn said...

I am a follower. Thanks

Lyn said...

Happy Birthday, Hope you have a wonderful day! I love fish tacos.

Mrs.Pickles said...

fav Mexican dish is Mixed Pupusa shoot now I want some

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Happy Birthday!!!
My favorite thing to order is a bean and rice burrito with a frozen strawberry margarita.
Have a great day!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

I'm a 'seasoned' follower :o)

free indeed said...

Well, happy Birthday to you!!! I'm only a year older than you.
There are no Mexican restaurants within 200 miles of us, but when we do anything Mex at a regular restaurant, I like quesadillas. Love guac on the side and could eat it by the bowlful!

free indeed said...

I follow via email.

Deb said...

I like a "good" chili relleno - but only if it's good. Otherwise it's a burrito.

Deb said...

Follower -

Kathy MacKie said...

I'm a follower.

barbara woods said...

i am a follower

kc said...

Whoohooo!! Happy Cinco de My-oBirthday! Love that pinata!

Oh, meeohmyo.....what to order? Depends. If we were in Mexico, in our very favorite restaurant, we'd start with (of course) 2 frio margaritas, then a plate of panchos, all the way (that's like cheese nachos, but they have fajita meat & jalapenos, too), then Driver would read the menu for a while & finally settle on some kind of fajita, while I'd stick with taco salad, pollo, sin queso, sin crema.... (chicken, no cheese, no sour cream)

And if we were here in the good ole USA, he'd order something green & spicy, while I'd stick with my grilled shrimp. I *always* get the same thing, no matter which country we happen to be in! :) mmmmm......makes me rethink what I'd planned for dinner!

Janet said...

Happy birthday! I LOVE chicken enchiladas so they are what I check out first. Sometimes I fall back on corn flour tortillas. Only one Mexican restaurant where I live and the quality of food goes up and down depending on who the current cook is.

JudyCinNC said...

We always order the margarita first and I go for the chili rellenos and DH has the shredded beef burrito (I think because it is bigger. LoL Judy C thanks you

JudyCinNC said...

I am a big follower and fan of yours. Judy C

Catskill Quilter said...

I often order loaded nachos. I also love quesadillas, and those are fun to make at home....and tostados are great from home as well! Happy birthday!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am a happy regular follower of your blog - love the partying kitties!

Diann said...

Most often I order a Burrito Hay Caramba, and if not, cheese enchiladas.

Diann said...

I am a follower.

make.share.give said...

A giveaway for me? on your birthday? how sweet. Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Steak fajitas, please.

kc said...

Oh yeah - I'm a follower, too!!

Quiltsmiles said...

Happy Birthday and Cinco de Mayo!
If you need a travel companion I'd go back to Ireland in a snap! Had a lovely trip and many fond memories, have a safe and fun trip.

As for ordering Mexican, typically I love a marguerita with salted rim and chimichangas, or Marguerita with salted rim and enchiladas, or Marguerita {You guessed it} a salted rim with chile rellanos, or a Marguerita with (can you tell I really enjoy anything on the menu with a marguerita- traditional, strawberry, mango.........all of course with a salted rim!)

Celebrate your day and I'll celebrate with a glass here for you too! Happy Birthday! Jane

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh to start; ;I love Margueritas with the salted rim!!
And a good chicken fajita is fantastic. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. happy Birthday....now way I am guessing an age....lol. I know what payback is like; hahaha.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am a new follower....shoot!!! I thought I already followed you....

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am blogging about your wonderful giveaway and birthday..maybe someone will venture a guess...lol

Alison V. said...

Chicken Enchiladas with cheese!

JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Oh dear, my tummy can't handle that spicy and super cheesy stuff, so I have to concoct my own "MILD" version. I love tacos, taco salads, and beef burritos.

Swedish Scrapper said...

Happy Birthday!! iFeliz Cumpleaños! Gratulerar!

Fave Mexican restaurant foods: Chiles Relleños, fried ice cream, and fresh salsa with coriander leaves. Yum!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

EU sou um seguidor.Feliz Aniversário!!!!Eu gosto de guacamole ,e uma coisa, como se fosse uma empada aberta com carne de porco e uns verdinhos gostosos,não sei o nome.Obrigada.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Puffy beef Tacos from Tio Dans in Round Rock Texas....yummmmy

Love the flaming Birthday Cake. Happy Birthday again.....grin.

KatieQ said...

I blogged about your giveaway here:


RSHudson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RSHudson said...

How timely I came across this post right now; my husband's on his way to pick up the Mexican takeout! It includes quesadillas, refried beans, rice...love the Mexican food. Thanks for chance to win and Happy B'day! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

RSHudson said...

And I am already a follower; thanks! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

sophie said...

I'm with you. Chile Rellenos is my go to dish in Mexican Restaurants. Happy Birthday!

sophie said...

I'm already a follower, too.

Deb said...

Happy, happy Birthday!!!! Today is also my son's 30th--that makes me feel OLD. I usually order the Deluxe Burritos. But tonight i made Chimichangas - they were great!

Gwen said...

Happy Birthday!! We had an all-day celebration today for our little Granddaughter, Clarabel, who turned the BIG 0-1 today!! We had taco salad and enchiladas, followed by birthday cake and ice cream!!
When I go to a Mexican restaurant, I always get chicken quesadilla, rice and beans-- but my favorite thing is the chips and salsa with an icy margarita! YUM!

Gwen said...

I am a follower! :-) Thank you for the chance to win! :-)

sunny said...

Happy Birthday!! We celebrated your birthday by eating Mexican food with friends, watching the Kentucky Derby, and viewing the super-size moon. and nary a Margarita in sight. But that's another long story. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Cherise said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :) I'm so jealous that you're going to Ireland!!! That's a place I definitely want to go one day! I can't wait to hear about your travels! :)

Cherise said...

I'm already a follower! Thanks for a great giveaway! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)

Leo said...

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
I don't have a favourite Mexican restaurant in fact I have never seen one around here - The only Mexican food I have heard of are Okras (the right spelling is a mystery to me) - I have never seen them anywhere either. But they look fun on pictures so I guess I would try those.

Leo said...

I have to jump on the second chance ... I'm a follower ...

hueisei said...

Happy Birthday! Wow, have a pleasant trip to Ireland!
I never eat any Mexican food before. So, sorry can't give a name but I would love to win the lovely giveaway!

hueisei said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

happy birthday, lovely photo ot your pets. I have no opportunies to go to mexican restaurant but I really love chili. hugs

Unknown said...

I am follower.

Unknown said...

Happy, happy birthday!
I love my local Mexican restaurant & their chicken enchiladas...with the white cheese sauce, not the red!
And raspberry margaritas!!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! I've been a follower ever since my first visit!

Melinda said...

Found this on Hoodies and Flipflops! Thanks for the chance to win. I usually order fish tacos or fajita quesadillas. Yum....may have to do Mexican after church!

Bailey said...

I love chicken chimichangas! Followed by a strawberry margarita, of course ;)

Bailey said...

I am a new follower...came from Sallie's Sampler!

Kate Brown said...

I am a follower and a very happy birthday to you!!!

Kate Brown said...

chicken fajitas!

magicthimblecreations said...

I usually order a beef/bean roll with rice and black beans.

magicthimblecreations said...

I am a follower and love your sense of humor. I have two cats with so much personallity I understand why your cats are famous.
Peggy in KY

magicthimblecreations said...

Happy Birthday, enjoy your blog. I don't write as much on mine, but my blog is http://www.magicthimblecreations.blogspot.com

SJSM said...

Happy Birthday! We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Margaritas, pineapple jicama and avocado salad, chile rellanos stuffed with spinach, raisins, pine nuts and cheese then baked, not fried. Cilantro rice and esquitas (a corn dish) were thes sides. Mushroom quesadillas for appetizers. It truly was a flavorful feast!

SJSM said...

Oh, yes I am an email follower

Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Barbara! The jammers sure do look good. CELEBRATE!!!! Enjoy your lunch with Mike. I put an apple pie in the oven. Will think of you when we indulge.:) My favorite dish when eating Mexican is Fajitas. We had some in Orlando of all places that was sensational. We are trying to recreate the experience at home:) An iced cold draft beer with my chips and gucamole:) Happy Celebration to you!!!

Becky said...

Happy to follow your blog!

Lisa England said...

Happy Birthday! Good weekend for birthdays -- I've just returned from an out of town trip to celebrate my Dad's birthday. His birthday is today but yesterday we had a surprise party for him. I never thought we'd actually be able to surprise him, but we did! As for Mexican food, Fajitas are my favorite.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm behind (as usual) and missed your birthday. Happy belated Birthday! I love chicken enchiladas with sour cream and green sauce. They are hard to find. Happy Birthday again!

marilyn said...

Happy birthday, my oldest daughter just turned 22 yesterday. It was a good day :) I'm now following your blog and looking forward to learning some new things. I loved watching Ty on his home improvement show so long ago. Time flies!

Marcia W. said...

I am a follower

Marcia W. said...

Happy belated birthday - our well pump broke this weekend, so am very late getting to your blog. Mexican restaurant order: Beef Burrito with green chili sauce and cheese, rice, beans, salad, lemonade...

PJ said...

Happy Birthday Barbara!
First I order a margarita, and then Camarones al Mojo Ajo. Yummy.

PJ said...

I'm a follower!

VickiT said...

Happy Birthday. I LOVE your party cat. Too cute. I will be nice and not guess that age thing since I'm right behind you if I've figured your hints out correctly.

We have an amazing Mexican restaurant minutes from our house and they make the most awesome tasting fajitas. That is what I order all the time. Steak fajitas of course with lots of veggies and tons of guacamole. YUM! THIS really was not the question for me to answer though because for the past three days I've been dying for Mexican food. Hubby mentioned Taco Bell and I laughed reminding him I said MEXCIAN FOOD. HA I think he may have been offended. oops. We got chicken. :(

Anyway have an awesome birthday.

VickiT said...

I am also a follower of your blog.

Deanna said...

I am a chili relleno fan, too. My mexican restaurant life is a constant search for the perfect relleno. If you are even in Utah, let me know and I can give you tips.

Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Kathy H said...

Happy birthday. My favorite is fajitas at our mexican restaurant. i will eat one tonight in your honor!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Happy, happy, birthday, Barbara!!

I always seem to order a #7 which is one taco, one enchilada, rice and beans. I might change it up by changing the meat in it - lol!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

Ali said...

Happy Birthday, and that's a fabulous cat pinata, I love it! I always always always order the same thing from my favorite restaurant (of course I always order a different same thing at my 2nd favorite mexican restaurant each time too...)
Chicken fajitas with flour tortillas and negro modelo beer. Speaking of that I have leftovers fajitas from dinner Saturday night coming up here soon for lunch!

Thank you for the giveaway!

Snoodles said...

Whooo hoooo! Party, party!LOL
We don't go out to eat, so I'll have to tell you my fav to make for us...that would be my beef and pork enchiladas!! Yum! Happy, happy birthday, my friend!

Snoodles said...

I follow you! I should make a picture of Moses in a party hat, too!

Gmama Jane said...

Thanks for the Giveaway. Happy Birthday as well!
Gmama Jane

Gmama Jane said...

I'm a new follower.
Gmama Jane

Anonymous said...

I love a variety of mexican food and often order chicken enchiladas.

Marie Gilkey said...

Love a great Taco Salad or enchilada's!!! Hope you had a fantastic "58th" birthday. I have a few months till my 61st, but that's okay, I'll wait!!!

Marie said...

I love to read about your day!!

Rhonda D. said...

Happy 58th Birthdy! I like to order steak fajitas. Wonderful
giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Rhonda D. said...

I am a new follower. Glad I found

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!

Oh, how I miss Chi-Chi's...I miss the Chicken Chimichanga. I've tried other places near me but none have rivaled their delicious Chimi.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower
shel704 at aol dot com

barbara woods said...

happy birthday i love mexican food

Quilting Corner said...

Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway. I just came to your blog for the 1st time through catwhiskers.
| love tacos.