
2019: The Year in Review

With this post, I'll sign off for a few days. I'd hoped to do some sewing yesterday, but slow-stitching the newest snowflake was the only sewing I was able to accomplish. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up, doing laundry, undecorating,  and creating lists. Also, I spent some time going through our maps, tour books, hiking books, and state folders, organizing them for our upcoming trip. The next several days will be spent much the same way, packing food, cleaning out refrigerators, packing clothes, grocery shopping, and the list goes on. There won't be much that's picture worthy or worth telling. I'm guessing your days will be spent doing some of those things too. Instead, I'll do my annual year in review.

In January of 2019, there were 22 projects on my list of WIPs. December of 2019 will end with 25 on the list. You'd think with 32 quilts finished during 2019, my numbers would be better, but that's the sad truth of it. Many of the WIPs on the list just need quilting and binding, and so possibly 2020 will end up with fewer unfinished projects. Many of the quilts finished during 2019 were also started during 2019. Many were small quilts made for challenges and swaps, but a few were rather large quilts started and finished as special requests for family and friends. With that little intro, here are the quilts that were finished in 2019:

Going Bananas
a charity quilt for Quilts for Kids
started 11/24/18 and finished 1/9/19
38 x 44 inches

Threads of Hope
original design made for Project Quilting
Season Ten, Challenge #1 Theme: "Hope Springs Eternal"
from my favorite quotation by William Shakespeare:
"True hope is swift and flies with swallows' wings."
16 x 21 inches
started 1/9/19 and finished 1/11/19
thread painting, hand embroidery, and free motion quilting

Lucky Charm
pattern adapted from Canoe Ridge Creations
started 3/17/18 and finished 1/13/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
22 x 22 inches

Let's RV
a cross-stitch pattern from Ursula Michael Designs
started 1/4/19 and finished 1/20/19
12 x 17.5 inches


Feathers and Flurries
pattern is Tweety's Snowflake by Wendy Butler Berns
Season Ten, Challenge #2 Theme: Red, White, and Blue
12.5 x 14 inches
started 1/20/19 and finished 1/21/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
Viewer's Choice Winner!


Alley Cat Quilt Guild
a small quilt from Alley Cat Tales
fusible applique and traditional piecing
free motion quilting
started 12/16/18 and finished 1/24/19

Pawtrait of Cricket
a small wall-hanging of my grandkitten
fusible applique
started 1/26/19 and finished 2/4/19
14 x 17.5 inches

Muskcat Love
pattern is Cat Butt Valentine Banner from Orange Bettie
Season Ten, Challenge #3 Theme: Bigger than a Breadbox
18 x 16 inches
started 2/3/19 and finished 2/5/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting


Emerald Isle
a table runner adapted from 
Little Bits of This & That (free pattern)
quilt as you go project
started 1/24/19 and finished 2/6/19
17 x 38 inches

design inspiration from Melissa at Make it Yours
Season Ten, Challenge #4 Theme: Pixel Play
21 x 17 inches
started 2/18/19 and finished 2/19/19
traditional piecing and straight-line machine quilting

pattern by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studios
started 7/6/15 and finished 2/24/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
68 x 68 inches

L is for Love
pattern from Ellis and Higgs
Season Ten, Challenge #5 Theme: Abecedasius
24 x 28 inches
started 3/4/19 and finished 3/7/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilted on my domestic machine


from an original photograph
using the technique of Ruth McDowell
started 5/17/18 and finished 3/19/19
42 x 36.5 inches


Stitched Inchies Sampler
created by Meg Hawkey for National Embroidery Month 2019
hand embroidered and hand quilted
started 2/1/19 and finished 4/1/19
10.5 x 11.5 inches


Bunny Garden
wall-hanging from Lynette Anderson
started 2/27/19 and finished 4/11/19
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, machine quilting
13 x 14 inches

Rainbow Jubilee
pattern is Jubilee Lap Quilt from 
the Black and White, Bright and Bold book by Kim Shaefer
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
61 x 81 inches
started 4/8/18  and finished 4/13/19


Cardinal Mosaic
started 10/10/18 and finished 5/24/19
traditional piecing, hand applique, and free motion quilting
41 x 41 inches


Heart and Home
Pattern by Robin Kingsley, Bird Brain Designs
started 11/15/17 and finished 6/20/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
48 x 48 inches


Pawtrait of Clementine
a small wall-hanging of my other grandkitten
completed 6/23-29/19
fusible applique, free motion quilting and free motion embroidery
14 x 14.5 inches

When Life Gives You Scraps
hand embroidery started 3/11/19 and finished 7/2/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
13 x 15 inches

Solstice to Solstice
a challenge quilt from Pat Sloan
started 12/16/16 and finished 7/16/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
86 x 86 inches

Beach Hut
pattern from Patch Abilities
started and finished 7/21-23/19
fusible applique, traditional piecing, machine embroidery
6 x 12 inches

Sew with a Merry Heart
pattern from Jenny of Elefantz
started and finished 7/21-29/19
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, machine quilting
8 x 11 inches

upcycled mug rug from a pouch that contained bread mix
from Erick Schat's Bakkery in Bishop, California
8 x 11

made from hand-woven fabrics my son brought from Guatemala
from a pattern in the book by Kim Schaefer
Black and White, Bright and Bold.
started 5/22/19 and finished 8/7/19
traditional piecing, free motion quilting
84 x 64 inches

"Z" is for Zebra
pattern by Tartankiwi
18.5 x 18.5 inches
started 7/22/19 and finished 8/9/19
paper-pieced and free motion quilted


Modern Teal
a mug rug for my partner in the Teal Mini Swap
a fundraiser for ovarian cancer research
9 x 8 inches
started and finished 8/9-10/19


"U" is for Unicorn
pattern from Robynie.com
17 x 17 inches
paper-pieced and free motion quilted
started and finished 8/12-14/19

Home Sweet Home 2.0
pattern by Bird Brain Designs
10 x 17 inches
hand embroidered and straight-line quilted
started and finished 8/11-26/19

Wine Country
vintage embroidery transfers from Aunt Martha
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
 started 5/25/16 and finished 10/23/19
58 x 73 inches

It's Raining Cats and Dogs
a pattern by Bunny Hill Designs
started 12/12/13 and finished 11/27/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
55 x 62 inches

Semper Fi
started 10/23/19 and finished 12/11/19
89 x 102 inches
traditional piecing, free motion quilting

So ends this quilter's 2019. 

I'm taking plenty of projects along on our trip, and so there will be some progress made on those pesky WIP's. It's sometimes hard to do much sewing though since everything has to be dragged out and put away in the same day. It means we need to be stationary for a few days with no sight-seeing on the agenda. Traveling along with us will be a zip-lock bag of half square triangles, a few kits I've had for a long time, and some smaller projects already started. In other words, I'll have plenty of sewing to keep me busy during idle hours.

Matthew will be staying at the house while we're gone, and that always gives us peace of mind. Our travels will take us south and west...wherever it's warm and dry. We'll head out on Sunday, and you should hear from me again shortly after that. I'd say happy new year, but I'll be checking in again before that. In the meantime, I hope all your Christmas wishes have come true. I'll be back in a few.


Ann said...

What a great review of your projects for the year. Wishing you safe and happy travels.

Jeanne said...

Wonderful gallery! I think Stitched Inchies is my favorite. Safe travel!!

Californianativedaughter said...

You really did accomplish quite a bit. I wish I could say the same. I should probably start a list of all the things that I complete in 2020. With a 2.5 year old granddaughter, there are always projects to do, whether it's a portable dollhouse, next on my list or clothes for her, I am always busy.



Whether you finished 'ufo's' or make new ones--
everyone of them is a delightful finished project--
and shows alot of stitching time--
have fun packing and planning--
will miss your daily post--
luv, di

Julierose said...

All just lovely quilts--I am especially drawn to the "Pawtraits"
and Bunny Garden..Enjoy your time out and have a safe journey...
hugs, Julierose

Andra Gayle said...

What an amazing year of quilting you have had! Beautiful treasures! I have not been very prolific but plan on changing that for 2020! Keep up the lovely sewing!

NancyA said...

Wow! That is a great list of accomplishments for the year. Hard to pick a favorite, but am always impressed by your ‘pawtraits’. I love that you are adventurous and try new techniques; an inspiration to me. I have added at least one of these to my 2020 to-do list: the Rainbow Jubilee quilt. I think that is very striking and I love to make string quilts. This will be my RSC quilt this year.. Just need to order that book. Thanks for all the eye candy.

Angie in SoCal said...

What a great body of work from 2019. Wow. So many I liked. reading the dates of some of those quilts, I felt inspired that someday I will get those UFOs done. Have a safe and fun trip. Blessings!

gpc said...

Amazing as always. Ad my gosh, even though I've been here all along, there were several that I'd forgotten. (And fun to see the quilt that is hanging in my own entry way!) We just finished our second-to-last Christmas family gathering, but the last of them to be held at our house. The dishwasher, washing machine and vacuum are all buzzing, and I will be glad to sit and reflect for a bit.

Jenny said...

That's certainly an impressive list of finishes for the year.
Enjoy your trip, I always like to read of the places you go, and things you see. We are heading away in our caravan (trailer) tomorrow for a couple of weeks. Stitching bag, knitting bag, and library books packed!

Kate said...

You finished some fun projects this year. Hope you move a few projects along while you are on the road this winter.

Nancy said...

Wow! Nice job getting 32 project to done.

Lyndsey said...

A great review of the year Barbara and I love all your projects. Now I need to get prepared for your journey, factoring in time to read all your post so I don't miss anything this time.

Sherry said...

Great finishes for 2019. I will be following along with your travels. Looking forward to seeing the US from your view.

Brenda said...

For whatever reason, I love the flamingos and the raining cats and dogs. I love all of them and think you are amazing for all the energy and talent you put into everything that you do. Have a wonderful trip!

Joan G said...

Beautiful work! I cannot wait to see what you create in 2020. Wishing you safe travels.

Ioleen said...

You had a very busy and productive year. Love all your projects. I want to make a list of my wip but I’m afraid to see how many there are, but I do need to get it done and start finishing some. Have a safe trip and I look forward to your posts.

juliehallfeldhaus said...

I'll be happily tagging along with you viva your blog!! I love your trips!

piecefulwendy said...

You have had a fantastic year of quilting, with so many finishes! Enjoy your trip! I'll look forward to reading your posts as you motor along.

Susan said...

I would say you accomplished a lot in one year. At least I am impressed. I hope you have safe travels.

Shelina said...

You've had a fantastic year with so many beautiful projects. I was trying to pick a favorite as I went through but I just couldn't. I really like Zebra but so many others also. I hope you have safe and wonderful travels.

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great quilt show!
I still love the "Sew with a merry heart" embroidery!

Brown Family said...

I always enjoy your beautiful quilts!