Good morning, my friends. We have a pretty view of Mt. St. Helens this morning. We've been having some very nice weather, and we're expecting it to continue into next week. After last week's deluge, it's nice to see some blue sky and sunshine. And with what's happening in California right now, I'm not complaining about the rain...just acknowledging it. There are worse things than rainy days.
Getting Back to Normal
Project Quilting 16.1: Mythical Creatures
Good morning, my friends. Once again, I’m writing fast. Poor Sadie has to go to the vet this morning. There’s been no bloodshed so far, but one can never rule that out when Sadie is being transported somewhere against her very strong will. Honestly, for her size, she packs a punch. But, let’s not focus on that right now. I’m afraid she’ll be reading over my shoulder, and realize what’s in her future.
So it took me two days to finish my piece for the “Mythical Creatures” prompt. After thinking over several ideas, I decided to go with my final inspiration. I was reminded of this sign I saw on the main drag through the little mountain town of Idyllwild, California.
Marathon Stitching
Good morning, my friends. It was a beautiful day of weather yesterday. It looks like we're in for another pretty day today. It's a grocery shopping day, and so a dry day is always appreciated. The sky was pretty this morning, treating us to some pink and blue stripes of sky.
Meeting of the Minds
Good morning, my friends. I'm a little bleary-eyed as I'm writing this morning. I woke up too early, and then couldn't get back to sleep. I've had worse early-awakenings, and so it's not all bad. And since I don't have to go anywhere today, it hardly matters. I'm sure a nap is in my future...maybe sooner than you might think.
It was a good sewing day yesterday. I sewed my guts out and got quite a bit done. The kitties and I had a meeting of the minds over the first challenge for Season 16 of Project Quilting: "Mythical Creatures." When I read the prompt, I had a lot of ideas. Of course, I first asked myself if there was some sort of mythical cat. There were actually quite I few cats in mythology, but none I thought I could make into a quilt in one week. I thought about a few other things: dragons, unicorns, mermaids, centaurs...nothing really struck me as something I wanted to make. Finally, and simply because it would be easy to do, I printed out an image of a Phoenix, reasoning that at least I could do it in a single week.
When I showed it to the kitties, they were kind of Meheow about it. We had a length discussion about whether this design was worthy of my attention.
Okay, so finishing this quilt will be today's goal. It's doubtful I can finish both quilting and binding today, but I'm hoping to get it to hand-stitching stage. I'll be stitching what remains of "Bicycles and Lace" for the Girls' Getaway quilt, and my challenge quilt will also be almost exclusively hand-stitched. Add in this quilt binding, and I see many hours of hand-stitching ahead. I like hand stitching. The kitties like it too.