
Found Dog

My husband went into town yesterday evening to pick up a few things.  He seemed to be gone forever, when he called to let me know he'd found a dog in the road and was looking for its owner.  No problem, I wasn't starting dinner until he got home anyway.

I was down in the basement where my sewing room is when I heard the unmistakable sound of clicking doggie toenails on the wood floor above me.  [Did he bring that dog home???????]  Yes, he did.

He had a rabies tag, but otherwise, no other form of identification.  Mike had gone to the houses all around, but nobody owned him or knew who owned him.  We called all the neighbors we knew, and we sent out an email via our neighborhood watch system.  Nothing.  We called the local animal shelter, but of course they were closed on Sunday.  We left a "found dog" message with his tag number, but it was clear that we were stuck with him overnight.

The cats were beside themselves, although the dog acted as if they were invisible to him.  They both were slinking along the floor as low as they could possibly be, ears laid back.  George was yowling and whining, and he was pretty perterbed when the dog promptly ate ALL of his food.  See, this is where cats and dogs differ.  A dog will eat cat food, but a cat would never eat dog food.  He also had the extreme bad taste to drink from their water!  I started calling him Herschel (as in, Hershey Bar, for his chocolate color) because I didn't like calling him "the dog." 

We got used to the idea that Hershel was ours for the night.  He was extremely well behaved, except at bedtime when we put him in the laundry room.  He was quiet at first, but then he started howling as if he had been banished from the face of the earth for the rest of eternity.  So, Mike got up and took him downstairs to the basement where we have a spare bedroom and slept with him down there.  George, Gracie and I stayed upstairs, and we all managed to sleep despite this dog in our midst.

George could not believe his eyes when he got up this morning and Hershel was STILL HERE!  He couldn't even go outside, as is his usual routine, because he had to keep an eye on Hershel to make sure he didn't start playing with his cat toys or something.  The utter gall of it.  When Mike left for work, he took some "Found Dog" posters we'd made, but then received a call from the animal shelter with the address and phone number of Hershel's mommy.  The phone number didn't work, but somehow he was able to track down the "Ex" of the owner.  He instructed Mike to put Hershel in her garage.  (Makes you wonder if there's a custody dispute brewing, doesn't it?)

So Mike came home and we wrote out a note to tape to the owner's door telling her that her dog (whose name is Teddy, it turns out) was in her garage.  Shortly thereafter, Mike received a call from her that they'd been reunited and EVERYONE was much happier.  Thank goodness.  Because now George and Gracie can get back to doing what they do best.


Irina said...

jeez... I have some friends in Portland and the first thing I thought after reading the title was to ask them if they would be willing to take a dog... Ha! there's me, a sucker for rescuing animals, on the other side of the world, trying to find a home for a dog... unbelievable.
(please don't laugh now)
I'm glad it has a happy ending....!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the story has a happy ending. Bless you for taking him in for the night.


D. Leigh said...

Cleaverly written! And I am so glad to read your are Good Samaritans! If I ever misplaced one of my petkids, I would feel so much better knowing they had been with people like you ...

LethargicLass said...

So glad it ended well and that your houseguest was hungry, but well-behaved LOL :)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I'm so glad that you were able to reunite Teddy with his mommy. I'm surprised that the cats didn't rip up something of your husband as their way of expressing their utter disbelief that he could bring such a creature home to their abode - lol!

quiltzyx said...

It's nice to know that Hershel/Teddy had a warm, safe place to spend the night, even if he did have to withstand the kitty stink-eyes!
About the food thing - I believe that cat food has more fat in it than dog food does & that's why it's so yummy to them all. :D

SJSM said...

Every time our daughter and SIL visit our cats are absolutely besides themselves as the dog, Chorizo, comes with them. Chorizo, a dachshund/chihuahua mix wants to be friends or at least tolerate each other but the cats will have none of it. We have had to dog sit on occasion. Chorizo must be in the room with us or he howls so plaintively. The cats spend the night on top of the bed with us. In the morning the cats take residence under the bed. Chorizo respects their space under the bed but no where else. By the time Chorizo's mom and dad get back everyone is tuckered out.