
Busy Morning!

While waiting for my bread to rise and bake, I was able to get another block finished on my "Checkerboard Flowers" block of the month quilt.

This is obviously the sunflower block.  It's the 9th of 13 blocks.  I'm coming down to the wire on this one.  Here's what the whole quilt will look like when it's all finished.

I have the two bottom middle blocks in my possession, but I have yet to finish them.  I'm awaiting receipt of the bottom right block and the center block.

I spent the rest of the morning re-writing blog posts and messing around in the greenhouse.  The cucumbers and tomatoes are looking more promising all the time.  Today was a nice sunny day, and so I set them outside to toughen-up their scrawny little stems.

Oh yes, and remember what I said about the deer not eating the white tulips?  Well . . . scratch that.

There's one of the little tulip-eating buggers now.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Gorgeous sunflower block!