
A Teeny, Tiny Giveaway

I'm renewing my subscription to Quiltmaker, and I can give a year's subscription to one of my friends.  If you'd like a year's subscription to Quiltmaker absolutely free, leave me a comment letting me know.  I'll draw a name at random on Sunday morning.  You must first be a follower . . . this is for one of my friends, seasoned or new. 


Gill said...

Hi Barbara
I would love a subscription if I can join in from the UK ???

Pieces to Love said...

What a fun gift to give. I would love a subscription to Quiltmaker, that is one I don't get...

Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is my Mom's favorite and she gave up her subscription, how nice it would be to share them with her.

Aliene said...

I would love a subscription to quiltmaker. Blessings!

Sallie said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Celtic Thistle said...

What a generous giveaway! Not sure if you can do this internationally, but if so count me in :)

Diann said...

I would love to have a subscription to Quiltmaker. Thanks for the opportunity.

Cecilia said...

Thank you, I would love to receive a subscription to Quiltmaker. My subscription runs out soon.

B Greene said...

I would love to have a subscription to this magazine - thanks for the generous offer!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu adoraria ter essa preciosidade mas...Sou brasileira e sei com é difícil ser internacional na hora de sorteios.Um grande beijo.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

Denise :) said...

Oooh!! Count me in, please! I love this magazine! :)

Anonymous said...

I am a well seasoned follower and a Quiltmaker's subscription will my cat's whiskers!
thanks for the chance
that's not a wee giveaway, it's GREAT.

Pamela said...

What a sweet idea, I have not subscribed to a quilting magazine for years, so would really enjoy this!

Bobbie said...

teeny tiny? this is a fantastic giveaway! please oh please oh please pick me! :)

Kathy S. said...

Wow! What a great idea! Thanks for the teeny tiny giveaway... even though it would be HUGE to me.

Judy1522 said...

That is a great idea. Thanks for the chance to win.

Teresa F. said...

Lovely idea Barbara. What a great and not a bit tiny giveaway. I'd love to be the happy winner.

~Kelie~ said...

I would absolutely love to win this giveaway!!! It would be like winning monthly! Of course, I am a follower of your great blog!! I love this little corner of the world wide web! :)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

What a generous gift Barbara..I'd love the chance to win a subscription!!

Gene Black said...

It would be awesome to win a subscription. I don't get Quiltmaker, so I would love to win.

Kathleen said...

I would love to win this subscription. I have never rec'd Quiltmaker....

PJ said...

I'd love to have a subscription to Quiltmaker. Thanks for chance to win.

WoolenSails said...

I would love to be entered.
And a Happy Birthday to you!


robin said...

What a lovely thing for you to do! I'd love a subscription to Quiltmaker! Thanks for the chance. :)

Laura said...

I would love a subscription! Thanks for sharing all of your quilting with us - and I especially enjoy your cat posts!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I used to get Quiltmaker but some how have let the subscription lapse. I would love a chance to win another subscription.

Janet said...

This would be lovely! Thanks for entering me. I am a follower.

Teresa in Music City said...

Well not that's tempting! I've let all my subscriptions go in the past few years, but Quiltmaker is one that I continue to buy on the newsstands. It's always got interesting quilts and ideas, and I love that they provide quilting motifs with their quilts. Count me in!

Maree said...

Happy Birthday Barbara. I would love the chance to win a subscription to this magazine if it is OK from New Zealand.

Snoodles said...

Wowser...you and the kitties are so generous. I would love to win a subscription (and I would let both Moses and Padsworth read it, too) and thanks for the chance to win!

Sandra said...

Would love to win a subscription. Thank you for the chance.

hueisei said...

I'm from MY, if it's alright to ship here then I want to participate! Thanks :)

Deb said...

I'd love a subscription to this magazine - I've let all my subscriptions lapse, but this was always a favorite.

Diane Wild said...

I haven't seen a copy of this for a long time..I would love to see it again. Thanks for the chance.

meg said...

I don't normally leave comments just to win something but I have to admit I would love a subscription! Thanks for the giveaway~~ Happy Birthday!

Kate Brown said...

I would just love a subscription! thank you for the chance to win and I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a year of health and joy!

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

What a nice thing for you to do....I am a follower....hope Mr. Random chooses me!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

I am a follower...my cats are followers too (just kidding, they are not allowed on the computer)...LOL. Wow, what a nice thing you are doing...would LOVE to win - it's still one of my favorite mags. Every now and then I treat myself to a copy.

arlette said...

Awwwwww, I'd thrilled to be entered in the drawing (and being picked as well), but I'm international and don't think so I could participate..., I'm your follower from a little while now!!!

JariJari said...

Wow! Thanks for being so generous. I'd love a subscription as a gift.

JariJari said...

Wow! Thanks for being so generous. I'd love a subscription as a gift.

JariJari said...

Wow! Thanks for being so generous. I'd love a subscription as a gift.

Teresa said...

I don't get this magazine but would love to win a subscription.

Kathy MacKie said...

I'm a follower and would love to win this giveaway and thanks for thinking about us!

bets said...

Wow...would love to win a subscription! Nice giveaway!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Thanks, I'd love to get some fresh ideas and sharpen up my skills.

Leo said...

Does that offer count for oversea friends too? I mean I would understand if not ... but I would love it anyway.

Ruth said...

I would LOVE a subscription. Please add me to the drawing!

KatieQ said...

Thank you for offering such a delightful giveaway. We all love to receive surprises for our birthday, but its' lovely of you to offer a gift to your followers for your birthday.

Dana Gaffney said...

I am seasoned, so much nicer than old. All of my subscriptions have just run out and I'm still thinking about which ones to renew. Nice prize.

Michele T said...

This isn't a small giveaway at all! I would love to win a year subscription - thanks for the chance!!

Lisa said...

yes!! I would LOVE to receive that! Thank you for the opportunity!

LethargicLass said...

we need to work on your definition of small LOL... If it works for International I would *love* to win!

free indeed said...

What a great idea to share it with your followers! I'm happy to oblige :)

Angie in SoCal said...

I would love to have a subscription to Quiltmaker. How nice of you! I am a follower.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Thank you for the chance to enjoy what looks like a wonderful magazine.

hafza said...

Oh what a generous giveaway...thanks for sharing and for the chance to win...

Unknown said...

you are so generous, but I think to be too late and as living overseas not being in. hugs