
My Blog is Still Evolving

I haven't been at this long, and so I'm making things up as I go.  I've realized that I like this concept of posting photography on my blog because photography is another one of my favorite pastimes.  Until I took up quilting, I spent all the money I now spend on fabric on photography equipment.  Believe me, with any hobby there are lots of gadgets that are supposed to improve the fun of it or make it more convenient.  "Supposed to" being the operative words in that sentence.  In the same way my sewing drawers are full of useless tools, so are my photography bins full of useless (and expensive!) tools.  Photography is a much more expensive hobby than quilting is.  I know . . . it's hard to imagine, isn't it?

Anyway . . . I kind of got off on a tangent there.  (My mind is like a steel trap, I tell you.)  What I started to say is that I'm going to broaden the scope of my blog so as to make as many blogging friends as possible.  Now that I have this great greenhouse, gardening is moving closer to front and center (although I have a hard time believing that anything could knock cats off the top rung, or quilting off the second rung behind cats).  So I'm going to start talking more about my greenhouse for one thing.

More importantly though, I want to expand the focus of this blog to include more photography.  Sometimes when I pick up a new hobby (as I have with quilting for the past two years), I forget how much I have enjoyed my other hobbies.  When I started posting for "Wordless Wednesday," I remembered how much I love photography too.  I'm pretty much self taught, although I did take a course from the New York Institute of Photography and several from Ed2Go.  Still, those are in-home courses taken sitting at the computer, and so I still consider them kind of self-taught.  (I'm a self-taught quilter too.)

So, all of that to say, that I'm getting ready to launch a segment on Saturdays that will include the posting of some of my photography; and . . . I'm going to ask you to post yours too--if you're interested, of course.  I think it will be a lot of fun to see what you see when you look through your viewfinder. 

I think of photography as visual highlighting.  In the same way I use highlighters to help me pay attention while reading a boring textbook, I use photography to help me pay attention to the world around me.  When you have a mind like a steel trap (HA!), it's easy to get distracted.  But with photography, when I see something beautiful, interesting, or just plain cool, I can't help but snap the shutter.  I have, in the past, called myself the Stealthy Shutter..

See what I mean?  You never know where I'll be.

I'm not ready to tell you how this is going to work, but I hope to have it up and running by next Saturday.  I have in mind the theme that I want, but I need to get the logistics of how to get it up and running on the blog.  All you photographers out there . . . stay tuned.  But even if you're not a photographer, stay tuned for some great images.

Photography isn't so far from quilting.  I've been getting interested in making quilts from some of the pictures I've taken.  Such a quilt is next of my list of projects once I get finished with the ones I'm working on now.  And as I'm writing this, I'm starting to salivate about getting going on one of those.

I hope you'll keep checking in for the beginning of what I'm going to call "Foto Finish."  As I said, I'm hoping to have it up by next Saturday, but it might be a week from Saturday if I'm slow.  All of you take good care.

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