
Bloggers Without Borders

I wanted to share information with you about a blog I happened upon in my bloggy travels called Bloggers Without Borders.  Quoting from the blog:

Bloggers without Borders has been created to do these things:
  1. To create a platform (through our website, blog and social media platforms) which allows bloggers to promote charitable events and projects and connect them with bloggers who want to get involved.
  2. To offer advice and support to bloggers want to start projects.
  3. To respond to the need in our own community (and beyond) by fundraising for specific causes as and when the need arises.
  4. To use our platforms to raise awareness about chosen social issues through targeted campaigns.
It has occurred to me as my quilts accumulate, that I could auction them to raise money for certain causes.  Bloggers without Borders would give me a platform to be able to do that.  They are just getting under way, and so their causes are limited at this point.  Currently, they are featuring A Fund For Jennie to raise money for a family that just lost its husband/father.

I can see a wonderful future for this site, and so I'm spreading the word.  See for yourself using the link I've provided. 


Snoodles said...

Barbara, I went to see the blog, and this looks like a good organization. Let me know if you auction one of your quilts, cos I would like to spread the word by mentioning it on Lilypadquilting, and help out.

quiltzyx said...

Thanks for the heads-up on BWOB. Sounds like they're off to a good start.